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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Star Equipment

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I am sorry to go back to this subject, but I have to have a say in this whole AO looking like a bum thing.

First off, I really respect the fact that even though the guy is one of the best and soon to be one of the highest paid players in the league, he keeps things simple. I just love that our sport is full of talented players who stick to the traditions. I mean, for crying out loud, Crosby decided to take a "pay-cut" if you could call it that, in order to clear up salary cap space so the Pens could get other talents on the team!! I for one, am happy that these young guys are sticking to their roots! It shows a huge amount of respect in themselves, and the game.

More power to AO!! We all know that the farther hockey and its players stay away from the "Tyrell Owens" type of attitude...the better!!! I mean....our boys are already dating an Olsen Twin and Hillary Duff! A huge appeal to our game is that it hasnt become tainted in the whole marketing whore show that is NBA, NFL, MLB, and professional bowling!!

Besides, no matter what, guys who play beer league will always get on the ice dressed up like their favorite player, be it AO or Crosby. The reason is that beer league is all about old guys (and young) pretending to pro hockey players......you can try to deny it all you want, but we have all played against that guy who makes it his goal in life to prove to someone that he should have gotten a chance to be in the show! Hence, CCM makes those glitter skates, visors come in tinted colors, etc. If it sells to the populace (kids and beer leaguers), the sponsoring companies are happy to have the publicity.....and so are the pros who get the money! So be happy boys! You can always say that AO is copying you! Not the other way around!

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St.Louis had some sick ass vapor xxxx gloves :P i loved how sweet they looked in TBL colours.. although i hate his old school yellow synergy

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I mean....our boys are already dating an Olsen Twin and Hillary Duff!

Besides, no matter what, guys who play beer league will always get on the ice dressed up like their favorite player, be it AO or Crosby. The reason is that beer league is all about old guys (and young) pretending to pro hockey players......you can try to deny it all you want, but we have all played against that guy who makes it his goal in life to prove to someone that he should have gotten a chance to be in the show!

My GF saw in some mag that Averys ex "the girl next door" is dating another hockey player, i checked, it was Mike Komoserik. Anyway

Dude, thankfully i'm playing club college hockey now, but for a year after I was too old for JR. I only played beer league. It's so weird you spend your childhood thinking you'll be in the NHL and you work hard and play, then you come to grips with the fact that you won't be in the NHL but you still work hard and play and then one day it just ends. You just can't play real competitive hockey. Not that the competition is bad, it's just no one cares. no practice, no coach, no real stratagy. You play good, you have a beer, you play bad, you have two beers. No bag skates, no yelling, no fans. Why practice, why go running, why lift weights, why get better. I hated beer league and it was so hard to come to grips with the fact that this is the type of hockey i'm playing for the rest of my life.

THANK GOD I decided to go back to school and they have a club team, so atleast for a few more years I can play real hockey. I don't even want to think about getting so old I can't play hockey at all. When I can't play hockey, i'm sharpening my skates and slitting my throat. Life without hockey is a life not worth living.

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Yeah he uses a short stick, always.

Like Yoda, your reply sounds...

I've seen it several times at the ACC for sale...I'm 6 feet and it comes up well under my chin, nice curve though.

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if you had a chance at nike bauer all star pro gloves(ex. Kovalchuk...) would you get them?

theyre much cheaper than the vapor xxx and vapor xxxx at $159.00

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actually since u said kovalchuch im gona assume its the eastern and he is wearing warriors but yea i would i like that colour scheme.

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I am sorry to go back to this subject, but I have to have a say in this whole AO looking like a bum thing.

First off, I really respect the fact that even though the guy is one of the best and soon to be one of the highest paid players in the league, he keeps things simple. I just love that our sport is full of talented players who stick to the traditions. I mean, for crying out loud, Crosby decided to take a "pay-cut" if you could call it that, in order to clear up salary cap space so the Pens could get other talents on the team!! I for one, am happy that these young guys are sticking to their roots! It shows a huge amount of respect in themselves, and the game.

More power to AO!! We all know that the farther hockey and its players stay away from the "Tyrell Owens" type of attitude...the better!!! I mean....our boys are already dating an Olsen Twin and Hillary Duff! A huge appeal to our game is that it hasnt become tainted in the whole marketing whore show that is NBA, NFL, MLB, and professional bowling!!

Besides, no matter what, guys who play beer league will always get on the ice dressed up like their favorite player, be it AO or Crosby. The reason is that beer league is all about old guys (and young) pretending to pro hockey players......you can try to deny it all you want, but we have all played against that guy who makes it his goal in life to prove to someone that he should have gotten a chance to be in the show! Hence, CCM makes those glitter skates, visors come in tinted colors, etc. If it sells to the populace (kids and beer leaguers), the sponsoring companies are happy to have the publicity.....and so are the pros who get the money! So be happy boys! You can always say that AO is copying you! Not the other way around!

You didn't say anything -

There's more equipment marketing in hockey than any other sport - there's more options to. Can't market football/baseball gear - everyone wears the same. You can market shoes in basketball, lots of guys wear the same shoe unless they have a signature shoe. Hockey takes it to a different level - the NHL has been whoring themselves out more than the other sports and not improving the on-ice product.

As for your second point, those glitter skates and visors are NOT SELLING. Function over style is what sells in a "simple" sport, as you put it.

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As for your second point, those glitter skates and visors are NOT SELLING. Function over style is what sells in a "simple" sport, as you put it.

Maybe not with the more "elite" or even "competent" players - but I see a lot of house and HS club kids buying crappy gear that people like you and I wouldn't be caught dead wearing because it is flashy and they think it looks cool.

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It seems that this type of equipment is often bought by the two opposite ends of the spectrum: house and HS club players as you said and then some at the "elite" levels who are trying to show off just how good they are.

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My GF saw in some mag that Averys ex "the girl next door" is dating another hockey player, i checked, it was Mike Komoserik.


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My GF saw in some mag that Averys ex "the girl next door" is dating another hockey player, i checked, it was Mike Komoserik.


Comrie is dating Duff

Phaneuf is dating Cuthbert

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Personally i think that AO is great for marketing because he loves to play and he is great at what he does. As far as chrome laden skates and visors go, so what if people like them as long as they are purchasing new equipment to fuel the industry

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what it comes down to is that no matter how much we talk about ovie, there will always be some other player or company (Warrior) pushing the limits in terms of style on ice and the advertising off, that we will talk about. plus, even if most of the people on this don't like the looks of things, there are thousands of kids, and adults, elsewhere that will go buy the flamboyant equipment.

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