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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Incredibly unfortunate.

Just another reason why my kids will be driving a Civic as their first car. It is safe, reliable, and doesn't promote the speed culture that is claiming way too many of our youths. :(

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Just another reason why my kids will be driving a Civic as their first car. It is safe, reliable, and doesn't promote the speed culture...

Um, yeah it kind of does actually. Civics are pretty notorious in the street racing culture.

Terrible story though, I can't believe a parent would allow their 18 year old child to drive their M5 though, that's just ridiculous. I think it could partially be do to the issue that even a lot of M5 owners don't know what those cars are capable of, those things are Ferrari killers.

Good lesson to the younger kids on the board though...I'm 24 now and a lot of the driving stunts I pulled when I was 18-20 I just think back and shake my head at.

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Sad indeed. I was the passenger in an early '80's Mustang GT going 120+ when I was fifteen. Later, I had plenty of close calls within the next few years after that and I think (or thought then) that I was pretty responsible and not reckless at all when compared to what some of the other kids my age were doing. In some instances, its just blind luck, fate, a higher being or whatever you believe that allows some kids to live past puberty and their early adulthood without dieing.

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Sad indeed. I was the passenger in an early '80's Mustang GT going 120+ when I was fifteen. Later, I had plenty of close calls within the next few years after that and I think (or thought then) that I was pretty responsible and not reckless at all when compared to what some of the other kids my age were doing. In some instances, its just blind luck, fate, a higher being or whatever you believe that allows some kids to live past puberty and their early adulthood without dieing.

Amen to that. I"m sure most of us had high school classmates not live to see 21.

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Damn....I just spent about an hour looking at news stuff related to the crash. Thanks for the link, Chadd. Sad story, but like you said, hopefully people will learn from this.

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Incredibly unfortunate.

Just another reason why my kids will be driving a Civic as their first car. It is safe, reliable, and doesn't promote the speed culture that is claiming way too many of our youths. :(

I had a 90's Taurus, but it never stopped me from being a teenage driver. Kids will be kids, you just gotta instill respect for the law and put the fear in them to keep them in line.

Best bet it a cheap, heavy, underpowered rust bucket.

My brother just upgraded to an M3, but I dare say he can handle the car, and speeding tickets are cheap and don't show up on your record when your license is out of state.

When I'm a dad and I have a car like an M5 or a Corvette or something like that I will sure as hell not let my kids or my wife near it.

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Damn....I just spent about an hour looking at news stuff related to the crash. Thanks for the link, Chadd. Sad story, but like you said, hopefully people will learn from this.

As much as anything it shows that you should listen to people when they try to help you and not blow them off. Most of us did crazy things as kids and were lucky to have survived them. That's why we try to discourage people from making those same (often poor) decisions.

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Terrible story though, I can't believe a parent would allow their 18 year old child to drive their M5 though, that's just ridiculous.

Families can be connected through cars. My father says he enjoyed watching me enjoy his cars just as much as he enjoyed driving them.

It was not the parent behind the wheel causing the crash. Even the best parents have kids kill themselves for doing stupid things. It happens.

I think it could partially be do to the issue that even a lot of M5 owners don't know what those cars are capable of, those things are Ferrari killers.

EVERY M5 owner knows what the car can do, thats why they bought one or else they'd be in a regular 5 series.

As exotic as you may think the car is, its far more forgiving than almost 90% of cars on the road.

What do you expect is going to happen when you drive it off a cliff?

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I can't believe a parent would allow their 18 year old child to drive their M5 though, that's just ridiculous.

They might not have. An 18-year-old neighbor took the keys to his parents new 944, drank with his friends and crashed the car into a tree.

At 3:00 AM, the police told his brother that he had died, but the brother said there was no way it could have been him since he was asleep in his bedroom. He wasn't.

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Part of me thinks this is sad, part of me says Darwin award honorable mention. Stupid is stupid no matter how young you are(within reason), yet on the same token, we've all done stupid things.

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One less mook in the world, I'm fine with that. I'd say sorry about the friends but they had poor taste in friends.

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That is the Exact Reason my dad gave me a 1991 Volvo 240. This car has a 0 to 60 in about 40 Sec. and a top speed of about 70. Now granted I'm allowed to drive my dads BMW 1986 535i and Moms 1999 Suburban or 2007 Subaru Impreza but the difference is that I realize I suck at driving and don't try anything stupid.

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Great find Chadd. Hopefully the youngsters on this board realize that being of younger age doesn't mean being immortal. Luckily most of the kids on this board seem to have a decent head on them.

I used to coach a kids roller hockey team many years ago, and one of the dad's I played with had a son on my team. He had great talent and was a really nice kid. The family had money, and when he turned 16 (legal driver's age in Ohio), his dad bought him a used Civic and the kid poured some dough into it to make it look nice and racy. The kid wrecked the car while street racing and luckily didn't die. He broke his neck, hip and many other bones. He was in a halo for six months I believe. I ran into him while he was in the halo and he still wouldn't take blame for the accident (he caused it on a puddle in the road). I told him that I saw the pics of his car in the paper and going 30mph wouldn't make the car 'desintegrate', which is basically what happened.

Some kids need to learn the hard way, but they don't realize what suffering others have to endure from their mistakes.

That is the Exact Reason my dad gave me a 1991 Volvo 240. This car has a 0 to 60 in about 40 Sec. and a top speed of about 70. Now granted I'm allowed to drive my dads BMW 1986 535i and Moms 1999 Suburban or 2007 Subaru Impreza but the difference is that I realize I suck at driving and don't try anything stupid.

You are wiser beyond your years. Keep that intelligence and you will succeed in life.

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Could be like Nick "Hogan" and wreck his supra, survive the crash but have a dead friend. Now there's talk that Nick's accident, the press and upcoming trial are some of the reasons for the "Hogan" separation.

Don't learn the hard way.

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One less mook in the world, I'm fine with that. I'd say sorry about the friends but they had poor taste in friends.

Or they just wanted a ride in an M5...which is perhaps even worse.

Very sad story. Kind of personal to me as I'm 17 and an M5 is my dream car, but i would NEVER drive one now...simply because i have absolutely no knowledge or experience with a car of that nature.

OH and i couldn't afford the stereo system IN the car.

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