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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All I know is it drives my wife nuts. "how many times do you have to check the same gear out". Plus I have the NHL Network and the NHL center ice package at home. I can watch hockey all day, every day. I think there may be a need for a support group for this kind of stuff.

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I spend a couple of hours a day on something related to hockey, whether it is checking out this site or watching a game on the Center Ice package or just dreaming up the gear I'd buy if I hit the lottery.

Obsession? Yes, but its better than being obsessed with drugs or booze (thats what I tell the wife :P )

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Easily 2-3 hours a day.

I jump from obsession to obsession though. This one's sticking longer than most others.

I figure ten years from now, I'll probably be way into ice fishing, or building cars, or doing something else I'm not interested in. I just get bored after a while and have to find something else to do.

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One of the side effects of working from home right now is that I basically have a routine check of my favorite sites about every hour or so. :D

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I probaly spend half of my day on hockey, constently looking on MSH and hockey equipment websites.(at the end of the day nothing can beet hockey :P its by far the best sport) also i play 2 times a week wich is not that much play but its better than nothing. :)

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I once heard somebody call a visor a "half face" and I damn near Lee Harvey Oswald'd him.

Too soon?

according to southpark it has to be at least 22.5 years before it is funny

Fixed. ;)

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My brother who is not into hockey says I have a deep rooted psychological problem and I need to see a shrink. I told him he's right. When I go to my local LHS (which I stopped doing because I think they started thinking I was really weird coming around all the time) I know more than they do --- sometimes alot more. Oh well, its cheaper than heroin.

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I'd also like to add that my Wife doesn't understand the "Gear Whore" philosophy. It leads to many a "discussion" in this household ;)

Oh well, its cheaper than heroin.

New MSH Slogan? :)

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How much time do I spend on ModSquad?? Too much.

That's why a lot less gets done at the store. Thanks Pete!

I can get it removed from that computer and then you'll have no access. Just ask Olmo, it's been done before. Don't mess with me, I'll do it it again!

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Hahah at least I know now I'm not the only one who is told they spend entirely too much time looking on this site, at gear or whatever else.

I think I need rehab....lol :P

MSH group therapy?

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Living in the great hockey hotbed of Louisville, Kentucky (yeah...right) I tend to spend several hours a day on either MSH or just looking up general hockey stuff. I only get to spend maybe 2 days at the rink (if lucky) and the pro shop has almost nothing that would even remotely fit an adult. Ive played for almost a year now, but am totally obsessed with all things hockey. Basically i do 2 things... work and hockey, most of both spent at MSH.

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How much time do I spend on ModSquad?? Too much.

That's why a lot less gets done at the store. Thanks Pete!

I can get it removed from that computer and then you'll have no access. Just ask Olmo, it's been done before. Don't mess with me, I'll do it it again!

I hear the iPhone works wonders. Especially for those long bathroom breaks.

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My friends don't get it either, even the hockey playing friends.

Especially when I go through 10 sticks in 3 months, none of them broken. Sometimes a new stick shows up at the door, sometimes one magically leaves the pile and is on the way to Texas.

Most of my friends have 2 sticks they'll use until they break, no playing with brands, shaft shape, patterns, grip, anything.

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The first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. If that's the case, then I don't want to recover. So, I don't have a problem with obsessing over hockey... :D

But, without this site, I would not have known how to select, acquire, fix, and use the various pieces of equipment that my son and I are continuing to use and maintain. A lot of the myths about hockey (gear, skills, tactics, strategy) have been discussed and straightened out here.

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I once heard somebody call a visor a "half face" and I damn near Zednick'd him.

Too soon?

wouldn't it be jokinen'd?? :P

as far as the question goes... way too much - and i spend way to much money on this stuff as well. i really dont want to think about how much money i spend on hockey equipment each year. I have a full set of ice hockey goalie stuff and also full set of equipment for playing out along with alot of sticks and other random stuff.

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I'm dying right now because I know for a fact when I go in to pick up my skates today which are getting new blades on them, there is roughly a 100% chance I'm not going to be able to stop myself from buying the NBH all-star game 4-rolls they have in the store and I really don't need a new pair of gloves right now. My only hope is if someone else has already bought them.

So yeah, my obsession is pretty bad.

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Between Ice Hockey, Mountain biking and World of Warcraft I can spend allot of time reading on each topic a day. I tend to read everything I can find on new areas of interest or hobby. Although I tend to mostly end up reading about WarCraft as there just doesn't seem to be enough articles or technique sites for either hockey or biking :(

Or at least sites that I've found, I'd love to have more non-warcraft reading material. I need something to read while waiting for code to compile at work...

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I defintely could be doing more productive things with my time....that's for sure. But it helps me with my barnyard porn addiction.

Be careful with that or you'll end up with mustang palms. :lol:

Oh well, its cheaper than heroin.

For now.

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I'm dying right now because I know for a fact when I go in to pick up my skates today which are getting new blades on them, there is roughly a 100% chance I'm not going to be able to stop myself from buying the NBH all-star game 4-rolls they have in the store and I really don't need a new pair of gloves right now. My only hope is if someone else has already bought them.

So yeah, my obsession is pretty bad.

Beat this, I haven't even got my new gloves yet but I'm planning a custom glove order... All this while I already have 4 pairs of gloves.

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