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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How's work going for you?

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I work for the pharmacy in a hospital. Lots o sick people. Couple MRSA patients, and some bacterial meningitis patient today. I ran around the hospital A LOT taking meds and IV's to nursing units. typical day...

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Played around on ESPN MVP during the entirety of my first class, left halfway through my second because I couldn't stand the kid in the leather jacket next to me shifting around.

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Played around on ESPN MVP during the entirety of my first class, left halfway through my second because I couldn't stand the kid in the leather jacket next to me shifting around.

Ah, the joys of computer related classes. I do check the NHL scores during my financial modeling class, but overall I try to pay attention since it may be career related.

As for work, it keeps getting me injured which hurts my hockey game so I look forward to working at a desk and out of dirt soon enough

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Took down every hockey skate we had in the store and reorganized them in order of size, brand and price point.

The skates before were organized by brand and stacked about 7 high. Took the same amount of space, yet are on their sides. Will be much easier to find sizes now.

Might have to clean the sharpener next.

In the old store, the sales were exploding, eh? :ph34r:

(Sorry, i just had to.)

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I had to go to crappy baltimore from crappy greenbelt for a meeting on wednesday. I've missed out on a few weeks hockey because I hurt my back. I was getting ready to play my first game last night, and put my back out again putting my gear into the car.

So now I'm at work, my back is killing me, and I'm feeling about as productive as a kick in the nuts. I also can't find some papers I'm meant to get to the maryland insurance commissioner today, which is fun.

I've been better

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and I'm feeling about as productive as a kick in the nuts.

I've never heard that expression before. Does that mean you're being really, really, really funny today? ;)

Matt Barnaby's kid booted me in the seeds the other day - everyone thought it was HILARIOUS <_<

*edit* - for the record, that ^^^ happened while I was at "work," so you have an idea how that night went for me.

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Well im at home sick for the second day in a row cant see me going back to work anytime soon as the doctor thinks i have mono i called in yesterday to tell them i wouldnt be in untill i know if i have it or not and they were not impressed, acted as if it was my fault i caught it and it almost seemed like he thoguth i was lying, so im thinking since i have a part time job during the night that i may just have to quit my full time gig and start xmas vacation early then get another full time job after christmas.

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Well if you consider an internship as work, it's treating me well. Right now I am at the Leisure and Culture Services of Edmundston till the 14th of december as an intern. On the 17th I'm starting my first after university job at the school district. I'll will be working as a cultural and community agent for 2 schools here in Edmundston. I will organize activities for 2 schools, like music, theatrical, art or sports stuff. Pretty cool job, working with kids and so on, right in my study field. I will be receiving my bachelor degree on May 2008 but I am already starting my ''real'' job in 2 weeks.

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and I'm feeling about as productive as a kick in the nuts.

I've never heard that expression before. Does that mean you're being really, really, really funny today? ;)

Matt Barnaby's kid booted me in the seeds the other day - everyone thought it was HILARIOUS <_<

*edit* - for the record, that ^^^ happened while I was at "work," so you have an idea how that night went for me.

Damn, even his kid is a head case?

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Fuck this shit.

Got in at 3am last night, get to go back to work at 3 pm today until 11 and then do the same thing all over again tomorrow.

Then I get to run around and do consulting all week.


Well if you consider an internship as work, it's treating me well. Right now I am at the Leisure and Culture Services of Edmundston till the 14th of december as an intern. On the 17th I'm starting my first after university job at the school district. I'll will be working as a cultural and community agent for 2 schools here in Edmundston. I will organize activities for 2 schools, like music, theatrical, art or sports stuff. Pretty cool job, working with kids and so on, right in my study field. I will be receiving my bachelor degree on May 2008 but I am already starting my ''real'' job in 2 weeks.

I know guys from Edmunston...

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I work the desk at a video store. My time mainly consists of watching movies and doing my homework.

Its pretty sweet because I know my boss from high school and he lets me work whenever I want, be it because of school, going to Pens games, or playing hockey.

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Took down every hockey skate we had in the store and reorganized them in order of size, brand and price point.

The skates before were organized by brand and stacked about 7 high. Took the same amount of space, yet are on their sides. Will be much easier to find sizes now.

Might have to clean the sharpener next.

Sounds like a similar day, take all the skates out back put them in order by size and brand becuase other employees are to lazy to put them in the right spot and cleaning sharper is a reucurrence everyday same with cleaning the bloody stick rack after customers not being capable of putting them in place where they got them from.

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Tuesday was my first trip on the trains and I loved it. Got called for 6am tuesday and had a 26 hour trip to Rivers Manitoba, returned Wed at 8am. Didn't sleep alot because I was pretty nervous but I was alot of fun and interesting operating a 16,000 tonne train.


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