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07/08 NHL gear sightings

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jason Blake has switched from the XXXX to a S17, but been using XXX-lites in pratices that I've seen footage of. He's also wearing XXXX gloves now. Kilger has also switched from the XXXX, back to XXX-lite. Ponikarovsky sporting 9500 helmet and XXXX gloves also now, and I believe one95's possibly?

Not really new gear, but sightings of players switching gear. The XXXX stick changes surprise me, not exactly what NBH wants to see I magine.

Last season on the Islanders Blake was switching between XXX-Lites and some blue Easton not sure what Easton though.

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jason Blake has switched from the XXXX to a S17, but been using XXX-lites in pratices that I've seen footage of. He's also wearing XXXX gloves now. Kilger has also switched from the XXXX, back to XXX-lite. Ponikarovsky sporting 9500 helmet and XXXX gloves also now, and I believe one95's possibly?

Not really new gear, but sightings of players switching gear. The XXXX stick changes surprise me, not exactly what NBH wants to see I magine.

Last season on the Islanders Blake was switching between XXX-Lites and some blue Easton not sure what Easton though.

its the new Stealth S17

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no it def wasnt a CNT it was either a S17 or a ST and yea i dont think nash has been using the R10 yet in games he has probably been practicing with it though.

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getty images doesnt have any pics of nash with the r10, when did he start using it

Tonight...Yahoo doesnt have any of him from tonight yet either

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jason Blake has switched from the XXXX to a S17, but been using XXX-lites in pratices that I've seen footage of. He's also wearing XXXX gloves now. Kilger has also switched from the XXXX, back to XXX-lite. Ponikarovsky sporting 9500 helmet and XXXX gloves also now, and I believe one95's possibly?

Not really new gear, but sightings of players switching gear. The XXXX stick changes surprise me, not exactly what NBH wants to see I magine.

Last season on the Islanders Blake was switching between XXX-Lites and some blue Easton not sure what Easton though.

its the new Stealth S17

or it could be the new ST they both look pretty similar

It could've been the Stealth CNT aswell ?

no it def wasnt a CNT it was either a S17 or a ST and yea i dont think nash has been using the R10 yet in games he has probably been practicing with it though.

It could've been his goddamn mother too. And kitten. And his morning coffee. Cream and sugar included.

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The vapor xxxx gloves don't look too bad when they have a one color scheme. Too bad the graphic ruins them.

With ya there. I dig them in solid black and or solid red.

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sorry for the lack of Pics but Hossa was using a blacked out One 90 stick today.. the graphics were all gray no color at all.. and blacked out from the bottom still about 2/3 up the shaft. do you think he is dumping Mission again?

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