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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Pro Stock Blades

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I sold a LOT of blades but here's the total count:

Pro Stock Blades:

8 Warrior Dolomite Kovalchuk

6 Warrior Dolomite Afanasenkov

3 Mission "Big toe"

2 Warrior Dolomite Delmore

1 Warrior AK27 Take

Standard retail blades:

1 CCM Vector v40, Recchi

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ah, never posted these here. http://img525.imageshack.us/my.php?image=h...lekrightey4.jpg

Michalek on the right, Hecht on the left, as stated. I have not used the Hecht so far, been using the Michalek , not sure if either are quite what I want yet.

Then again, I'm not sure what I want and that's why I have two shafts and not a OPS :P The Michalek is not horrible to adjust to from the Sakic I have used for so long.

Sorry about the one pic, on camera phone, in night mode. I'll get something better if requested haha.

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buddy of mine ordered 4 tapered dolo blades and when he got them they were standard hosel dolos??? HM's service and accuracy is garbage.. they dont even carry pro stock standard dolo blades lol

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That has significantly more curve than the Weight.

You think? It looks identical to it from the picture. Maybe it's the white tape. I was speaking of the retail Weight. Were you?

After a closer comp. You are correct Mack. The Weight does have a far smaller curve.

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buddy of mine ordered 4 tapered dolo blades and when he got them they were standard hosel dolos??? HM's service and accuracy is garbage.. they dont even carry pro stock standard dolo blades lol

Apparently they do carry standard hosel dolo blades if you friend got some. ;)

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well according to HM online, they carried dolo tapered and ak27 standard, no where did it say dolo stanard lol.. thats what i meant.. HM is a jk, id be pissed

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well according to HM online, they carried dolo tapered and ak27 standard, no where did it say dolo stanard lol.. thats what i meant.. HM is a jk, id be pissed

Are you sure they won't fit? I mean, some people on this board might not know the difference between standard and tapered and it would be good to get some real evidence.

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well according to HM online, they carried dolo tapered and ak27 standard, no where did it say dolo stanard lol.. thats what i meant.. HM is a jk, id be pissed

Are you sure they won't fit? I mean, some people on this board might not know the difference between standard and tapered and it would be good to get some real evidence.

That's a good point. The dolo blades are a TIGHT fit.

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They are a tight fit. My Michalek went in with relative ease, the Hecht required some 'persuasion'. I thought at first it might not be tapered but it is.

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Tapered mission deadmarsh, warrior yashin, vapor xxx woodie, did not fit in my 7k pro lite but fit into my 6k pro feel

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can someone plz post pics of the kovy blade.

Fucking search guy, there are plenty of pictures of it on MSH.

by kovy i mean Kovalev not Kovalchuk. there is no pics of kovalev pro pattern anywhere on here i did a search.

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There are, not sure why you haven't come across any. Just go to the David Perron thread and look at his curve. It's a RH Kovalev.

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