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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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07/08 NHL gear sightings

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Is he wearing the re-dressed one90's ?

IMO they actually look like legit One90's only with LS2's

Call me crazy, but as real as they look i dont see the ankle bulges you normally see on the one90s.

but like i said, i might be crazy... that and i have been drinking.

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ya They look like a pair of one90's that where on Ebay a while ago with the one90 logo's for TV

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Is he wearing the re-dressed one90's ?

IMO they actually look like legit One90's only with LS2's

Call me crazy, but as real as they look i dont see the ankle bulges you normally see on the one90s.

but like i said, i might be crazy... that and i have been drinking.


i see what you're saying, but IMO there is a little curve where it goes in from the footbed to the achilles tendon, and then bulges out a little where the ankle is...also, they look pretty grey on the sides, as opposed to the custom pro ones (dressed up to look like One90's), i forget what they;re called, which dont have any bit of a noticible bulge, and are not gray, but black...

once again...thats just wut i see....i could be completely wrong lol....kinda hard angle to see from...ill try to hunt down an easier picture

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Chris Mason was using a Supreme One95 goalie stick, no clue if that's new or not, but I haven't heard of any One95 sticks yet. Could have something to do with Naslund's new stick?

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I watched the Pens at Leafs game on tv and noticed some new (?) Rbk helmet I haven't seen before, it looked pretty much like the 9K but the big "carbon vents" on the sides weren't there, it was all solid on the sides like most other helmets? Has anyone seen these or was it me imagining things from lack of sleep?

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I watched the Pens at Leafs game on tv and noticed some new (?) Rbk helmet I haven't seen before, it looked pretty much like the 9K but the big "carbon vents" on the sides weren't there, it was all solid on the sides like most other helmets? Has anyone seen these or was it me imagining things from lack of sleep?

could be a 4k, looks identical to the 8k, but theres no vents and it has VN foam

EDIT: confirmed its VN foam

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I know chris neil was wearing a 4k. And it's not like the two most popular helmets in the nhl are the 4500 and 692/892/ht2. And most of the "high level" helmets are retrofitted with the "low-end" helmets foam because it sucks soo good.

btw it's vn foam.

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I watched the Pens at Leafs game on tv and noticed some new (?) Rbk helmet I haven't seen before, it looked pretty much like the 9K but the big "carbon vents" on the sides weren't there, it was all solid on the sides like most other helmets? Has anyone seen these or was it me imagining things from lack of sleep?


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Hossa switched back to MIA/ Warrior gloves

From Getty Images it appears that Hossa is switching between the MIA/Warrior gloves and the Mission L7 gloves. What's kinda weird in all this, is that last season, his first as a Mission endorser, he switched to Warrior sticks part way through the season, then this year hes back to Mission sticks and now going with Warrior gloves (part time anyway) Where is the consistency?!

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Hossa switched back to MIA/ Warrior gloves

From Getty Images it appears that Hossa is switching between the MIA/Warrior gloves and the Mission L7 gloves. What's kinda weird in all this, is that last season, his first as a Mission endorser, he switched to Warrior sticks part way through the season, then this year hes back to Mission sticks and now going with Warrior gloves (part time anyway) Where is the consistency?!

im pretty sure he just switched.. i dont think he is going back and forth at least not yet.. the past two games he has been wearing the baby blue Warriors

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jason Blake has switched from the XXXX to a S17, but been using XXX-lites in pratices that I've seen footage of. He's also wearing XXXX gloves now. Kilger has also switched from the XXXX, back to XXX-lite. Ponikarovsky sporting 9500 helmet and XXXX gloves also now, and I believe one95's possibly?

Not really new gear, but sightings of players switching gear. The XXXX stick changes surprise me, not exactly what NBH wants to see I magine.

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anyone know what kind of stick sam gagner is using? i figures its a one90 shaft w/ blade, but it looks like the hosel is 3 feet long. Could always be spray painted i guess, but it didn't really look like it?

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Looks like Nash is using a new TPS stick. The TPS is pretty bold on there and there's some red letterin towards the bottom..guess it says Response. See if I can get a shot with my TV card later.

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