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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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07/08 NHL gear sightings

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Bauer rep was fitting me for my skates telling me how CCM has to paint Ovie's sticks now because he is using NBH. I don't know if this guy was blowing smoke up my ass but he seemed pretty serious.

Don't believe anything that guy tells you. He's the worst rep in the area by a wide margin.

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I like how gaborik, or at least it seems to be him, is rocking his wild gloves on team russia

thats funny

especially funny since Gaborik is slovak. That and he just underwent hip surgery.

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Not an actual NHL sighting, but I couldn't find a recent Memorial Cup thread.... but just watching today's game- is Nigel Williams from Belleville wearing an inline boot? It looks like a Mission Boss.... interesting.

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Not an actual NHL sighting, but I couldn't find a recent Memorial Cup thread.... but just watching today's game- is Nigel Williams from Belleville wearing an inline boot? It looks like a Mission Boss.... interesting.

Looks like it.


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hmmm i dont think this would work very well since the toe cap on inline skated has holes in it.

unless you can have the toe cap changed?

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Nice call Fury, I didn't even think to try Getty... I tried Google images, and no dice. Thanks.

hmmm i dont think this would work very well since the toe cap on inline skated has holes in it.

unless you can have the toe cap changed?

Judging from the 360 view of the Boss on Inlinewarehouse, the toecap looks the same as the ice boots. No holes.

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Apparently Williams is a big inline guy and was at NARCh last year playing for one of the Mission teams. I guess he liked the boot so much that he stuck with it.

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Today's inline boots will work in an ice setting.

Justin said that they are built to last longer than ice boots anyway.

Yeah... It's just not something I've seen at all on the pro/semi-pro level. And with spotting those today has made me think a bit. I was in need of an inline skate... and was also looking to buy AGX ice skates. I may even consider an Assassin, or Lieutenant skate and just swapping inline frames with the ice holder on my 90AG's, pop the roller frame on those.

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I've seen someone on the flyers use a one95 stick... seems situational as I only see it occasionally, its a defenseman. I believe he uses it on the PP. No, it is not the silver one90 that one uses. It's retail colors.

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Ryan Parent

are you sure? on getty images parent is using a ccm U+... no pictures of hime with a one95.

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