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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shallow radius of hollow depth

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Hmmmm... I've been on a 7/16. I'm gonna switch it up to a 3/4 and see how it goes.

I don't recommend you jump right from 7/16 to 3/4. The change is too dramatic a step and you will be slipping all over the place. You have to give your body mechanics time to adjust. Best way to get to 3/4 is in steps, first 1/2, then 9/16, 5/8, 11/16, then 3/4, pausing for a week or two between the increments. Slow, small changes are easy and you will barely notice the change.

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I went from 3/8 to 1/2, and it took me a few ice times to get used to it. I went back to 3/8 for a couple ice times, then back to 1/2 permanently. I plan on moving to 5/8 after this season (hopefully I'll be about 15 pounds lighter than when I started on 1/2).

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Are there certain sharpening setups that allow hollows shallower than 1 1/4"? That seems to be the shallowest limit here, but most LHS use Dupliskate sharpeners.

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I'm curious about this comment Mr. Johnson makes: "There is one disadvantage to the flatter hollow and that is the player may have to sharpen their skates a little bit more because even if they get a small nick in the middle of the blade it might need to be resharpened."

Why would this be? I skate on a 3/4" hollow and one of the side benefits for me has been how rarely I need to get my skates sharpened.

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He's saying a nick is going to take 5-6 passes to get past since you're sharpening so little each pass. Shallow hollow will last longer and be quicker to resharpen unless there's damage to the skate. If it's severe, crossgrinder comes in where as a person on 1/4" could just make 3 passes and be good.

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Ive gone from 3/8 to 7/16, I tried a 1/2 but it felt like I was losing my edge and/or sliding more. I only gave it a few tries. I weigh 225 so according to this article I am more suited towards a shallower hollow. I think I will give 1/2 another try though.

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The hollow you run is really dependent on quite a few things:



Ice Temp


I have a computer program that spits out suggested hollows. Calcs said I should move higher, so I did. I ran 7/8's for a shinny session and last nite's game. Felt great, loved it. I might even try 1". Very smooth, and the skates are easy to handle.

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The hollow you run is really dependent on quite a few things:



Ice Temp


I have a computer program that spits out suggested hollows. Calcs said I should move higher, so I did. I ran 7/8's for a shinny session and last nite's game. Felt great, loved it. I might even try 1". Very smooth, and the skates are easy to handle.

how much does hollow make up for ice temp?

do higher temps mean a shallower hollow? what is the relation?


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Interesting point. I skated on a 1/2 for years, now that I'm at a new rink with softer ice I'm going to have to change it. Any ideas on what I should change to?

Go incrementally shallower until you get good results. Start at 9/16 and then move on to 5/8.

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Interesting point. I skated on a 1/2 for years, now that I'm at a new rink with softer ice I'm going to have to change it. Any ideas on what I should change to?

Go incrementally shallower until you get good results. Start at 9/16 and then move on to 5/8.

thanks man ill have a chat with the guy who sharpens my skates next time i see him

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Here's another good read regarding skate sharpenings:


On the second page, you have a small listing of what players like;

Six-time Stanley Cup winner Mark Messier, whose playing weight was around 205 pounds, used a 1-inch hollow when he played for the Oilers. Messier, a heavier power forward had long, fluid strides. He didn’t need as much hollow because he liked to glide on the top of the ice. Less hollow, more

glide. Current Oiler George Laraque, who tips the scale at 250 pounds, also uses a flat hollow at 1 inch. Norris Trophy winning defenseman Chris Pronger weighs 215 pounds. and prefers a 7/8th hollow. Colorado Avalanche player and Canadian Olympian Joe Sakic skates with a 5/8 inch hollow, which may seem quite flat for a smaller player. On the other hand 215-pound Jarome Iginla, a Mark Messier-style player, skates with a 1/2 inch hollow, which may seem quite deep for a player of his weight. These players all require a different hollow based on their unique skating needs and playing style.

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You have to be more specific, what's outdated? Hollows? I've heard of a new skate that rides on a film of air, kind of like a hovercraft, could that be what you are talking about, no hollows? <_<

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You have to be more specific, what's outdated? Hollows? I've heard of a new skate that rides on a film of air, kind of like a hovercraft, could that be what you are talking about, no hollows? <_<

I'd love to be more specific, but I can't right now.

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You have to be more specific, what's outdated? Hollows? I've heard of a new skate that rides on a film of air, kind of like a hovercraft, could that be what you are talking about, no hollows? <_<

I'd love to be more specific, but I can't right now.

I don't know if both of you are giving me crap because I have no idea what you're talking about or if jimmy really doesn't know either.

I did the search, nothing came up. . . what do I do now?

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