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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest Marcelo Cordoba

Ponty knows how to get a deal done. Very smooth transaction.

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Just wanted to add SalmingUSA to the list. I have talked to him quite often via e-mail tag about the various products he is offering, got a GREAT price (as advertised, a discount for MSH'rs along with an already heavily discounted close out price) on a pair of gloves for my brother for an early birthday present.

SO, consider this a personal endorsement for purchasing things from Salming on be half of me.

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  Ogie Oglethorpe said:
Just wanted to add SalmingUSA to the list.  I have talked to him quite often via e-mail tag about the various products he is offering, got a GREAT price (as advertised, a discount for MSH'rs along with an already heavily discounted close out price) on a pair of gloves for my brother for an early birthday present.

SO, consider this a personal endorsement for purchasing things from Salming on be half of me.

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Thus, conversely, outside of being a rootin' tootin' shifty varmint, Ogie was an easy buyer.

But there were no pictures! Where were the pictures?!? :(

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