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Justin 1933

Skates and their weights

Is the Weight of the skate the most important decision when buying a skate  

110 members have voted

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I think that skates that fit better and are more comfortable are more important performance factors than the overall weight of the skate.

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Personally, i dont think so....a skates weight is important but not as important as comfort. I 'd rather have a skate feel really comfy than be the lightest skate on the market. A decently light skate that was unbelievely comfy would be perfect.....dont need the lightest thing.

I was caught up in getting the lightest skate...until I heard others opinions and understood that the lightest skate isnt the best.....and i agree with it B)

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For me - weight certainly is a factor - but by no means the most important one.

Fit/Comfort and protection by far overrule weight for me.

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Absolutely not. Comfort and durability are more important for me. All major hockey brand's top end skates aren't really that heavy, but maybe just compared to Vapor XXs. For example, Bauer 8000s, and Mission s500s aren't heavy at all, but people think they are just because of Vector Pros and Vapor XXs. A light skate won't do you any good if it hurts your feet and breaks down in a month. That's why I wouldn't buy Vapor XXs.

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It does matter to me. Say if I go into a store and there is a very comfortable skate but is a little on the heavy side, and then there is a light skate but a little on the uncomfortable side, I'd most likely take the lighter one. Theres something about me and light equipment. I can never pass it up.

Before you reply negatively keep in mind that there are light comfortable skates out there to suit my needs, I was just making my point.

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Confort, stability of the foot and style are the most important to me.

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I voted no but with the exception that it is equally as important to me as fit when choosing an inline skate. With ice skates even the heavier models are so much lighter then my inlines I feel no need to make weight a factor in any purchase decision.

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It would be interesting to see what skates people actually bought to see if they voted with their(or their parents) wallet as they did in this poll.

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I consider how the skate looks before the weight. Weight is pretty much not a factor whatsoever for me.

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It's not exactly a factor to me, but I am considering some of the lighter models right now because they are being linked to better perfomance. The Synergy skates are supposed to be something special and I wouldn't mind seeing if they are that exceptional, I'm considering the top Bauer models and the s500's for my nexty skates If I decide to buy this year. It seems like as companies are improving their skates they are reducing the weight, now if the only difference is weight, I'll go for some close-out skates, but It doesn't appear to be that way.

I am currently in a pair of 609's w/ T'blades. I decided to go with a lower model because I wasn't sure if I'd keep them the whole year. This was my first year in Grafs.

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Most definitely not. Comfort and fit are the first things I look at when I look at new skates. Weight doesn't matter to me really. Sure I'd rather not skate in bricks, but if the weight is reasonable, I'll skate in it if it fits. I've had a really hard time finding skates that fit my foot, but have found that Graf 705s fit me really well. They aren't even close to being the lightest skate on the market, but they are the only skate that I've used that works for me.

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I think this is one of those questions where people won't answer truthfully. Its like "Do you base what stick you use off of what a certain pro uses?" People say no, but a lot of them really mean yes.

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You know, I don't know so much if people look at what pro's are using as much as they look at what other people, especially good players around the area are using. For instance, I would have never bought a Flyweight, even in a clearance rack for $30 if I had not heard of it here. I think the top players from around your own area are a big influence on what people use.

Just my $.02

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I think this is one of those questions where people won't answer truthfully. Its like "Do you base what stick you use off of what a certain pro uses?" People say no, but a lot of them really mean yes.

I agree with you....everyone says no, yet how many people that said no are sporting the Vector Pros or XX's?

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I think this is one of those questions where people won't answer truthfully.  Its like "Do you base what stick you use off of what a certain pro uses?"  People say no, but a lot of them really mean yes.

I agree with you....everyone says no, yet how many people that said no are sporting the Vector Pros or XX's?

and complaining about fit problems.

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I'm sure some of it stems from their LHS as well. I bet alot of people just go in and are already pointed in the direction of a certain skate if they don't ask for one, regardless of fit. Most places seem to push a certain skate although it may not be the best fit for everyone. Alot of people won't realize a fit issue right away either because of the bakings and break in period, alot of people aren't aware of what those will solve or what they won't solve. Thats what I'm fearing right now If I buy new skates.

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I think this is one of those questions where people won't answer truthfully.  Its like "Do you base what stick you use off of what a certain pro uses?"  People say no, but a lot of them really mean yes.

I agree with you....everyone says no, yet how many people that said no are sporting the Vector Pros or XX's?

I voted No. Atm i wear 03 Z-Air's.... love the fit and protection...hate the silver though <_< I can promise you that these skate's aren't that light. :D

btw, do i get a cookie or anything?

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i voted yes, but i have a very good reason. before buying my 8090's (which are amazing), i was wearing a pair of size 9 mission amp 2 carbons with the wicking liner. that skate, to start with, is no light weight, plus the fact that it soaks up sweat and i play often enough that it doesn't ever dry out PLUS the fact that the skate was 2 ( :blink: ) sizes too big made it a pair of cement slippers... comfortable but it was actually tiring to skate in them. (forget quick acceleration, i barely bothered lifting them off the ice in the 3rd period)

that is why i decided that i was definately getting a light skate, although i did consider fit and comfort seriously, it just happened to be my concern for weight that led me in the proper direction. just my 2 cents

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Here's my list, in order of importance:

1. Fit & comfort--Are the foot shape, arch, toe cap, ankle pads, etc. right? Does the skate feel like it should? Can any uncomfortable spots be easily fixed?

2. Quality & durability--Is the skate built well? Is it going to hold up? ARE THE BLADES ACTUALLY MOUNTED CORRECTLY?????

3. Function & performance--Does the skate do what it's supposed to do? Do I have support, flexibility, and protection where I need it? Is it "too much skate" for me, or not enough?

4. Price & value--Am I paying extra for the "latest and greatest" model? How do the other similarly-priced skates and similar-feature skates stack up? Can I get lucky and find a steal on a good pair of skates?

5. Manufacturer--If something goes wrong with my skate, am I going to be able to get it fixed or replaced? Am I going to have to pull teeth to get it done?

6. Appearance--Does it look like a hockey skate (mostly black)?

7. Weight--As long as we're not talking about ten-pound skates, it's not that important. A gram is about the weight of a paperclip. I can't tell the difference between 800 paperclips and 850 paperclips.

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A resounding "no". I think it would be great if more companies had models for specific foot types i.e. graf.

Imagine if the 8090 or whatever performance skate came w/ the same features but in different lasts? Everyone would be wearing them. I know that's not a realisitic scenario, but feet come in so many different shapes.

I will admit, if comfort were a given, I'd take looks over weight.

Wouldn't your muscles adjust to a 5 or ten gram weight difference anyways???

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