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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ok, watching mythbusters right now and Jamie is underwater punching sharks in the face while wearing what appears to be a NBH 4500 helmet.

Is a modified 4500 the best idea for use of punching sharks?

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Pro bull riding uses a 4500 combo with all the logos removed. Might be a 5000, never looked too closely.

I think hockey helmets are just about the best thing out there for protection. Military kevlar is cumbersome, football helmets are obtrusive, bike helmets aren't really that great for all-over protection, ski/snow helmets insulate, skate helmets aren't adjustable.

Almost every other helmet is a "3-size fits all" where hockey helmets are customizable, relatively cheap, lightweight, safe, etc.

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I normally like that show, but these guys were just sooo off the mark this time...I guess Discovery made them tie-in to Shark Week....

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I love kari.

I am a Jess man myself. :)

While on the subject of converted hockey equipment, anyone see the Philippines Fight Quest? One of the hosts had some weird looking NBH gloves when stick fighting. They had a big badge like 4rolls but vents like one90's.

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i'd use a stealth helmet... that way you can sneak up on the sharks.

im reading the boards, miserable about my lack of vday ideas and that made me laugh out loud :lol: thanks man hahaha

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Yeah on fightquest they had NBH gloves and on human weapon they had RBKs on a couple episodes.

Who knew Marines used 4Ks?

When I used to work at a hockey shop I had a man come in looking for hockey gloves he could wear during his knife fighting class... I sold him 4 pairs of vapor xxx's.

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Yeah on fightquest they had NBH gloves and on human weapon they had RBKs on a couple episodes.

Who knew Marines used 4Ks?

When I used to work at a hockey shop I had a man come in looking for hockey gloves he could wear during his knife fighting class... I sold him 4 pairs of vapor xxx's.

Knife fighting class?!? What the heck is that? $100 for a pair of gloves that you are going to destroy? What's the use of it?

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The original style goalie fask mask ala Jacque Plante/Friday the 13th was a hot item here in Taiwan for paint ball enthusiasts a few years back. I never got to see them in action but I sure had fun imagining them diving, then tuck n roll and release a spray of fire with those puppies on!

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"Wipeout" also like hockey helmets, can't remember what the American version uses, but the Australian version uses Mission M1505's

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Yeah on fightquest they had NBH gloves and on human weapon they had RBKs on a couple episodes.

Who knew Marines used 4Ks?

When I used to work at a hockey shop I had a man come in looking for hockey gloves he could wear during his knife fighting class... I sold him 4 pairs of vapor xxx's.

Knife fighting class?!? What the heck is that? $100 for a pair of gloves that you are going to destroy? What's the use of it?

Probably using training knives.

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