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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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We just had a horrible tragedy occur this afternoon in Omaha NE. A gunman shot and killed 8 and has wounded 5 others. The gunman is believed to have been the 9th person killed as he turned the gun on himself. Not alot else is known at this time as law enforcement and the media are still sorting everything out. Rumor had it the gunman was even in the children's section of the store he was in (it hasn't been released yet as to the victims ages or names, of course).

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Truly sad, why do they need to bring others into this!!

Here is the story:

WOWT-TV reported that the killer was a 19-year-old man who left a suicide note stating, "I'm going out in style." The man's vehicle was reportedly found in the parking lot.

An official identified the gunman as Robert A. Hawkins, age 19 or 20. Hawkins mother brought the note to the local sheriff's office.

Sgt. Teresa Negron said the gunman killed eight people, then apparently killed himself. His name was not immediately released, and authorities gave no motive for the attack and did not know whether he said anything during the rampage.

Shoppers and employees ran screaming through the Westroads Mall and barricaded themselves in dressing rooms after hearing gunfire. The gunman was found dead on the third floor of the Von Maur store with a self-inflicted gunshot wound, and his victims were discovered on the second and third floors, police said.

Witnesses said the gunman fired down on shoppers from a third-floor balcony of the Von Maur store.

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This is still all over the news as I'm typing this.

I love how you can hear the pain in Greta Van Susteren's voice, that there just weren't a few more deaths. News reporters are an odd breed.

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Been to that mall many times in my days up in the Ne area. Very sad thing to hear and prayers to the families in what should be one of the happiest times of the year.

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As tragic as this is, I'm always sort of amazed that the numbers are so low. You would think that this sort of attack in a place as crowded as a mall would result in fatality numbers much higher than what they typically are.

Thankfully, things never seem to get as bad as they possibly could be, although it's unfortunate that things like this have to happen at all.

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  SalmingUSA said:
Why can't these people turn the gun on themselves first?
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That's always my first thought.

  LkptTiger said:
As tragic as this is, I'm always sort of amazed that the numbers are so low. You would think that this sort of attack in a place as crowded as a mall would result in fatality numbers much higher than what they typically are.

Thankfully, things never seem to get as bad as they possibly could be, although it's unfortunate that things like this have to happen at all.

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Most of the people who do this kind of thing don't have the self discipline to be very good at it. If they did, they probably would have applied themselves in some other aspect of their life and this wouldn't happen.

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  Chadd said:
  SalmingUSA said:
Why can't these people turn the gun on themselves first?
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That's always my first thought.

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They wouldn't get the attention that they are obviously seeking if they went to a quiet room and off'ed themselves.

Think about it...most people who end this way are either from an abusive situation where they were continually told that they were useless and worthless, or they've had a major life failure...or feel that they've failed.

I'd bet the final conscious decision is..."I'll show them...I'll get some attention..."

"Man Commits Suicide" on page 10 or "Gunman Kills 6, Turns Gun on Himself" on Page 1. If you were looking to go out with a bang (no pun intended) what would you do?

Still, very sad.

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Unbelievably, the mother of a friend and co-worker was one of those shot. She's in stable condition at this time. She was shot twice but that is all we know at this time. Everyone here is kind of in a state of disbelief and shock.

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  RadioGaGa said:
  Chadd said:
  SalmingUSA said:
Why can't these people turn the gun on themselves first?
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That's always my first thought.

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They wouldn't get the attention that they are obviously seeking if they went to a quiet room and off'ed themselves.

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Yes, but I was telling my wife last night that if you can shoot yourself in the head and still manage to kill others, well, now you deserve to be famous.... :D

It certainly would save a lot of innocents in the interim.

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  SalmingUSA said:

Yes, but I was telling my wife last night that if you can shoot yourself in the head and still manage to kill others, well, now you deserve to be famous.... :D

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come on... seriously. nobody who kills anyone with the rare exception of someone who does it to save peoples lives deserves a damn bit of attention. It's not a joking matter, I know you're better than that.

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Honestly, I think you're taking my words too seriously.

I may have chosen an offhand manner, but if you read between the words you'll realize what I'm saying is these people obviously want to be famous, but they don't deserve it. My preference is either these people lock themselves into a room or engage in hours of therapy. It won't get them the infamy they seek, but it will save a lot of innocents.

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This is why I believe the media should implement the rule that they do not publicize the names of assholes like this who have to take others with them.

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  chippa13 said:
This is why I believe the media should implement the rule that they do not publicize the names of assholes like this who have to take others with them.
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I've been saying that for years. Give all the details you want, just leave the shooters name out of it.

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  Chadd said:
  chippa13 said:
This is why I believe the media should implement the rule that they do not publicize the names of assholes like this who have to take others with them.
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I've been saying that for years. Give all the details you want, just leave the shooters name out of it.

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I agree, I hate how fools that do this kind of crap get their name all over the place and are given a place in history. It's just so tiring hearing stories like this all the time, and that people these days find no other alternative to relieving their pain than to kill a bunch of innocents and then taking their own life.

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um...maybe this is the wrong place to bring this up, but seriously why do you guys sell AK-47's in the States? (disclaimer: I don't know if this gun was obtained legally, illegally, or whatever)

Is the 'right to bear arms' really worth these kind of tragedies again, and again, and again? Regardless of your political stance on the issue, I don't think anyone with an ounce of common sense can deny that the gun culture in the United States is directly responsible for many many deaths per year in your country.

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  mrusse01 said:

um...maybe this is the wrong place to bring this up, but seriously why do you guys sell AK-47's in the States? (disclaimer: I don't know if this gun was obtained legally, illegally, or whatever)

Is the 'right to bear arms' really worth these kind of tragedies again, and again, and again? Regardless of your political stance on the issue, I don't think anyone with an ounce of common sense can deny that the gun culture in the United States is directly responsible for many many deaths per year in your country.

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Statisticaly, the number of people killed by firearms is easily doubled by people killed in MVAs, yet no one is scrambling to ban cars. Firearms are inanamate objects, they are not inheritly good or evil.They are tools, nothing more, nothing less. Contrary to what the news would have you believe, they cannot be fired without a person pulling the trigger. The firearms that are so maligned in the press are the same ones that are used in a ridiculosly small amount of crimes.

Banning certain types of firearms because they are "scarry" to some opens the door to further infringements on the 2nd ammendment.

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  mrusse01 said:

um...maybe this is the wrong place to bring this up, but seriously why do you guys sell AK-47's in the States? (disclaimer: I don't know if this gun was obtained legally, illegally, or whatever)

Is the 'right to bear arms' really worth these kind of tragedies again, and again, and again? Regardless of your political stance on the issue, I don't think anyone with an ounce of common sense can deny that the gun culture in the United States is directly responsible for many many deaths per year in your country.

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Its not the gun culture its the idiots and those who have grandiose ideas of "going out in style". If you notice its not those that actually go by gun control laws doing the killing its those that dont give a shit about them. Just like everything else the bad apples give the people who are responsible gun owners a bad name.

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  Monty22 said:
  mrusse01 said:

um...maybe this is the wrong place to bring this up, but seriously why do you guys sell AK-47's in the States? (disclaimer: I don't know if this gun was obtained legally, illegally, or whatever)

Is the 'right to bear arms' really worth these kind of tragedies again, and again, and again? Regardless of your political stance on the issue, I don't think anyone with an ounce of common sense can deny that the gun culture in the United States is directly responsible for many many deaths per year in your country.

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Statisticaly, the number of people killed by firearms is easily doubled by people killed in MVAs, yet no one is scrambling to ban cars. Firearms are inanamate objects, they are not inheritly good or evil.They are tools, nothing more, nothing less. Contrary to what the news would have you believe, they cannot be fired without a person pulling the trigger. The firearms that are so maligned in the press are the same ones that are used in a ridiculosly small amount of crimes.

Banning certain types of firearms because they are "scarry" to some opens the door to further infringements on the 2nd ammendment.

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  KingPest19 said:
  mrusse01 said:

um...maybe this is the wrong place to bring this up, but seriously why do you guys sell AK-47's in the States? (disclaimer: I don't know if this gun was obtained legally, illegally, or whatever)

Is the 'right to bear arms' really worth these kind of tragedies again, and again, and again? Regardless of your political stance on the issue, I don't think anyone with an ounce of common sense can deny that the gun culture in the United States is directly responsible for many many deaths per year in your country.

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Its not the gun culture its the idiots and those who have grandiose ideas of "going out in style". If you notice its not those that actually go by gun control laws doing the killing its those that dont give a shit about them. Just like everything else the bad apples give the people who are responsible gun owners a bad name.

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All of those things are true, but countries like Canada and England that have strict gun laws don't have anywhere near the amount of gun related crime that the United States does. I think they're still allowed to hunt as well in those countries.

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Yeah, but it's still Canada and England. I roll the dice when I go to malls in order to be in a poorly-led country that I still feel is better.

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  lawryde said:
  Monty22 said:
  mrusse01 said:

um...maybe this is the wrong place to bring this up, but seriously why do you guys sell AK-47's in the States? (disclaimer: I don't know if this gun was obtained legally, illegally, or whatever)

Is the 'right to bear arms' really worth these kind of tragedies again, and again, and again? Regardless of your political stance on the issue, I don't think anyone with an ounce of common sense can deny that the gun culture in the United States is directly responsible for many many deaths per year in your country.

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Statisticaly, the number of people killed by firearms is easily doubled by people killed in MVAs, yet no one is scrambling to ban cars. Firearms are inanamate objects, they are not inheritly good or evil.They are tools, nothing more, nothing less. Contrary to what the news would have you believe, they cannot be fired without a person pulling the trigger. The firearms that are so maligned in the press are the same ones that are used in a ridiculosly small amount of crimes.

Banning certain types of firearms because they are "scarry" to some opens the door to further infringements on the 2nd ammendment.

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  KingPest19 said:
  mrusse01 said:

um...maybe this is the wrong place to bring this up, but seriously why do you guys sell AK-47's in the States? (disclaimer: I don't know if this gun was obtained legally, illegally, or whatever)

Is the 'right to bear arms' really worth these kind of tragedies again, and again, and again? Regardless of your political stance on the issue, I don't think anyone with an ounce of common sense can deny that the gun culture in the United States is directly responsible for many many deaths per year in your country.

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Its not the gun culture its the idiots and those who have grandiose ideas of "going out in style". If you notice its not those that actually go by gun control laws doing the killing its those that dont give a shit about them. Just like everything else the bad apples give the people who are responsible gun owners a bad name.

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All of those things are true, but countries like Canada and England that have strict gun laws don't have anywhere near the amount of gun related crime that the United States does. I think they're still allowed to hunt as well in those countries.

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Look how much armed crime has gone up in Australia since they banned private ownership of guns. In the first 4 years after the ban armed robberies were up by 45% and and in one state homicide by gun was up by close to 300%. Its not the responsible ones committing the crimes its the ones who dont care about the laws. Criminals are going to commit crimes no matter what.

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  mrusse01 said:
um...maybe this is the wrong place to bring this up, but seriously why do you guys sell AK-47's in the States? (disclaimer: I don't know if this gun was obtained legally, illegally, or whatever)

Is the 'right to bear arms' really worth these kind of tragedies again, and again, and again? Regardless of your political stance on the issue, I don't think anyone with an ounce of common sense can deny that the gun culture in the United States is directly responsible for many many deaths per year in your country.

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To buy an actual AK-47 in the US you have to get a class three license and that includes a real FBI background check. Then the real AK-47 will cost several thousand dollars more. The guns that look like AKs that you can get for a couple hundred bucks at most gun shops are chinese knockoffs with one major difference; unlike the AK, they are semi-automatic.

The look-alikes function no differently than the semi-auto shotguns that many people use for bird hunting or the rifles that some states allow for hunting. There is usually a limit on the number of rounds you can put in a magazine for hunting, around 5-10. So, while one gun may look more dangerous than another, that isn't always the case.

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  Monty22 said:

Statisticaly, the number of people killed by firearms is easily doubled by people killed in MVAs, yet no one is scrambling to ban cars.

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That is because very few MVA's are determined to be premeditated murders, whereas too large a portion of deaths by handguns fall under that category.

  KingPest19 said:

If you notice its not those that actually go by gun control laws doing the killing its those that dont give a shit about them.

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That's not accurate. I know the guns in at least one of the recent rampages were obtained legally. Numerous domestic violent acts have been committed by people who were qualified to own a gun.

  mrusse01 said:

Is the 'right to bear arms' really worth these kind of tragedies again, and again, and again? Regardless of your political stance on the issue, I don't think anyone with an ounce of common sense can deny that the gun culture in the United States is directly responsible for many many deaths per year in your country.

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I wouldn't call us a gun culture, but it's obvious that we have too large a segment of society that has no business owning a gun, yet no legal way to keep them out of their hands

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