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Richard Zednik Injury

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Cut by a skate on his neck. Bloody enough they had to zam the ice. Stable condition and going to a Buffalo hospital.

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He was cut badly by a skate blade on the right side of his neck.... he is in stable condition and has been taken to a hospital... i think it was Jokinen's skate. There was a lot of blood on the ice.

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I was there too... absolutely horrible to watch.

I'm still a bit shaken up by it, but they just announced hes in surgery at buffalo general hospital and should be ok.

i snapped a photo of the ice a bit after it happened with my phone, ill up it tomorrow. =/

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wow.. they didn't show the replay at the arena (rightfully so).. that looks terrible.

I gotta give it to the people there though, everyone handled it well, and showed a lot of class.

It really puts things in perspective. Lets hope he comes out of this ok.

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I'm amazed that doesn't happen more often...not to the extreme of this injury...but wrists, thighs, calfs....there are so many places where in a scrum a blade can come down.

It appears that the TV broadcast COULD have continued that shot after the hit showed him rushing to the bench and the stream of blood. Classy move by them not too.

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Unfortunately, they had already dealt with this when it happened to Malarchuk back in the day. Between Kevin Everett and now this, it's been a rough year for people playing games in Buffalo.

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  precursor said:

Unfortunately, they had already dealt with this when it happened to Malarchuk back in the day. Between Kevin Everett and now this, it's been a rough year for people playing games in Buffalo.

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Harry Neale says "I've never seen that much blood that quickly..." and Jeanerette, totally deadpan, in shock, goes "I have!"

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Jeanerette sounded very shaken. Flashbacks I guess. Damn, Buffalo is a bad place for that kind of injury. Pat Dapuzzo got sliced yesterday in Philly. Pretty bad too, but not like Zed.

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it was good he knew how serious his injury was almost instantly after the skate hit him and skated to the bench or it could of been much uglier.

  Patrick67 said:

dunno about zednik, but did anyone just see the blues - wild shootout?

Damm! Wilds d-man makes a getzlaf/datsyuk hybrik goal for the game winner! awesome stuff.

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You're a knob

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well, i'm also glad they did not show what happenned after the skate makes contact with zedniks neck in the replays. if you look carefully in the real-time part of youtube video when zednik hits the ice you can catch a glimpse of the thick smear of blood.

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The original feed from Florida showed the blood spurting from Zednik's neck. Terribly unlucky and gruesome play, and I wish the best to Zednik.

I was so pissed after the Jackets lost in the SO tonight, but when you hear things like this it really puts things into perspective. It's just a game and you never ever want to see anything like this happen to anybody.

A+ to the medical staff on this one. It's amazing the great work they do, this could have ended very badly if not for them. Same goes for other incidents like Kevin Everett, and like Jiri Fischer. Hats off to them, their hard work is greatly appreciated.

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