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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Great Transaction with Razr.. took two months to get the pants but that had to do with the post office not him.. overall I got a great deal. Great comunication with him also.

Also sold a visor to RadioGaGa , Obviously a great guy to deal with. A+

Sold a helmet to sabres48, great transaction, A+

Would deal with all 3 again!

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Add buffalo hockey to the list of never deal with guys. Sent him $150 through paypal for 2 sticks. Never got them ...Numerous private messages never replied to. After more than a month I went public on here. He feeds me a line of crap and after a few days of getting no proof he ever sent them he offers to send me 1 stick that I don't really want to settle the deal. At this point I just want this mess over so I agree to the new deal. In the meantime I started a dipute claim with paypal. He immediatly wants me to close the dispute .I told him as soon as I got the 1 stick that he said he already sent out I would. SHOCKER 3 weesks later still no stick. Paypal ruled in my favor but the crook has already drained his account. The guy is a real class act

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