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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Pro Stock Blades

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Saw that too, only if it was a righty, and not shaped like a hull...

There were a couple of others on there, an Erat and something else, didn't say prostock, but they must have been, but there were no pictures of the curves.

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That Roning is looking like a close second though haha. Is the Hull even useable to someone other than Brett or his dad/brothers?

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haha, I took one look at the hull and said "dammit, I cant use this." At the time I was using a Bonk retail, so the curve was money but there goes my toe drags.

The Roning would be very useable for me, if it was RH.

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Standard, crap. That looks kind of like a Kovy pro.

Kovy's is more darastic at the toe and his profile is quite a bit different. I think

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Standard, crap. That looks kind of like a Kovy pro.

Kovy's is more darastic at the toe and his profile is quite a bit different. I think

There are many, many different Kovy pros out there.

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Any LH Lidstrom Clones for the dolo blades?

Jovanovski-Heel, 1/2", very open, long, 5.5 lie, square toe.

Sounds like a Lids clone to me.

Still wondering why people are looking for retail curves in pro stock blades. I realize there's the whole "pro-stock, OMG! blade-gasm for the pro pattern" but they're not really anything special unless you get a blade that is nowhere near retail.

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Because it may be cheaper than the retail version. I don't know what HM is charging for their retail blades but they're about $60 here.

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Any LH Lidstrom Clones for the dolo blades?

Jovanovski-Heel, 1/2", very open, long, 5.5 lie, square toe.

Sounds like a Lids clone to me.

Still wondering why people are looking for retail curves in pro stock blades. I realize there's the whole "pro-stock, OMG! blade-gasm for the pro pattern" but they're not really anything special unless you get a blade that is nowhere near retail.

Cost. Not as much much for these Warriors, but the Missions are dirt cheap compared to most retail comp blades.

*Edit - Mack beat me to it. Also, the Jovo is the retail Lids clone.

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Yeah, I get the Missions, those were a steal. These Warrior blades save you $8 unless you drop $200 on a 6-pack. IMO it's not worth the hassle of "this might be close" or "this could work" or "HM lost all my stuff and I'm out $200 for trying to save $50."

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Standard, crap. That looks kind of like a Kovy pro.

Kovy's is more darastic at the toe and his profile is quite a bit different. I think

if he's talking about kovalev than he's kinda right - ive got one and it looks almost like a dead ringer from that angle.

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Recieved my pro stock Dolomite shaft and Elias Blade last night. Sorry for the crappy pic, its from my cell phone. I also have a profile shot i'll load up later. This is my first primary two piece set up (I have an Easton two piece for back up/pond hockey, etc.) so we'll see how it works out. pics of said blade:


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I really like the curve.That is what a been looking for a long time.

The Elias? I will tell you that it is a rather long blade. I'll get more pics up in a bit. Some clearer ones also

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