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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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curve help....

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can u guys help me...i just curved this blade and tried to make it a modano but it didnt really turn out....;) Can u tell me what the curve i made is closest to?


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Looks kinda like a Kirk Maltby pattern I used to have. Someone also told me it was a Roenick pro pattern.

Whomever told you must be very wise, indeed

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From your angle it doesn't look that off. Your sick is pretty open, and if it was closed more I could see how some would think it looked like Maltby's.

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damn... that looks nice.

looks like the old Easton Thornton

Nah, the old easton Thornton had a lot more curve than that.

The Easton Thornton has LESS curve than that blade. It's almost straight, most of the curve is concentrated in the heel. More of a "bend" than a curve. I use the old Thornton (and the old Louisville Antropov/Morrow) and anything else close that I can find.

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