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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pick up hockey (shinny) pet peeves

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Heh I finally got used to which arm my elbow pads go on without having to actually look. I still have to look at my shins though.Damn ref elbow pads I got don't say on them which arm they go on, so I'm making the assumption they go on with the straps pointing inwards like my player elbows :P

I pack my corresponding elbows inside the shins and inside the corresponding pant leg; that way- I always know which is which. This also makes my bag very compact.

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I pack my corresponding elbows inside the shins and inside the corresponding pant leg; that way- I always know which is which. This also makes my bag very compact.

Heh, I'm 100% too lazy to bother doing that. Though would make sense if I went back to my backpack bag.

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Heh, I'm 100% too lazy to bother doing that. Though would make sense if I went back to my backpack bag.

It becomes second nature; this coming from a fellow lazy bloke.

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Its been mentioned before, but why do people not show up with a white and a dark jersey? I can't figure that one out since it costs no more than $15 for a practice jersey.

When you have every color in the rainbow on the ice you have to think to yourself, "Red was on my team yesterday, but is he today?"

I always show up with an all white, and an all navy blue which almost looks black. There is no question which team I am on and it only cost me $30 for both of those jerseys.

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It's been mentioned before, but why do people not show up with a white and a dark jersey? I can't figure that one out since it costs no more than $15 for a practice jersey.

When you have every color in the rainbow on the ice you have to think to yourself, "Red was on my team yesterday, but is he today?"

I always show up with an all white, and an all navy blue which almost looks black. There is no question which team I am on and it only cost me $30 for both of those jerseys.

First off- your avatar is AWESOME!!!!!!

Go to hockeytron.com and on certain days, it is $25 or less for both sweaters SHIPPED!!!!'

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My latest pet peeve- what is it about people ratcheting pick up to 11? Yeah, I put a post in the Sweet Spot about my highlight reel hit on a kid who was going full speed ahead with his head down, but that could have EASILY been a post by me in the Venting Spot about getting plowed over by the same kid.

It's pick up, people!!! If you're going to ratchet it up, keep your head up or someone is going to get hurt.

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I got nailed by the "don't drink from my water bottle" peeve last night. I haven't played in a few months...I probably took bottle out of my bag for baseball or something..didn't realize I didn't have one 'til I got to the rink, and the shop was already closed (10p skate).

No worries. 5 bottles on the bench. I didn't ask first...just grabbed the closest one for a quick swig. Not sure what was in the one I grabbed...but it wasn't water!!!!!

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I always get a chuckle when it happens to me when I'm sitting next to the guy who grabs my Gatorade. I always lean over and whisper to him "that will be three dollars please".

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Heh happened to me during a game a few weeks ago, but with a towel.

"Hey, pass me that towel"

"That one?"


"That's mine..."

"Uhh well, can I use it?"

"What for?"

"Just to wipe my visor. I wouldn't use somebody else's towel for anything else, I have boundaries haha"

"Hah oh okay, sure."

Super awkward. But seriously, I wasn't gonna wipe my sweat or blow my nose or something with it. Haha

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The guy that knows everything and played with all the pros that cannot skate. Guy played D1., maybe as a mascot. Okay to be old and slow and still having fun! Me varsity, heck yeah but it was the chess club.

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tons of guys seem to always want to brag about what they're going to go play or what they've played. Just let your playing do the talking for you. I had a guy at pick up saying he plays Junior A. I don't recall asking but by watching him on the ice it seemed that he was no where near that level. People have to realize the nobody gives a crap about what you played. if they do then they'll ask you.

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Playing pick up with a bunch of guys from work and a few others, I made the mistake of drinking from someone else's water bottle. Mouthful of V8 juice was not what I was expecting and man was it nasty!

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Playing pick up with a bunch of guys from work and a few others, I made the mistake of drinking from someone else's water bottle. Mouthful of V8 juice was not what I was expecting and man was it nasty!

that gives me a great idea! time to go buy a dark water bottle =)

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that gives me a great idea! time to go buy a dark water bottle =)


Fill it up with cheap vodka and pickle juice.....the laughs will be worth the projectile vomiting!

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Playing pick up with a bunch of guys from work and a few others, I made the mistake of drinking from someone else's water bottle. Mouthful of V8 juice was not what I was expecting and man was it nasty!

V8, like the veggie juice? Why in the crap would anyone have THAT on the bench... unless its solely to teach people a lesson.

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V8, like the veggie juice? Why in the crap would anyone have THAT on the bench... unless its solely to teach people a lesson.

Or somebody's rinkside bloody mary...

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V8, like the veggie juice? Why in the crap would anyone have THAT on the bench... unless its solely to teach people a lesson.

I think you answered your own question.

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I hopped over the boards and took a seat, and noticed a guy using a stick that looked just like mine. Fast forward a few minutes and I see the guy hop over the boards put my spare stick down and pick up another stick. When I asked if he grabbed my stick by accident he said no he wanted to try out the curve, which I follow up with are you serious? I'm a very level headed person but this pushed all my buttons. Explained to the guy that grabbing someones hockey stick isn't something you do without asking, which he didn't understand and apparently made me sound like an asshole because he responded with " I didn't break it, I don't see what the big deal is"........what the hell is wrong with people

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I dislike when guys drink from your own personal bottle. I play in a league were a few guys generally bring "community" bottles. I still bring my own anyway as it's a habit. It's usually a red powerade bottle so not a normal rink bottle. Really get bugged when people do that. No one has used my spare twig. That's a total first. Sounds like a total ding dong!

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V8, like the veggie juice? Why in the crap would anyone have THAT on the bench... unless its solely to teach people a lesson.

Prescribed by his doctor apparently. Taught me to squirt the bottle on the ground before my mouth :)

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Prescribed by his doctor apparently. Taught me to squirt the bottle on the ground before my mouth :)

Since someone has to ask -- What will it take to teach you to ask, if it's not your bottle?

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Okay, I will call this a pet peeve.

Lower skilled players always apologizing when they screw up. Those guys are way too hard on themselves. I promise, I'm not really mad at you if you miss a pass or whiff on a shot. I'm there for the same reason you are: to skate and have a good time. Lighten up :)


One of the worst things I've ever dealt with is a lower level guy getting shit from the a goalie and a forward because he couldn't make a pass. The guy was so self conscience with what went down he started to pack up his stuff and leave until a bunch of convinced him to stay. The forward was a hot head and never let it down, the goalie made amends with the dude.

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