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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Official "What you got for the Holidays" Thread

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Xbox 360, madden 08, nhl 08, skate, chicago bears jersey: brian urlacher, san diego padres hat, t-shirts, hoodies, jeans, chocolate, and some money.

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  Fury of One said:
  Fire0nIce228 said:

not to threadjack but is a 360 without an HDTV even worth it?

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It's not horrible, but it will be more optimized using an HDTV.

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I've played my 360 on a regular 20inch TV since I got it....it is fine, graphics are great. I can't read fine print on the screen though...

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I got an 80 GB PS3 with NHL 08, March Madness 08 and Rainbow Six Vegas, two authentic NFL jerseys (Chris Cooley and Hines Ward), some books on the Irish Mob in Boston and my hockey present this year was a pair of Game Issued Alexander Ovechkin Gloves (pics coming soon)

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Got Vapor XXXX skates (first Bauer skates EVER), XXXX stick, some ridiculously sick speakers for the dorm, Rascal Flatts tickets (which I will porlly not be able to use because of Midterms), whole bunch of clothes from hollister and A&F, got some mission pro stocks from myself, and I got ALOT of money so I can survive at school lol

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  JR Boucicaut said:

I didn't get anything for Christmas.

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my present was me buying a flight to Vegas at the end of January... hopefully i win a couple hundred on the slots before the show starts again this time

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One90 grip stick (p106)

Supreme 70 elbows.

Supreme 50 shoulder.

Couple rbk practice jerseys (plain)

red wings hoodie and hat

stick bag

lots of pucks


alarm clock.

good christmas

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From myself:

2005-06 Bauer Vapor XXX 77 flex Kovalchuk $85

Graf Supra 705's $370

I buy myself gifts at Christmas time because I budget my money so well throughout the whole year.

From parents:

T-blades for the 705's, all black.

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8 gb iPod touch

v moda vibe headphones (really nice)

$200 cash

$75 total in gift-cards from pacsun, radioshack, and aeropostale

Gap jeans

couple shirt and tie combos

A&F cologne (most likely returning not worth $50)

Giorgio Armani cologne

Dockers pants

Madden 08 for the wii

extra wii controller

got EVERYTHING i asked for.. first time in a whilee great christmas for me

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I definitely got some old-man presents. Overcoat; Midleton Very Rare whiskey; shoes; clothes; snowboard boots and wax card; ties/shirts.

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I got a big fat Credit Card bill. <_<

first time in a few years i didn't get any hockey stuff (I bought myself an S17 last week, so that gave me my fix).

Came out of it with a watch, some cash, some gift cards, need for speed prostreet for 360, some clothes. nothing too crazy.

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Stealth S17

Mission Fuel Grip

Fury Ice Hockey Pants

X-Box 360


Halo 3 ^

$560 for Hollister (Yikes!)

$120 in cash

New Cell Phone


2 pairs of shoes

And socks. So much socks.

Extended families ftw.

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I got

-Call of Duty 4 (360)

-Xbox Wireless Adaptor

-Wired 360 controller

-$150 cash

-gift cards (25 barnes and noble, 35 best buy, 15 itunes)

-ipod headphones (old ones broke)

-ipod dock

-box of hockey tape from howieshockeytape.com (15 black 15 clear)

-Def Leppard- Rock of Ages (cd)

-Van Halen Tickets in a sky box

-Flight of Conchords season 1 (but it hasnt come yet)

-random stocking stuffers

-some clothes

-Blades of Glory

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  mack said:

I definitely got some old-man presents. Overcoat; Midleton Very Rare whiskey; shoes; clothes; snowboard boots and wax card; ties/shirts.

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snow board boots arnt old man presents i see a lot of kids snowboardin that are like 8 or 9

i got hockey shirts



gh3 (xbox360)

microsoft points 5600 of them

keyboard adapter for 360 to hook up to controller

gift cards

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PS3 + Guitar Hero III and NHL 08

Clothes (Seven for all mankind belt, Kenneth Cole wallet, black cardigan, 5 plain white tees)

some random PSP games

350 Cash

getting a new cell phone sometime this week

and I don't know if this counts but I'm going to Hawaii on the 29th and coming home the day before school starts

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I got a Firetruck, some dinosaur action figures, and a Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!

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