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Does anyone remember those plastic hockey skates with the removable boot

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A bunch of us parents who grew up playing hockey and now have kids in the sport were discussing the equipment craze of today. All the kids want the new RBK O stick, RBK pumps, Vapor XXX skates, etc.

We were comparing it to when we played 30 years plus ago when we pretty much skated and wore anything to play. Then we realized that somehow we all begged to purchase those plastic hockey skates with the removable boot. I am pretty sure they were lange but we did have a good laugh. Does anyone remember these plastic skates with the removable boot craze in hockey. I wonder if it was the equipment hype of the day.

Gotta love hockey equipment memories

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  sk8 said:

A bunch of us parents who grew up playing hockey and now have kids in the sport were discussing the equipment craze of today. All the kids want the new RBK O stick, RBK pumps, Vapor XXX skates, etc.

We were comparing it to when we played 30 years plus ago when we pretty much skated and wore anything to play. Then we realized that somehow we all begged to purchase those plastic hockey skates with the removable boot. I am pretty sure they were lange but we did have a good laugh. Does anyone remember these plastic skates with the removable boot craze in hockey. I wonder if it was the equipment hype of the day.

Gotta love hockey equipment memories

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I had those Lange skates as "hand-me-hand-me-downs" as a kid. I remember it being hard to tighten the laces... it was probably because I was just a kid. ;)

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I have a bunch of customers that still have and love them, and scrounge the earth and ebay to find the booties. The Lange skate is comfortable, and with a tuuk holder is so light, decades ahead of it's time.

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I had a pair for pond hockey I used probably 8 years ago. .. but thanks to the global warming, ponds don't freeze much in southern illinois anymore.

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  jimmy said:

I have a bunch of customers that still have and love them, and scrounge the earth and ebay to find the booties. The Lange skate is comfortable, and with a tuuk holder is so light, decades ahead of it's time.

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Booties from similar roller in-lines (a la Rollerblade Lightnings) work, as do booties from ski boots and snowboard boots. It's just tough to get the right size without experimentation. I would imagine the snowboard booties would open up all sorts of options when altering the flex of the skate.

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I remember them. The Microns. They where great. I had two pairs of them and loved them. As a matter of fact one of the guys I play pickup with on Saturday nights still uses them. I dunno how, but he found a pair almost new just a while back. They must have been sitting in a storage room in the back of a sporting goods store or something but they look like they where just made. He says their the lightest skate he's ever worn. The last pair I had cracked around the bottom of the sole and I lost the whole bottom of the boot, holder and all, when I stepped out on the ice one night,going out to play pick up. Talk about a blast from the past.

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What were those Microns called again? Lasers/Lazers?

I think some of you guys might have lost your minds. I don't have anything against the trip down memory lane, but let's not let nostalgia cloud your judgment and trick you into having too fond memories of these.

I'll give them props for doing the trick at the time, but as said earlier, tightening was a b*tch. My 12 year old fingers were so torn up and calloused from lacing those, they will never forgive plastic boots.

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The 1991 Micron line-up featured Pro Quadraflex(worn by Kevin Lowe), Quadraflex, Pro Laser, Laser, M-1 Goaler, and the Youth skate known as the Lil' Devil.

As soon as the ponds froze, it was impossible to keep these skates in stock.

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You jogged my memory. There where the Microns, Lazers by Lange and the Bauer Turbos. Can't recall who made the Microns, was it Canstar?

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I had Microns (4th-hand). Made in Czecholovaskia? The right one cracked after a shot hit it.

This weekend I reffed with two guys who had Langes / Microns.

They used to be really popular as rental skates, for those looking for the booties.

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Micron was independent in the 80s. Along the way, late 80s/early 90s, Canstar bought Micron. The Micron Mega 10-90 was a Canstar product. Before Canstar bought Micron, Micron made a skate called the Medallic in the 80s as a top end model. They tried to combine a hard shell boot with clarino interior. The Medallic had a lot of problems keeping the stitching from coming apart.

As for Lasers by Micron, every once in a while someone in production would screw up the plastic mix. This would create a problem whereby there were bubbles in the plastic boot during modling and curing. Well, once those skates were used in sub-freezing temperatures, boom!, the bubbles would expand and the whole boot would blow up!!

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I loved the Medallics, wore them all through high school. Never had problems with the stitching despite tons of abuse.

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Saw some old Microns last night at our game. Some poor kid forgot his skates.....actually probably did it to get his/her parents to buy new ones for him/her (smart ploy)

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A few years ago, I found some of my equipment from back in the 80s. It's sad to see what we wore back then, and seeing kids begging for the top of the line stuff they see in the NHL today. Remembering some of the stuff I begged for...

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  MLSman said:

Bauer Turbo baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tony Hand, player coach of the Manchester Phoenix in England still wears Bauer Turbos.



They are either a really durable boot (doubtful) or Mr Hand has a huge stock pile of them at his home in Scotland.

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I have a pair of Micron Quadraflex skates that I bought new in 1989. They were professionally fitted at a Great Skate in western NY. They have removable booties, a plastic shell, and a hinge-like supporter on the ankle. I brought them out of retirement and have started to work on my skating after a nearly 20 year hiatus from the rink.

They are super comfortable, but I just can't seem to get them tight enough. I notice this (possible) problem primarily when I'm deep on an outside edge -- I sense the ankle trying to buckle under. The loss of support occurs abruptly and often causes me to lose my balance. I bought one of those lace tightner/pullers and yank on it really hard. That helps a little, so I find myself re-tightening every 20-30 minutes; I've gotten blisters on my fingers from all the lace pulling. I replaced the laces with new waxed ones, although at 72 inch length it struck me as odd that these are actually made for modern kids skates, not my size 9 Micron boots. I get regular sharpenings because I can readily tell when my edges have worn. The boots are snug lengthwise and are almost certainly the correct size, I just don't have the sensation of adequate ankle support when I'm cornering hard or doing a crossover. I come from a background of long distance running/competitive cycling and have never had a problem with `weak ankles'.

My question is, should I: a) seriously consider upgrading to a modern, non-plastic skate or b) stop whining about my equipment, accept that the problem is only in my head, and practice more?

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