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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My gloves stink

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hey guys

i know there was a topic on this earlier but i can't find it.

My gloves stink big time. I've febreezed them and stuck them in the freezer and it doesn't work. Washing them by hand only works for about a week then it stinks again. Other than taking it to the shop to clean, is there anything else I can do to them?

(Pine sol killed my other gloves, it weakened the leather so I won't be using that anymore)

A few people suggested oxyclean, how do I use that?


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I agree with takeing it too esporta my brother had his done 5 weeks ago and they still smell like they were right after he got them back and he doesint even air them out after he use's them

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I got this tip here a while ago...

Put the on and dip them in chlorine water (I don't know if bromine water will work or not...). I worked the water into the palms and everything, and when they dried, the smell got cut about 90%, and it even helped with the problem of getting some fo the rubber residue off from the palms. Try it, it's free...

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Oxyclean now has a spray that's already mixed. That may work, haven't tried it for that though.

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This is something that is just beyond me.

Ive played for about 17 of my 24 years, and never has any of my gear smelled. Ever. At all. Most of it is even the same stuff since junior, even my gloves.

I don't get what other people do differently. Play, take your gear off, bring it home, and let it hang where its dry....... why is that so hard?? Perhaps some guys just have their gear react different to their sweat, I have no idea really.

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I do :), Well my gloves at least. I air dry it after every use, Use the backyard to dry it in summer and it still stinks terribly! I'm not too worried about it. I may give'er a go at my G/fs pool to see if it actually works, but I think I'll try something like Shin pads where I'd like'em to smell new.

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Guest 2048
This is something that is just beyond me.

Ive played for about 17 of my 24 years, and never has any of my gear smelled. Ever. At all. Most of it is even the same stuff since junior, even my gloves.

I don't get what other people do differently. Play, take your gear off, bring it home, and let it hang where its dry....... why is that so hard?? Perhaps some guys just have their gear react different to their sweat, I have no idea really.

Seriously. I leave my stuff in the basement with a dehumidifier. I have no idea what I'll do with my gear in college. Hopefully my roommate doesn't care too much, and if he does, I'll just call him an emobaby slap him.

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Somewhat the same situation here. When I lived at home I took my stuff out of my bag after every game and sat each piece on shelves. Now I have an extra bedroom at my apartment and I take everything out and have a fan blowing on it and it's sitting under an air vent. I play almost every night and it seems to dry everything quickly and leaves a very minimal stank, if any. If I had a dime for every guy who leaves their stuff in a bag in a car trunk.....

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the best thing to do is some laundry detergent with bleach and ammonia..AMMONIA is the key.

do it out side, bleach plus ammonia makes hydrogen cyanide ( i think) any way, its real nasty stuff and will knock you on your ass in a whiff or two, a few people died that way trying to get bathrooms clean

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Some people take pride in their smelly gear...don't know why.

*Slowly Raises Hand*

Not so much that I take pride in it, but it is more a superstition; don't wash your stuff when the team is winning. I mean, practices I wear other, cleaner stuff (practice jersey, practice socks, tee-shirt, even last years' comp. shorts/jock), but, in games I always wear the same stuff I did in the game before (if we won), without it being washed, thrown in the dryer, or anything. I just take my stuff home, take everything out of my bag and hang it up. I keep all my stuff in a closet in my room with hooks and hangers for everything (and a large deodorizer) and it usually gets aired out pretty well. The stuff still smells a bit, but it's normal and tolerable.

However, when we lose, my stuff is out of the bag and into the washer before I do anything else. Got to get that stench of failure OUT!

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Chadd, that Oxyclean stuff you recommended has worked miracles with my gear. Some of the best $10 I've had my mom spend. Very very good product.

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I just soaked my $5 eagles in bleach overnight, and rinsed them out a couple of times, then i let it air dry. Now it smells like bleach...which is better than sweat/other bodily fluids that the guy before put in.

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Chadd, that Oxyclean stuff you recommended has worked miracles with my gear. Some of the best $10 I've had my mom spend. Very very good product.

I don't want to sound like a shill for them, but the powder works great on my hockey undergear. I'm glad to hear that you had success with it.

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Chadd, that Oxyclean stuff you recommended has worked miracles with my gear. Some of the best $10 I've had my mom spend. Very very good product.

Kosy, are u talking about the oxyclean detergeant or the spray....id like to try that if it works well.

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I'm meticulous with my equipment, dry it immediately after every game/practice/etc. I find that some equipment holds a stink before others do. For instance, some of my gloves stink and others (that have been used the same amount of time) don't. I'm not exactly sure why.

One problem I have with my sweat is not that it stinks, but I have *very* acidic sweat. It will even bleach a t-shirt if I sweat badly in it... :blink:

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I have the same problem geki. I've always assumed gloves got it worst because there was nothing to prevent the sweat from soaking right into the glove. When I started wearing the WSI pants, it decreased the smell in my shin pads.

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For instance, some of my gloves stink and others (that have been used the same amount of time) don't. I'm not exactly sure why.

Different glove material?

I always dry out my stuff right after a skate, but to stick up for some people with smelly equipment.... a lot of people go out right after they play and can't air their stuff out immediately. Of course, it's usually the guys who just leave it in their trunk until they play again.

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Chadd, that Oxyclean stuff you recommended has worked miracles with my gear.  Some of the best $10 I've had my mom spend.  Very very good product.

Kosy, are u talking about the oxyclean detergeant or the spray....id like to try that if it works well.

The powder.

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would gloves like the Mission M-3 help? (its a smu for sportcheck with 3 big vents in the glove) that would probably keep the glove drier and help it air out

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Another product you can use is stuff called "Natures Miracle." I found it when i was working at a pet supply store. It's made to kill the smell and remove pet stains. I'm not sure if the stuff is available across North America though. ANyways,it works wonders. Just my two cents. :D

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I remember Marcelo from TPS recommending shaving cream with lanolin. But I use Skintimate baby oil so I have never tried it...

LOL gotta keep the dome nice and smooth for the ladies...

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what i do is spray tons of lysol in them and leave them by a window. Im not sure if i trust putting chlorine and other chemicals in the gloves. I love my gloves too much to risk them getting ruined.

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