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McAmmond Injured

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Edit: it was wrong, I'm not for hits like that, but McAmmond needs to protect himself better than that.

You shouldn't have to protect yourself that long after you pass the puck.

Remember folks, we're seeing the replay in slow motion so what looks like a really late hit in slo-mo is in actuality finishing the hit. Downie leaving his feet and head hunting was wrong and he should have to go toe to toe with someone for it. Had he kept his skates on the ice and laid McAmmond out with a clean shoulder this topic would be totally different.

Downie will likely get the NHL slap on the wrist and McAmmond will likely not admire his pass so much next time.

McAmmond passed the puck before going behind the net and was hit after he cleared the far side. Downie was in a great position to see that the pass had been made and McAmmond no longer had the puck nor was he involved in the play.

I guess you've never heard the warning, "Don't admire your pass." McAmmond cleared the net in less than a second, still fair game by NHL standards to finish your check.

Edit: it was wrong, I'm not for hits like that, but McAmmond needs to protect himself better than that.

You shouldn't have to protect yourself that long after you pass the puck.

Remember folks, we're seeing the replay in slow motion so what looks like a really late hit in slo-mo is in actuality finishing the hit. Downie leaving his feet and head hunting was wrong and he should have to go toe to toe with someone for it. Had he kept his skates on the ice and laid McAmmond out with a clean shoulder this topic would be totally different.

Downie will likely get the NHL slap on the wrist and McAmmond will likely not admire his pass so much next time.

So does this mean that Canadians will stop booing Jack Johnson every time he touches the puck?

Considering Johnson keeps getting booed for a phantom hit and a prize winning dive, I don't think so. Canadians aren't that bright.

Well as long as you're going to take the logical approach and label 30 million people as not being "that bright", I won't bother approaching the JJ situation like a "bright" person would. I'll just say I hope he gets that cocky, shit eating grin wiped off his face this year, and leave it at that.

Anyone else love people who make large and untrue generalizations based on an isolated incident or small percentage of a population? Americans are racist, egotistical, self serving war lovers...wait...that would be an unfair generalization based on a very small percentage of the population...idiot.

And here I thought Canadians were supposed to be known for having a great sense of humor and an affable nature. Take a joke, captain.

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I love the way downie plays but he did jump there without a doubt but that hit would have been clean if he didnt leave his feet.

Not really McAmmond got rid of the puck before long before he got hit, it was definatly not finishing your check it would have been interference

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Any time you leave your feet like he did, I'd definitely call an intent to injure penalty, same as hit from behind. I don't care whether the guy getting hit gets injured or not, he's going into the box for 5 good minutes.

And, what the hell is up with this going on during the preseason? I understand that guys will do anything to get onto the squad, but going out and trying to injure an opposing player is just insane.

This guy Downie needs to be suspended from the league indefinitely.

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I think it was an absoloutely ridiculous hit. It was charging , interference , elbowing , checking to the head, not to mention a blindsiding hit that was well late. I hope the leauge gives him a big enough suspension.

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Thats not a late hit, its called finishing you check when you watch the video its goes from 5 to 6 seconds in that time he passes and gets hit. i see it 20 times a game obvisoly not to that extent, going down the boards you make a pass and 1 or 2 seconds later you get hit.

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Thats not a late hit, its called finishing you check when you watch the video its goes from 5 to 6 seconds in that time he passes and gets hit. i see it 20 times a game obvisoly not to that extent, going down the boards you make a pass and 1 or 2 seconds later you get hit.

That's not "finishing" a check. That would imply he was already in the process of hitting the guy when he released the puck. when McAmmond released the puck, Downie is at the hash marks. Over the years, the concept of finishing a check has become bastardized into being able to hit the last guy who had the puck no matter how long ago he passed the puck. The coaches and officials have let that standard slip as much as with the interference and obstruction. Even at the NHL level the rule does not permit this type of hit. That's assuming you actually go by what the rule book says.

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The hit being late isn't what makes this suspension worthy. The jump and the elbows to the face certainly are.

EDIT: If you can pause it right after the point of contact, you'll see that Downie is a few inches off the ground, and his elbows are right in McAmmond's face.

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Ok, what about Jansens hit last year? he gets what? 3 games? This hit wasn't as late as Jansens on Kaberle last year.

Go back and I think you will find I was outraged by that one as well. Janssen, Neil, Downie, those actions shouldn't be tolerated. It's guys like that who kill NHL ratings by knocking out more talented guys. It's also sad that people are so desperate for big hits that they're willing to condone their actions.

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If the NHL did things the right way, there would be no long-term fire to fuel. If the players were allowed a little more lee-way in policing themselves and one another, a situation like this would have had an opportunity to burn-out last night (though the fact that Downie was immediately tossed from the game would have made it difficult). Instead, rules have been put in place which essentially protect guys like Downie from any repercussions of their actions on the ice.

Darcy Tucker, anyone? Ryan Hollweg? Colby 'bitch ass' Armstrong? They're all guilty of doing this crap night in and night out with it going un-policed and un-sanctioned. In fact, I think I'll sit back and smile with great joy when something horrific happens to Colby Armstrong. What goes around comes around kid....I don't hate anyone in this world, but Colby Armstrong is the dog shit that you scrape from the waffle of your sneaker sole.

Listen, I was pretty outraged last night over what Downie did to McAmmond. Dean McAmmond is a guy that didn't deserve that, especially after coming off the concussion in the Finals. More than that, he certainly didn't deserve it from some puke who's proven NOTHING at the NHL level.

If Downie was that pissed off about being punked out, why didn't he go after Schubert? Because he can't, because he IS a punk. I said it in the Training Camp thread, Steve Downie is one of the most overrated 'prospects' to come along, and he won't have a very prosperours NHL career if he keeps pulling antics like last night.

I understand this is a violent sport by nature, and hockey players are tough SOB's, but this was totally uncalled for.


i agree that some hits that have been thrown,are very derserving of few games. but thats the role some of theses guys play. when i played thats what i did. stur shit up, get into ppls faces. colbys hit on koviu was fine, glided int him, koviu turned away... patrick eves was guilty of having his head up his ass... i have rang a few guys bells for doing the same thing he did. i watched the downie hit a few times in slow mo... and it actually looks like he didnt leave his feet until after the hit, i think he charged him huge, and was trying to make an impact on the game. unfortunately it was alot more than he expect. head hits wont be stopped, alot of hits that have caused injuries last years were clean.. its just when the shoulder made impact. and im almost positive that downie wasnt like well.. he just had a concussion i wont hit him.. like no all of us have played in some intenses games, where blood flows, and sometimes we all do something we regret. at the NHL level at this time of year, the guys are gunning for a spot, and like i said before sometimes we under estimate ourselves. i hope downie gets suspended. but i also hope the hits dont stop, i dont want to go pay and watch someone sunday morning shinny with defence men waving their sticks, as forwards dangle their way through everyone... hits like the one on eves, and tucker on kapanen, or tucker on JR are part of the game that needs to be there.

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Ok, what about Jansens hit last year? he gets what? 3 games? This hit wasn't as late as Jansens on Kaberle last year.

Go back and I think you will find I was outraged by that one as well. Janssen, Neil, Downie, those actions shouldn't be tolerated. It's guys like that who kill NHL ratings by knocking out more talented guys. It's also sad that people are so desperate for big hits that they're willing to condone their actions.

I completely agree, but some people on here are saying about kciking him out of the league or suspending him for a full season, this is what I disagree with.

Janssen= Completely late and boarding ...3 games.

Neil= Elbow and late....nothing?

Downie= Charging, possibly late, everyone has a different opinion...yet to be anounced.

Simon= using a stick as a weapon...one season or whatever it was.

This is deffintly not even close to ask bad as the Simon stick to the face. Neils was a head shot and late and he gets nothing. The NHL needs to be more consistant with their calls and reactions.

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The NHL has been consistent. You only get a major suspension if you use a weapon or the player is crippled.

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So you're saying if Downie lays the hit and McAmmond doesn't get injured, the suspension wouldn't be the same?

I'm saying that if Dean gets up, it's probably only two minutes and this discussion isn't really happening. If the doctors say that McAmmond isn't going to miss much time, the suspension will be minimal. The only way this is a long suspension is if they say McAmmond can't play again. Then again the NHL could go against their history and surprise me. I just don't see Campbell changing his views.

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If the NHL did things the right way, there would be no long-term fire to fuel. If the players were allowed a little more lee-way in policing themselves and one another, a situation like this would have had an opportunity to burn-out last night (though the fact that Downie was immediately tossed from the game would have made it difficult). Instead, rules have been put in place which essentially protect guys like Downie from any repercussions of their actions on the ice.

Darcy Tucker, anyone? Ryan Hollweg? Colby 'bitch ass' Armstrong? They're all guilty of doing this crap night in and night out with it going un-policed and un-sanctioned. In fact, I think I'll sit back and smile with great joy when something horrific happens to Colby Armstrong. What goes around comes around kid....I don't hate anyone in this world, but Colby Armstrong is the dog shit that you scrape from the waffle of your sneaker sole.

Listen, I was pretty outraged last night over what Downie did to McAmmond. Dean McAmmond is a guy that didn't deserve that, especially after coming off the concussion in the Finals. More than that, he certainly didn't deserve it from some puke who's proven NOTHING at the NHL level.

If Downie was that pissed off about being punked out, why didn't he go after Schubert? Because he can't, because he IS a punk. I said it in the Training Camp thread, Steve Downie is one of the most overrated 'prospects' to come along, and he won't have a very prosperours NHL career if he keeps pulling antics like last night.

I understand this is a violent sport by nature, and hockey players are tough SOB's, but this was totally uncalled for.


i agree that some hits that have been thrown,are very derserving of few games. but thats the role some of theses guys play. when i played thats what i did. stur shit up, get into ppls faces. colbys hit on koviu was fine, glided int him, koviu turned away... patrick eves was guilty of having his head up his ass... i have rang a few guys bells for doing the same thing he did. i watched the downie hit a few times in slow mo... and it actually looks like he didnt leave his feet until after the hit, i think he charged him huge, and was trying to make an impact on the game. unfortunately it was alot more than he expect. head hits wont be stopped, alot of hits that have caused injuries last years were clean.. its just when the shoulder made impact. and im almost positive that downie wasnt like well.. he just had a concussion i wont hit him.. like no all of us have played in some intenses games, where blood flows, and sometimes we all do something we regret. at the NHL level at this time of year, the guys are gunning for a spot, and like i said before sometimes we under estimate ourselves. i hope downie gets suspended. but i also hope the hits dont stop, i dont want to go pay and watch someone sunday morning shinny with defence men waving their sticks, as forwards dangle their way through everyone... hits like the one on eves, and tucker on kapanen, or tucker on JR are part of the game that needs to be there.

The first person surprised by this post, raise your hand.

I won't bother waiting.

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If the NHL did things the right way, there would be no long-term fire to fuel. If the players were allowed a little more lee-way in policing themselves and one another, a situation like this would have had an opportunity to burn-out last night (though the fact that Downie was immediately tossed from the game would have made it difficult). Instead, rules have been put in place which essentially protect guys like Downie from any repercussions of their actions on the ice.

Darcy Tucker, anyone? Ryan Hollweg? Colby 'bitch ass' Armstrong? They're all guilty of doing this crap night in and night out with it going un-policed and un-sanctioned. In fact, I think I'll sit back and smile with great joy when something horrific happens to Colby Armstrong. What goes around comes around kid....I don't hate anyone in this world, but Colby Armstrong is the dog shit that you scrape from the waffle of your sneaker sole.

Listen, I was pretty outraged last night over what Downie did to McAmmond. Dean McAmmond is a guy that didn't deserve that, especially after coming off the concussion in the Finals. More than that, he certainly didn't deserve it from some puke who's proven NOTHING at the NHL level.

If Downie was that pissed off about being punked out, why didn't he go after Schubert? Because he can't, because he IS a punk. I said it in the Training Camp thread, Steve Downie is one of the most overrated 'prospects' to come along, and he won't have a very prosperours NHL career if he keeps pulling antics like last night.

I understand this is a violent sport by nature, and hockey players are tough SOB's, but this was totally uncalled for.


i agree that some hits that have been thrown,are very derserving of few games. but thats the role some of theses guys play. when i played thats what i did. stur shit up, get into ppls faces. colbys hit on koviu was fine, glided int him, koviu turned away... patrick eves was guilty of having his head up his ass... i have rang a few guys bells for doing the same thing he did. i watched the downie hit a few times in slow mo... and it actually looks like he didnt leave his feet until after the hit, i think he charged him huge, and was trying to make an impact on the game. unfortunately it was alot more than he expect. head hits wont be stopped, alot of hits that have caused injuries last years were clean.. its just when the shoulder made impact. and im almost positive that downie wasnt like well.. he just had a concussion i wont hit him.. like no all of us have played in some intenses games, where blood flows, and sometimes we all do something we regret. at the NHL level at this time of year, the guys are gunning for a spot, and like i said before sometimes we under estimate ourselves. i hope downie gets suspended. but i also hope the hits dont stop, i dont want to go pay and watch someone sunday morning shinny with defence men waving their sticks, as forwards dangle their way through everyone... hits like the one on eves, and tucker on kapanen, or tucker on JR are part of the game that needs to be there.

I have a question and a couple comments.

How old are you? Based on what I've just read, I have a hard time imagining you're old enough to have ever "stur shit up, get into ppls faces...rang a few guys bells".

Secondly, please go back to grammar school or at the very least ask someone who can read and write to check your submissions before posting. Reading garbage like that posted above is tough on the rest of us.

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Agree or disagree, Bob saw it unfold in the press box. He knew what Downie was going to do and guess what? Downie did not disappoint. He threw the high hard hit with intent to injure. That is the definition of match penalty for those keeping score at home. Downie's problem was with Schubert. In the past, players would take the number and settle it with that dance partner. Those days are over. Every man for himself in the New NHL.

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If the NHL did things the right way, there would be no long-term fire to fuel. If the players were allowed a little more lee-way in policing themselves and one another, a situation like this would have had an opportunity to burn-out last night (though the fact that Downie was immediately tossed from the game would have made it difficult). Instead, rules have been put in place which essentially protect guys like Downie from any repercussions of their actions on the ice.

Darcy Tucker, anyone? Ryan Hollweg? Colby 'bitch ass' Armstrong? They're all guilty of doing this crap night in and night out with it going un-policed and un-sanctioned. In fact, I think I'll sit back and smile with great joy when something horrific happens to Colby Armstrong. What goes around comes around kid....I don't hate anyone in this world, but Colby Armstrong is the dog shit that you scrape from the waffle of your sneaker sole.

Listen, I was pretty outraged last night over what Downie did to McAmmond. Dean McAmmond is a guy that didn't deserve that, especially after coming off the concussion in the Finals. More than that, he certainly didn't deserve it from some puke who's proven NOTHING at the NHL level.

If Downie was that pissed off about being punked out, why didn't he go after Schubert? Because he can't, because he IS a punk. I said it in the Training Camp thread, Steve Downie is one of the most overrated 'prospects' to come along, and he won't have a very prosperours NHL career if he keeps pulling antics like last night.

I understand this is a violent sport by nature, and hockey players are tough SOB's, but this was totally uncalled for.


i agree that some hits that have been thrown,are very derserving of few games. but thats the role some of theses guys play. when i played thats what i did. stur shit up, get into ppls faces. colbys hit on koviu was fine, glided int him, koviu turned away... patrick eves was guilty of having his head up his ass... i have rang a few guys bells for doing the same thing he did. i watched the downie hit a few times in slow mo... and it actually looks like he didnt leave his feet until after the hit, i think he charged him huge, and was trying to make an impact on the game. unfortunately it was alot more than he expect. head hits wont be stopped, alot of hits that have caused injuries last years were clean.. its just when the shoulder made impact. and im almost positive that downie wasnt like well.. he just had a concussion i wont hit him.. like no all of us have played in some intenses games, where blood flows, and sometimes we all do something we regret. at the NHL level at this time of year, the guys are gunning for a spot, and like i said before sometimes we under estimate ourselves. i hope downie gets suspended. but i also hope the hits dont stop, i dont want to go pay and watch someone sunday morning shinny with defence men waving their sticks, as forwards dangle their way through everyone... hits like the one on eves, and tucker on kapanen, or tucker on JR are part of the game that needs to be there.

I have a question and a couple comments.

How old are you? Based on what I've just read, I have a hard time imagining you're old enough to have ever "stur shit up, get into ppls faces...rang a few guys bells".

Secondly, please go back to grammar school or at the very least ask someone who can read and write to check your submissions before posting. Reading garbage like that posted above is tough on the rest of us.

regardless of how i wrote something all you have seem to do what was point out a few of my mistakes... thats my how i feel about. hitting is part of the game. i dont know where you played hockey, or how competitively, but some players get into that zone so much they dont realize the outcome of their actions. downie is looking to make a team, so he through a huge hit, was he alittle carried away, of course. does that happen to most of us, yes it does.so instead of chriping a few grammer errors stay on topic.

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regardless of how i wrote something all you have seem to do what was point out a few of my mistakes... thats my how i feel about. hitting is part of the game. i dont know where you played hockey, or how competitively, but some players get into that zone so much they dont realize the outcome of their actions. downie is looking to make a team, so he through a huge hit, was he alittle carried away, of course. does that happen to most of us, yes it does.so instead of chriping a few grammer errors stay on topic.

After I go to the trouble of kindly asking you to use normal English like the rest of us, you respond with that? If English is not your first language, then I apologize for being on your ass, BUT if not, then I am saddened by what our schools must be teaching...

ANYWAYS, back on topic. I agree with a few of your points, but disagree with the important ones. Everyone who's been trying to move up a level in ANY sport at any point in their life understands about trying to give a little extra to make yourself stand out.

However, almost everyone also knows that means dropping the mitts a few times with a willing partner, playing with a bit of a chip on your shoulder, and finishing your checks hard AND CLEAN. It does not give you an excuse to go out and make like Superman and drive your elbows into someone's face. I don't think any coach at any level would say that attempting to injure another player shows them that you're ready for that league.

Downie has always had a reputation as a dirty, cheapshotting little weasel, and he played it to perfection last night. That was obviously a whiny little punk embarrassed over getting crunched a few times going out looking for blood. Here's a nice little video clip showing the class and sportsmanship that he's famous for.

Make sure to watch to the end to see his fantastic soccer and baseball skills.

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Downie has always had a reputation as a dirty, cheapshotting little weasel, and he played it to perfection last night. That was obviously a whiny little punk embarrassed over getting crunched a few times going out looking for blood. Here's a nice little video clip showing the class and sportsmanship that he's famous for.

Make sure to watch to the end to see his fantastic soccer and baseball skills.

What a spoiled child.

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