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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

Torspo Armour Suit

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I just noticed this OPPS (One Piece Protective Suit) on the Ice Warehouse site...


It's a great concept but why do I get the feeling it just wouldn't work? Especially when one of the sections breaks or wears out, how would you replace/repair? How will my socks stay up?

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A girdle-style wrap built catsuit would rule for rec. You wouldn't even necessarily need dedicated whole pads, You could tune every piece of padding. Plus, if you didn't dig any given bit, just pop it out.

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Invented by a hockey mom who was trying to get her kid dressed. Something like had a 1 year old in her arms and a three year old running around the rink while dressing the 3rd brother. Was on the way home thinking there has to be a better way.

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Invented by a hockey mom who was trying to get her kid dressed. Something like had a 1 year old in her arms and a three year old running around the rink while dressing the 3rd brother. Was on the way home thinking there has to be a better way.

There is a better way. Don't have 3 kids! :lol:

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We sold our first set to Tomas Holmstrom. Felt like telling him that he could've made his son a replica of what he wears.

i guess hes just giving it a shot, but if i was an NHLer(or a hockey player in general which i am), i wouldnt be going out of my way to get this

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We sold our first set to Tomas Holmstrom. Felt like telling him that he could've made his son a replica of what he wears.

i guess hes just giving it a shot, but if i was an NHLer(or a hockey player in general which i am), i wouldnt be going out of my way to get this

If you knew Homer, you'd know why he got this.

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I guess this would solve the 'which elbow pad goes on what arm' debate. Ive wore the same elbow pads for 3 years and I still look at the label inside to see which one is the left and which is the right :lol:

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Invented by a hockey mom who was trying to get her kid dressed. Something like had a 1 year old in her arms and a three year old running around the rink while dressing the 3rd brother. Was on the way home thinking there has to be a better way.

That's the story I heard. I believe it was in a recent edition of the USA Hockey magazine?

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I don't know Homer to realize why he'd want it, unless it's because of how forgetful and unorganized he is.

His equipment is all integrated into itself. He puts on the pants and the shoulders are connected to the suspenders and just clip at the sternum, and I think he's got something combining the elbows into the bicep. Never saw his leg gear, but I'd assume it's something like having his pads integrated into a compression sleeve, like the RBK Triple Impact but with traditional pads.

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Mama Harris. She was at the hockey show in Toronto.

I don't know Homer to realize why he'd want it, unless it's because of how forgetful and unorganized he is.

He went into Novi to sign the older boy for hockey and the younger for LTS. He left signing up the younger for hockey and the older one for LTS. And that was what he kept on saying about the Ice Armor, that you can't lose anything...

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I figured it was as such. Always came off as a "loose his head if not attached" type of guy. Touch of Dyslexia maybe?

Did he have his custom stuff made before arriving to the NHL? I'd love to try and start modifying my shoulders so they fit better, but I'd be afraid of ruining a $75 set of shoulder pads!

If I was 10 years older and had wee ones, you can sure bet I'd get them something like that until they can learn to take care of their own things. No running back to the house for a missing elbow pad.

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Yes, great concept for the kid that fits into the average mold of S/M/L/XL I assume, but as the case with a lot of younger hockey players, the perfect fit regarding equipment isnt always placed first. A lot of kids out there with their brother's hand me down pants or shin guards.

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Yes, great concept for the kid that fits into the average mold of S/M/L/XL I assume, but as the case with a lot of younger hockey players, the perfect fit regarding equipment isnt always placed first. A lot of kids out there with their brother's hand me down pants or shin guards.

most kids don't have properly fitted equipment anyway. Between growth spurts and parents who try to get one more season out of stuff that is obviously too small, I'd say less than 25% of kids are wearing gear that is all properly fitted.

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Interested in seeing how it all fits together as it states that the pads are removeable. So seems like it might be possible to rig it up if a piece breaks, etc. Do the pads just loop thru some hoops so it can all stay togeter in one piece?

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