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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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07/08 NHL gear sightings

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I've seen many pics of various players wearing traditional looking Rbk gloves like these instead of the 9k style gloves, are these gloves "new" and will hit the market sometime soon?


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Went to the wings/pens game last night. Stall had the 195's on.They sure do look like patten leather, very shiny! We had seats 6 rows from the ice and next to the pens bench. Talbot had what looked like 190's on but they were painted all black now markings.

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They're the same as the CCMs he's been wearing the past couple seasons, just the name on the cuff is different. And, last year's may have been leather.

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I am in love with those XXXX glove.I want them NOW!!!

I've seen many pics of various players wearing traditional looking Rbk gloves like these instead of the 9k style gloves, are these gloves "new" and will hit the market sometime soon?


They look like MIA with rbk logo on them (i seen so many mark up when i went there last time)

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I didn't really know where to put this because its a pre-season pic rather than training camp.. but it looks like Ivanans is giving a wedgy while grabbing onto that small jersey and the pants are getting yanked up by the fight strap..


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