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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth S17

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I have had 3 S17s so far and Ive had one break right in the middle of the shaft where the fuse point is. I only use the stick 3 times and it broke so Im not so sure about the durability on these sticks.

A fuse point is no where near ther middle of the shaft and an S17 doesnt even have a fuse point.

Technically, the S17 has 2 fuse points. They're just not the same as the fuse points found on other OPS. You can easily see that the stick is made in 3 parts (shaft, taper, and blade) and molded together in the finishing stages of construction (just like all the other true OPS save the busch sticks).

I picked one up today and used it in a game plus a drop-in. The best word I can use to describe it is "smooth". The stick really seems to perform effortlessly and just seems to glide when shooting, if that makes any sense.

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I used one for the first time today as well. I found that for some reason my long shots (dump ins) seemed to float sort of like you were describing DamnLocust. I think it may be due to the fact that the elliptical taper is torquing less and there is more spin on the puck. My shot is definitely different with this stick. I would say that it is harder than with any other stick I've used and I've used many high end sticks.

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Great hook ups is enabling me to get a really good deal on this stick, what's it feel like when puckhandling? I picked up a grip CNT in my LHS recently and held off buying it due to the really crappy feel of the puck on those suckers.

Also, is a Grip version available soon?

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Great hook ups is enabling me to get a really good deal on this stick, what's it feel like when puckhandling? I picked up a grip CNT in my LHS recently and held off buying it due to the really crappy feel of the puck on those suckers.

Also, is a Grip version available soon?

The regular and Grip both came out at the same time.

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The feel of the stick is pretty good, but I almost wish there was a bit more more weight on the blade. not for balance, but for puckhandling. (The balance of the S17 is great.) Then again I've only used it 3 times so far and I'm sure I'll adjust accordingly.

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i didn't want to start a new topic...so dont yell at me... :)

i sent my toys to easton about 2 weeks ago via USPS Priority Shipping, they just let me know yesterday that there was a mixup and a bit of a delay and my package was sitting in Nebraska(??) or somewhere for a week...

originally they were supposed to get to Easton Dec. 11.....

do you think Easton will still be able to send my toys and send me an S17?

any help is appreciated, i just hope Guru understands that the USPS f'd up on this one, which is why im using UPS whenever possible from now on,,,

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From Hky Guru

5) Must be received by Friday, December 14, 2007 by 12:00noon (we still need to deliver them ;-) )

11) NO Crying - its the Holidays!

15) The IMPORTANT PART of all this- YOU ARE GIVING, the getting thing is secondary. If you dont agree, please do not participate!

Write it off on your taxes if you don't end up getting it. I would assume it comes down to how the Guru is handling things. If on noon on Friday he placed the order to Easton for all the sticks then I would assume you won't get one. If he just moseys down the road and picks them up, then he might end up walking back for more either way and he might feel like being nice.

Don't bother him, and don't count your eggs before they hatch. If I get an S17 it's going to be a nice surprise, if not then some kids in need got some toys to help make their holidays just a little more pleasant.

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From Hky Guru

5) Must be received by Friday, December 14, 2007 by 12:00noon (we still need to deliver them ;-) )

11) NO Crying - its the Holidays!

15) The IMPORTANT PART of all this- YOU ARE GIVING, the getting thing is secondary. If you dont agree, please do not participate!

Write it off on your taxes if you don't end up getting it. I would assume it comes down to how the Guru is handling things. If on noon on Friday he placed the order to Easton for all the sticks then I would assume you won't get one. If he just moseys down the road and picks them up, then he might end up walking back for more either way and he might feel like being nice.

Don't bother him, and don't count your eggs before they hatch. If I get an S17 it's going to be a nice surprise, if not then some kids in need got some toys to help make their holidays just a little more pleasant.

lol...im 16 i dont pay taxes :P ...i kno...i don't intend on asking for the toys back...i just hope i get an S17...thats all

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Any info on the blade? Does is keep its stiffness or does it go soft like the stealth CNT blade or like the SE/SL blade that breaks easily.

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give it two-four months to get some reviews.

The tough thing is there will be a lot of non-reliable reviews from EMB members.

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give it two-four months to get some reviews.

The tough thing is there will be a lot of non-reliable reviews from EMB members.


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