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How stupid is Chris Simon?

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Saw the game friday, that was BS. The guy just isn't a big game/playoff guy and he's "frustrated" that he's in a slump. Total garbage that he did that.

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I didn't see much of a difference between what Simon did and what Afinagenov did. Both slew footed, and both used violent kicking motions. Maxim got very lucky.

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That video was kind of crappy. I'm not sure there was kicking motion as much as Maxim trying to get his foot free from Upshall. Yes, Upshall got his leg kicked out but it's in an almost completly different context.

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That video was kind of crappy. I'm not sure there was kicking motion as much as Maxim trying to get his foot free from Upshall. Yes, Upshall got his leg kicked out but it's in an almost completly different context.

ok I agree he didn't try and step on him with his skate, but still there should have been a penalty called, and if the ref didn't see it. The NHL should take action against that. 30 games no, but something, because play like that is unacceptable. If you are frustrated and want to drop the mitts god for it, but don't pull crap like that.

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He obviously tried to kick him, but there was no contact. The ref already had pulled him past reaching distance.

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He obviously tried to kick him, but there was no contact. The ref already had pulled him past reaching distance.

An attempt to kick should be treated just as harshly as if he had connected. It's the act that needs to be penalized, not the result.

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An attempt to kick should be treated just as harshly as if he had connected. It's the act that needs to be penalized, not the result.

How the hell sad is it that this even needs to be said? I guess it's just as sad as the fact that it needs to be reminded to Campbell.

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He obviously tried to kick him, but there was no contact. The ref already had pulled him past reaching distance.

An attempt to kick should be treated just as harshly as if he had connected. It's the act that needs to be penalized, not the result.

Completely agree. Kicking, despite contact or not, carries a match penalty and should never be tolerated or questioned with regards to motive. Motive and contact are irrelevant when you have a razor mounted on the sole of your foot.

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He obviously tried to kick him, but there was no contact. The ref already had pulled him past reaching distance.

An attempt to kick should be treated just as harshly as if he had connected. It's the act that needs to be penalized, not the result.

Absolutely. I wasn't insinuating that he shouldn't have been penalized, there just seemed to be a question of whether or not there was contact on the kick.

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Did Isles fans really boo Simon last night? Good for them if they did.

thats what I heard on the radio this morning

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my girlfriends sister works at the gym he and a bunch of islanders go to. She was invited to his first game back as his personal guest. she says he's a real nice guy and he hates being classified as a goon. I'm a Ranger fan so if i ever meet the guy i may have to drop the gloves to protect by boy ryan hollweg. he has like 5 inches and 80 lbs on me but i'm quick like cat.

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Did Isles fans really boo Simon last night? Good for them if they did.

thats what I heard on the radio this morning

Yup vs TBL. When he first got on the ice, it was like a low murmur. But as the game went on, he got pretty much got booed every shift by all 12 fans in attendance.

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haha by all 12 fans thats a riot

my girlfriends sister works at the gym he and a bunch of islanders go to. She was invited to his first game back as his personal guest. she says he's a real nice guy and he hates being classified as a goon. I'm a Ranger fan so if i ever meet the guy i may have to drop the gloves to protect by boy ryan hollweg. he has like 5 inches and 80 lbs on me but i'm quick like cat.

if he doesn't want to be classified as a goon maybe he should quit acting like one then but thats just my opinion

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