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goal celebrations

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What does everyone think of celebrating after you score a goal? What would you consider taking it too far, etc. I ask this because a few weeks ago, I was having a pretty good game, house league though it may be, and ended up scoring 4 goals. On my hat trick goal, I absolutely crushed a kid, and got a breakaway off it, was hooked, and scored shorthanded. One of the better goals I've ever scored. So I'm pumped, and do the Kovalchuk celebration, since he's basically my hero. At the end of the game whilst shaking hands with the other team, their coach tells me I'm a punk for showboating out there. I personally think it's BS, and that he was just mad about getting smoked, but what do I know. Are goal celebrations okay, or should I just skate off as usual from now on? I'm only having fun, not trying to rub it in their faces or anything, so I don't see the big deal.

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If the game is important and it is tied, one goal game, mayb two goal game really depends how good of a goal it is I would say celebrate. If it is a blow out and you celebrate, you are being disrespectfull and your coach should let you ride pine until you get splinters.

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Like archangel said it's all circumstantial if it's an overtime winner then you have all the right in the world to go nuts, but if it puts your team up by more than 3 then just skate to center and get ready for the draw

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I play more than house, I just play house for fun on the side. The goal made us up by 3 at the time btw. Also, it's not even that much of a celebration really.

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that coach is a classless prick for bringing it up. while i never take scoring for granted, the old 2 arms in the air and glove-bumps with teammates is usually what i go for.

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if you play in house you really have nothing to celebrate about.

Leave the kid alone all-star..no need for that

that coach is a classless prick for bringing it up. while i never take scoring for granted, the old 2 arms in the air and glove-bumps with teammates is usually what i go for.

You're right...coach is defintely way out of line. There's a time and place for everything. Over doing it is never appreciated, and it doesn't show sportmanship at all. Nothing wrong with getting excited however, but when it's a four goal lead I would tone it down a notch. Biggest pet peeve tho is guys celebrating like that in beer league games...defintely no need there....not at all.

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When I score a big goal, I usually go have to yell, but my team kind of does too. Otherwise, it's a quick "hell yeah" and bump the gloves, point over to my linemates, and a crap-eating grin on my face. But that's mainly because over playing hockey as a kid for 6 or 7 years I only scored one goal. So I'm making up for that now.

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The weirdest was when my team won a house league championship. Instead of playoffs it was a one day ladder tourny and we were the bottom rung We swept the field and at the end of the final game I was ecstatic because I scored the game winner with a couple of minutes to go. But at the buzzer everybody else just lined up for the handshake, went and changed and went home. No celebrations, congrads, or high fives. We didn't even talk in the locker room. Kinda surreal.

But I've also played on teams where some guys thought every goal was a game 7 Stanley Cup winner.

I might joke around in drop-ins and ride the horse or shoot the shotgun, but only if I know most of the people.

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I'm old, and all I can play in is beer leagues. When I score I usually just tap gloves with my teammates. If it's a big goal sometimes I will put my arms up...it just depends. But I never overdo it. My Wife thinks it's weird that I don't celebrate but it's just not the way I am, I guess.

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i don't think i even put my arms up really, just tap gloves if the other guys on my team skate up to me. only time i've EVER done anything more than that, was to rub it in when the other teams goalie was being an idiot all game. i told him earlier i was gonna score on him - So when I snuck one in from the goal line, i pointed at the net like a ref.

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I'll usually pull one out from Chad Johnson's repertoire.

:o And does the other team's goon come after you next shift?

Myself - bump gloves with the team and act like you have done it all before and will, at some point, do it again.

Of course, I am always a bit understated.

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I'll usually pull one out from Chad Johnson's repertoire.

:o And does the other team's goon come after you next shift?

Myself - bump gloves with the team and act like you have done it all before and will, at some point, do it again.

Of course, I am always a bit understated.

I didn't tack on a nice internet smiley, but I wasn't serious.

I think celebrations are fine if you're just really excited (e.g. Theo Fleury) cause:

- you don't score often

- it's a close/important game

Anything pre-planned is douchebag-y.

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Off a slapper - One hand (stick) in the air is normally what happens, with a nod to my teammates. Off a wrister, I will usually just tap gloves with my team. I never really yell.

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I forgot to add that one thing I used to do back in the day was yell back at a player who was all over me after I scored a goal. Example, if a guy was hooking and holding me and I was still able to score, I would usually yell back "F-CK YOU!!" or something to that effect because I was pumped that I still scored with them draped all over me....haha.

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1. Score goal

2. Skate to bench

3. Shift change (doesn't matter if I was on the ice for 5 sec.)

I fall into the no celebration/glove bump camp. We've all been on the recieving end of a team/player that gloats and don't like it. What purpose does celebrating do other than motivate the other team into playing harder/dirtier?

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I forgot to add that one thing I used to do back in the day was yell back at a player who was all over me after I scored a goal. Example, if a guy was hooking and holding me and I was still able to score, I would usually yell back "F-CK YOU!!" or something to that effect because I was pumped that I still scored with them draped all over me....haha.

That's badass, Cobra Kai.

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anyone ever yell at a team mate or....even deck them for taking the celebration way too far? I only play rec league and there's one particular player that celebrates like a nut when the team scores even if he is not on the ice even if we're up by more than a comfortable margin

Sometimes I want to deck him he's so classless......

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It's been mentioned already, but I've always gone by what my dad told me since I started playing sports.

"Act like you've scored before."

Even the nicest of goals, I'll just skate off the ice or line up for the faceoff.

I save the glove tapping and stuff like that for after the game when we win.

I don't care if other people do it, they are free to do so if they want. You just won't see any of that from me.

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I forgot to add that one thing I used to do back in the day was yell back at a player who was all over me after I scored a goal. Example, if a guy was hooking and holding me and I was still able to score, I would usually yell back "F-CK YOU!!" or something to that effect because I was pumped that I still scored with them draped all over me....haha.

That's badass, Cobra Kai.

Coincidentily, I played for a team called Cobra Kai last year. True story...

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