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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Fuel Ti-Pro

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I had an Easton stick where the blade split at the toe after 2 weeks.

So you broke one stick. Big deal. I would think it would be kind of hard to come to a personal conclusion regarding a stick's durability after only one stick over two weeks.

I broke four Missions (purchased 2, broke them, then broke the two replacements) inside a few weeks. The blades crack and split all the way along the bottom, and most people who have taken Mission sticks for a test-run have found the same.

I never said I only broke 1 Easton stick. I have broken way more than that. I'm not denying that Mission used to have duribility issues. I said their product has improved.

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First of all, "an" and "stick" are both words with are indicative of a singular object (in this case, the "stick" itself). I suppose maybe I should start being a little more liberal with my interpretation of what I read on this site, eh?

Anyways, the fact that Mission's durability issues (may) have been rectified is all well and good, but you can't blame the guys who had experiences not unlike the one I outlined for not wanting to drop $200/per stick on twigs made by a manufacturer about which they have many doubts. As the saying goes, "Fool me once...," well, you get the idea.

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Guys it comes down to personal preferences and experiences. For me Mission OPS have been horrible. Breakage due to deflections and passes after a short period of time does not cut it.

If you have had better luck and like them great. Keep using them. Minus the SL I seem to be one of the few that has had great luck with Easton. I would not question others who have not as that just the way it goes.


Rob "the hack" Pontbriand

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First of all, "an" and "stick" are both words with are indicative of a singular object (in this case, the "stick" itself). I suppose maybe I should start being a little more liberal with my interpretation of what I read on this site, eh?

Anyways, the fact that Mission's durability issues (may) have been rectified is all well and good, but you can't blame the guys who had experiences not unlike the one I outlined for not wanting to drop $200/per stick on twigs made by a manufacturer about which they have many doubts. As the saying goes, "Fool me once...," well, you get the idea.

First of all, I said "an" and "stick" because it was one example. Next time I will list all the sticks I have broken, so you won't have to be liberal with your interpretations.

I'll say it one more time. All companies have had issues with durability, but I think Mission has had a huge improvement this year. I've had my V-Hex for about 4 months with no issues. Also I have sold Many V-Hex and Fuel sticks in the shop I work in. A lot of the customers have told me they love them, so you can beleive what you want. I am entitled to my own opinion, and so are you.

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The Fuel Ti-Pro (OPS) has titanium throughout the shaft and blade, and comes with a 60 day warranty.

This titanium reinforcement will be perfect for a cross-checking summbitch like me.

Okay, not so funny in light of Kesler taking one to the neck tonight.

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The Fuel Ti-Pro (OPS) has titanium throughout the shaft and blade, and comes with a 60 day warranty.

This titanium reinforcement will be perfect for a cross-checking summbitch like me.

Okay, not so funny in light of Kesler taking one to the neck tonight.

Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh. - George Bernard Shaw

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The Fuel Ti-Pro (OPS) has titanium throughout the shaft and blade, and comes with a 60 day warranty.

This titanium reinforcement will be perfect for a cross-checking summbitch like me.

Okay, not so funny in light of Kesler taking one to the neck tonight.

that kid is having some bad luck lately. nice job by the boys last night eh? wow...that hurts.

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Guys it comes down to personal preferences and experiences. For me Mission OPS have been horrible. Breakage due to deflections and passes after a short period of time does not cut it.

If you have had better luck and like them great. Keep using them. Minus the SL I seem to be one of the few that has had great luck with Easton. I would not question others who have not as that just the way it goes.


Rob "the hack" Pontbriand

Admitting it is the first step on the road to recovery. I'm proud of you.

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The Fuel Ti-Pro (OPS) has titanium throughout the shaft and blade, and comes with a 60 day warranty.

This titanium reinforcement will be perfect for a cross-checking summbitch like me.

Okay, not so funny in light of Kesler taking one to the neck tonight.

Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh. - George Bernard Shaw


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nice sticks but they dont sell at all, i was really suprised to see the fuel and vhex sticks on a closeout list today, these sticks just came out 5 months ago. does anyone have a link to the new mission helmet, im pretty sure its priced lower than the intake

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nice sticks but they dont sell at all, i was really suprised to see the fuel and vhex sticks on a closeout list today, these sticks just came out 5 months ago. does anyone have a link to the new mission helmet, im pretty sure its priced lower than the intake

my dealers have done pretty good with the Fuel and Vhex. the reason for the switch was that Aldila was not getting the low end business where we do ALOT of numbers, so they decided they did not want to be in the stick business at all. they forced our hand and we answered back- which is what you see- a spearshaft technology stick like the S17 with the added benefits of Ti + a 60 day warranty.

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any links to the new helmet?

i have the sales sheet on the lid, but i have not seen a link to it. it will be nice to have a VN lining on the Intake Pho Sho!

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any links to the new helmet?

i have the sales sheet on the lid, but i have not seen a link to it. it will be nice to have a VN lining on the Intake Pho Sho!

If it looks (and feels) as nice in person as it does in pics, I'll probably be all over it.

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Wouldn't it be fair to say that Aldila couldn't hit the price points in order to get the low end business because they are a domestic manufacturer and that type of product (low end) would typically come from Asia?

my dealers have done pretty good with the Fuel and Vhex. the reason for the switch was that Aldila was not getting the low end business where we do ALOT of numbers, so they decided they did not want to be in the stick business at all. they forced our hand and we answered back- which is what you see- a spearshaft technology stick like the S17 with the added benefits of Ti + a 60 day warranty.

MC-- you and i both know this better than anybody.

any links to the new helmet?

i have the sales sheet on the lid, but i have not seen a link to it. it will be nice to have a VN lining on the Intake Pho Sho!

If it looks (and feels) as nice in person as it does in pics, I'll probably be all over it.

i have been bugging our Pro Stock guy for the VN version, but this will do just fine. i dont think anybody wants the Pronger look. steak and mushrooms anyone?????

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any links to the new helmet?

i have the sales sheet on the lid, but i have not seen a link to it. it will be nice to have a VN lining on the Intake Pho Sho!

If it looks (and feels) as nice in person as it does in pics, I'll probably be all over it.

My understanding is the new helmet will be at a lower price point than the current intake offering. I'm just speculating but, it could be a great call for retailers.

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any links to the new helmet?

i have the sales sheet on the lid, but i have not seen a link to it. it will be nice to have a VN lining on the Intake Pho Sho!

If it looks (and feels) as nice in person as it does in pics, I'll probably be all over it.

i have been bugging our Pro Stock guy for the VN version, but this will do just fine. i dont think anybody wants the Pronger look. steak and mushrooms anyone?????

I asked CJ, Justin and Ward for one with VN and it never happened. I figure this should be close enough, assuming it's comfy.

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I've given up on a high end VN helmet. I have NBH's new offering with VN/EPP and this new intake to look at, besides that it's either helmet surgery or pro stock helmets.

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