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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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World Cup Stealth

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Im' working a hockey camp at joe louis this week and maltby went out and skated with the aaa little ceasers team to get ready for the world cup and the stealth he was using was red and black for canada, and the red was towards the bottom by the blade. i was also in te equipment room and saw the new vapor xxx skates. hopefully this helps

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Okay here is what you have to do. Go and get a camera and get back in that equipment room and take pictures of those skates. It is the right thing to do :D

Do these Vapor XXX skates look like the ones that Peter Forsberg wears earlier in these posts?

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These are the finished product, available before the end of the year.


Now that we have a vauge picture skates, is there any way we can get some official shots before the World Cup? How many players do you expect to have in it during the WC?

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the vapor xxx's were a gray fade to black with burnt orange colored x's were the xx's are on the 20's. also i got a chance to get a close look at that stealth theres a canadian flag also on it towards the bottom by the blade. i even asked maltby if it was a special world cup edition and he said yeah, but he didn't know if he liked the stick yet.

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Could be, but last year he tried a pair of Missions for one game didn't like them and went back to Vapor XX's maybe he just didn't like them, I guess we'll have to wait till the World Cup to find out.

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There is a thing that makes me wonder more than his skates? WTF does he do there? Is he playing D now?

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There is a thing that makes me wonder more than his skates? WTF does he do there? Is he playing D now?

Probably for his good shot, in MTL they put Koivu there sometimes because he would always hit then net when he took a shot. Depends on the game situation.

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There is a thing that makes me wonder more than his skates? WTF does he do there? Is he playing D now?

Probably for his good shot, in MTL they put Koivu there sometimes because he would always hit then net when he took a shot. Depends on the game situation.

Maybe its a powerplay?

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Probably for his good shot, in MTL they put Koivu there sometimes because he would always hit then net when he took a shot.  Depends on the game situation.

Koivu's shot isn't all the great. I probably shoot harder than him power-wise. However the main reason they put him there is because he sees the ice very well and could pass and set up Souray for his big slapshot. Also, it was the only way they could put their top 2 centers on the first unit.

Acutally I went to a Montreal vs Rangers game at the Bell Centre in January and was in the 3rd row in overtime. Montreal had a powerplay and came close to scoring so many times. It was nuts. Koivu's one-timers were godawful but Souray's, well, you coudn't even see his shots.

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It was a charity game between the Icebreakers (Forsberg's Team including other Swedish NHLers) vs. Modo. He played D because they only had 4 other Defencemen and he didn't want to risk injury playing forward in a charity game. He ended up with a goal and an assist in a 7-6 win for his team.

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There is a thing that makes me wonder more than his skates? WTF does he do there? Is he playing D now?

He played D during that game, it's from a game between the Icebreakers (the team he played on) and MoDo Hockey. The reason why he played for the Icebreakers is that it's his charity team made up from him and other Swedish NHL players (most of them have played for MoDo in the past, with a few exceptions like Henrik Zetterberg and Fredrik Modin), and they raise money for disabled and sick children in need, hospitals etc. And the reason why he played D during that one game is because it put less stress to his abdomal muscles, because last week he left a practice with some minor problem in his muscle he had surgery on earlier, and this way he thought it'd be less painful, and didn't want to risk anything during a charity game.

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Won't be able to get any pics of Forsberg for a while now as he's just started practicing with Team Sweden before the World Cup, and this training camp isn't in my town, so if I post more pics it'll be from newspapers from now on.

Here are two from yesterday's practice. The first one shows a better view of the stick (it shows the blue semi circles better), and the other pic shows that he's back to using the XX skates, at least for now. Maybe he'll get back to the XXX later, who knows?



Hope someone will spot other versions of the Stealth and post them here, Canada's version sounds sweet for example.

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