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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth S17

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I'm expecting to get mine in mid-febuary to mid-march. I honestly don't care though, just another stick to try out and hopefully like.

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I just phoned yesterday to check on the status of mine. They had received my stick the day before and said that I should expect one by Friday or Monday. The woman I spoke with did not mention that they have a shortage in the warehouse. I wouldn't be surprised if she is clueless though. This stick is being sent from Kirkland, Quebec I think. I'm not sure if you guys in the states are getting them from another warehouse or not. I guess it's time to get those folks in Tijuana to work some OT!

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Don't forget that they still have their toy drive sticks needing to be sent out, retail store shipments and of course the pros need their sticks.

This is one small reason why I keep a small LHS selection of hockey sticks taped and ready to go.

Ya, I'm curious to see how long it takes them to send out the sticks from the toy drive. I think if they get shipped sometime in the end of this month or beginning of the next that would be pretty fast considering there aren't even that many in the LHS's.

In case anyone is interested I got my toy drive stick just today. I asked for grip but didn't get a grip, but I'm certainly not complaining. Just letting you guys know you might not get exactly what you want if you specified a certain stick, but as they say on the Easton site, no whining (or something like that).

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In case anyone is interested I got my toy drive stick just today. I asked for grip but didn't get a grip, but I'm certainly not complaining. Just letting you guys know you might not get exactly what you want if you specified a certain stick, but as they say on the Easton site, no whining (or something like that).

Only 40 went out, along with the 25 helmets to US recipients. Consider yourself lucky. 25 Canadians getting helmets have to wait for CSA approval.

Also, a good deal of them were pro stock. Always easy to add grip, I just hope I don't get grip on mine, I can't stand the Easton retail coating.

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In case anyone is interested I got my toy drive stick just today. I asked for grip but didn't get a grip, but I'm certainly not complaining. Just letting you guys know you might not get exactly what you want if you specified a certain stick, but as they say on the Easton site, no whining (or something like that).

Only 40 went out, along with the 25 helmets to US recipients. Consider yourself lucky. 25 Canadians getting helmets have to wait for CSA approval.

Also, a good deal of them were pro stock. Always easy to add grip, I just hope I don't get grip on mine, I can't stand the Easton retail coating.

You bet - I'm very appreciative to Easton. I've actually never bought one of their sticks before but this put them in my good books and I'll likely try out more of their sticks now.

Just curious, is there any way I would know it's a pro stock or not? Nothing on the stick seems to indicate that.

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If it's got a name other than Heatley, Iginla, Lidstrom, Sakic, Drury or Forsberg would be a good indication- or if it has one of those with a curve that doesn't match.

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Heard a lot of that. Some shops aren't dropping the price of their CNTs... Makes no sense why they don't up the price tag of their S17s too.

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Has durrability improved at all since the release?

Initial reports that I have heard are that the first batch came from the factory and Easton noticed their durability issues. A few calls, a bit of re-engineering of the processes in the factory, and they are back online producing sticks and with the subsequent batches the issues have been resolved.

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Has durrability improved at all since the release?

Initial reports that I have heard are that the first batch came from the factory and Easton noticed their durability issues. A few calls, a bit of re-engineering of the processes in the factory, and they are back online producing sticks and with the subsequent batches the issues have been resolved.

Explains why they're so behind with warranty replacements, if they had a break in production to get the problem fixed.

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It's one of the main issues that companies that do not own their own production fascilities (TPS and KOR do...a few others also that I can't think of at the moment) that when the first "batch" of say 5,000 are delivered....only after they are in use, and the next batch is started, do they realize the problem. A quick adjustment at the factory and they are back on schedule. Albeit with a slight delay of course. But hopefully this means that a great performing stick is now also a durable one as well. ;)

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Heard a lot of that. Some shops aren't dropping the price of their CNTs... Makes no sense why they don't up the price tag of their S17s too.

Easton has probably set the price at a certain amount and the LHS isn't allowed to go higher. It looks like they dropped the price $10 (CAD) from the CNT to the S17s. It's pretty standard around here.

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That very well may be. I recall someone Chadd/JR/Jimmy mentioning that a couple companies would be doing something similar to that to help out LHSs sales. Can't go over or under a certain price.

It might just be that I had a long day, maybe I'm waaay off.

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With Easton, there is a minimum advertised price on 08 models in effect. 07 models can be advertised for any price. Since the S17 was delivered, we've been selling the CNT for $150. They are actually moving now, at $220 us poor hockey players in the north just can't cough up that kind of money.

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I believe that member got his S17 via the Easton message board toy drive... I'm assuming he got an early run of the S17 in a Drury pattern. (I also requested a Drury...hopefully it's here before it's available at retail :P )

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Yes, but I believe Top was referring to retail, since he stated "only 4 patterns available", and was questioning the fact that a user posted pics of a Drury.

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