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pick up hockey (shinny) pet peeves

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shooter i agree with you...

its realy not that hard: just dont take it too seriously dont lay people out, hook and slash, and take cheap shots so everyone can have some fun with the game.

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The best rule to follow in pickup is real simple: Play hard within the letter of the rules as opposed to the edge of the rules like you would in a game/

Example: In a game if a guy in front of you is on a break, you're gonna tug at his elbows, stick, whatever you can find to try to disrupt him. In pickup if you can catch up to him by skating, great, but leave that other stuff for a real game.

Agree 100%+. The joy of pick up is crappy players can stand in the zone and cherry pick sometimes. Not all the time, but ya know. Also, the guys who always go coast to coast and NEVER pass, some of them are nice guys. Another pet peeve of mine is guys with big slap shots, some really hard, around the 95 mph range, just constantly blast them every single time (they don't know of this new invention called a wrist shot). Okay, it's pick up inline hockey, if you try to take a wind up like that against a 12 yr. old B ice team, it's going to be stolen off your stick! You just look like a goofball doing it all the time...

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The best rule to follow in pickup is real simple: Play hard within the letter of the rules as opposed to the edge of the rules like you would in a game/

Example: In a game if a guy in front of you is on a break, you're gonna tug at his elbows, stick, whatever you can find to try to disrupt him. In pickup if you can catch up to him by skating, great, but leave that other stuff for a real game.

Agree 100%+. The joy of pick up is crappy players can stand in the zone and cherry pick sometimes. Not all the time, but ya know. Also, the guys who always go coast to coast and NEVER pass, some of them are nice guys. Another pet peeve of mine is guys with big slap shots, some really hard, around the 95 mph range, just constantly blast them every single time (they don't know of this new invention called a wrist shot). Okay, it's pick up inline hockey, if you try to take a wind up like that against a 12 yr. old B ice team, it's going to be stolen off your stick! You just look like a goofball doing it all the time...

Only take slappers from the blue line and only if there is nobody between you and the net. I faked one a couple weeks ago and had half the guys on the ice yelling "nooooo", before I passed to a guy on the back door.

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I'm totally with ya, Chad. A couple of players who shall go unnamed, literally only take slapshots and consistently blast them into crowds of players. Busted up some guys toe tonight, if they do it again, I'm going to make a point of asking about why they're doing it...

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Only take slappers from the blue line and only if there is nobody between you and the net. I faked one a couple weeks ago and had half the guys on the ice yelling "nooooo", before I passed to a guy on the back door.

haha. I wish guys at my pickup would do that. Usually its common practice to just fire away through a crowd of people...some guys take it so seriously that they will even try to block shots, in pickup. :rolleyes:

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Nothing worse than the big slappers from the point into a crowd.

One time I was coming down the LW and dropped a pass back to the point and wheeled around the net to the other side...I was looking for a pass or something but as soon as I turned in front the guy (a buddy of mine) hit me with a slapper RIGHT in the chest (no shoulders on).

I was REALLY mad.

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Guys who take neck-high slapshots consistently, from everywhere on the ice. Yes, it's nice that you can shoot better than my 5-year old brother, but it's shinny and you're going to kill someone.

Oh, and goalies who whine because there's no "defense".

Amusingly, I usually complain when there *is* defense. I don't come to shinny to face perimeter crap and shots through traffic.

When goaltenders don't show up, even though they get to play for free.

There's a really simple reason for this. One extra skater shows up, no bid deal; one extra goalie shoes up, either one guy packs up and goes home, or the goalies all get to spend 10min straight out of every 30 sitting on the bench getting cold and tightening up. I never come to shinny unless I know I'm going to be the only goalie or one of two. Unlike most, however, I'll actually call the rink and ask, or scout it first.

1) Guys that walk in on the goalie in warmups and just let loose a big slapper. Come on dick head, there is no need to just continually do that. He's my friend in goal and trust me you are pissing him off with the slap shots from 3 feet away.

If guys are cranking up from inside the hash marks, I step out of goal, unless I actually believe they can pick corners like that (then it's a challenge). I'll also step out if there's some moron who thinks making nine hundred dekes in the warmup is fun.

1. the guy who always plays D, always bitches at everyone else for NOT playing D (or backchecking, looking for the points...)

I hate this type. Usually, they're the ones who throw their sticks around trying to block shots, and either tip more goals past me than the other teams' forwards combined, or, better yet, get me winged in the neck when I was moving on a hard low shot. That's earned more than one guy a slap in the head, because it's about the only way you'll actually hurt a goalie in shinny.

And finally....

6. Not really a pet peeve, but the goalie who gets lit up and flips his shit, even though he has never played with guys as good as some of the guys out there, and they are the ones scoring.

Was playing pick up the other day at the Pepsi Center in WNY because I'm visiting family and friends....Goalie got pissed because our team kept lighting him up and left about 35 mins into the 1.5 hour pick up session, the other goalie followed him for some reason. Pick up over. Annoying...and we even offered to swap goalies so the other one would get a better work out, or even switch up the teams.

That one sounds like the 'other goalie' was at fault. He should have been offering a rotation after about fifteen minutes if it was that bad on the sieve.

If the guy getting lit up looks like he has a bad case of scrubs' pride, just try to make the team-evening a little quiet. Swap jerseys on the bench, for example.

Like most goalies, I really don't mind facing slapshots, as long as:

1) they don't endanger other players, and

2) they're actually attempts to score, not attempts to shoot the puck as hard as possible in my general direction.

The second is the one that usually gets lost first. My chest does not have a hole in it - you're not going to score through my face. It's not a question of getting hurt, it's a question of wasted time..

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Like most goalies, I really don't mind facing slapshots, as long as:

1) they don't endanger other players, and

2) they're actually attempts to score, not attempts to shoot the puck as hard as possible in my general direction.

The second is the one that usually gets lost first. My chest does not have a hole in it - you're not going to score through my face. It's not a question of getting hurt, it's a question of wasted time..

I knew one goalie who would bitch if you took a slapper at him. Even just a low hard shot...Mind you, he was in his late 50's and had already had 1 heart attack on the ice...so maybe that's a bad example.

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Like most goalies, I really don't mind facing slapshots, as long as:

1) they don't endanger other players, and

2) they're actually attempts to score, not attempts to shoot the puck as hard as possible in my general direction.

The second is the one that usually gets lost first. My chest does not have a hole in it - you're not going to score through my face. It's not a question of getting hurt, it's a question of wasted time..

I knew one goalie who would bitch if you took a slapper at him. Even just a low hard shot...Mind you, he was in his late 50's and had already had 1 heart attack on the ice...so maybe that's a bad example.

That is just amazing that the goalie continued to play after a heart atack

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playing outdoors little kids who throw their sticks when they can't catch you really bugs me. last time someone did it i threw their stick outside the rink just to teach him a lesson. hopefully he won't try it again

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Last time I went to pickup a guy took a deflected slapper to the throat. Everyone on the bench started yelling at the asshat that had been taking slap shots all night. Luckily the guy's cage caught a lot of the blow and he was ok.

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Playing today and we had a few guys on my team that would just not get off the ice. Most of them were just long shifting until they got tired, but one guy was really pissing the bench off.

He was cherry picking, not skating at all until the play came near him or to break into the zone. Then he'd try to skate through 3 guys, get the puck taken away, slam his stick on the ice and slowly glide back to the blue line.

The play really slows down, the guys on the bench get bored, the other team is subbing and the play is just in one end.

Not to mention the guys taking slappers put someone on the bench with an ankle bruise too.

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playing outdoors little kids who throw their sticks when they can't catch you really bugs me. last time someone did it i threw their stick outside the rink just to teach him a lesson. hopefully he won't try it again

That happens a lot. Actually, that's really the only annoying thing about playing with kids, they throw sticks and gloves constantly. Not like I'm fast enough to outskate them anyway...

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Playing today and we had a few guys on my team that would just not get off the ice. Most of them were just long shifting until they got tired, but one guy was really pissing the bench off.

He was cherry picking, not skating at all until the play came near him or to break into the zone. Then he'd try to skate through 3 guys, get the puck taken away, slam his stick on the ice and slowly glide back to the blue line.

Yep, there's always one guy who has to do this...wouldn't be pickup hockey without a long-shifting half-assing cherry picker.

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Playing today and we had a few guys on my team that would just not get off the ice. Most of them were just long shifting until they got tired, but one guy was really pissing the bench off.

He was cherry picking, not skating at all until the play came near him or to break into the zone. Then he'd try to skate through 3 guys, get the puck taken away, slam his stick on the ice and slowly glide back to the blue line.

Yep, there's always one guy who has to do this...wouldn't be pickup hockey without a long-shifting half-assing cherry picker.

haha nope....if there was ever a time in the history of man when someone didnt do this i would like to know

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it was funny one time during pick up, on the other team was a long shifter and i guess he was pissing off a couple guys on the team. during one play the long shifter was on for so long that one of the guys just picked up the puck, stopped the play and told the guy to eff off and to stop taking such long shifts. pretty funny

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it was funny one time during pick up, on the other team was a long shifter and i guess he was pissing off a couple guys on the team. during one play the long shifter was on for so long that one of the guys just picked up the puck, stopped the play and told the guy to eff off and to stop taking such long shifts. pretty funny

that is hilarious.....im going to have to try that one time

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I probably don't need to mention the "anger management" guy, but there's a great example of him at our pick-up. Basically the guy who takes personally every little bit of incidental contact, every goal, and every play where he is bested, and then makes it his mission to get back at you.

One time at our pickup I was on the ice with this one at the beginning of the game, and we both went for the puck, hitting each other, and in the process I basically layed him out (though it was accidental). So for the next hour of pick-up, literally every time this guy was on the ice with me, he would just come for me full speed, trying to take me out. Even if he's trying to make a play and you knock the puck away from him, you can see the fit of rage come over him as adrenaline kicks in and he just launches himself at you.

To make a long story short, he plays with us quite often, and is actually the manager of our rink. Last year this guy apparently gave a big speech to everyone in the adult league before their first game about not playing dirty and getting penalties. Sure enough, he was the first one in the league to get a penalty for some dirty play of his.

As far as he and I go, there was one game of pickup I remember because he pissed me off so much; a goal had just been scored and the play was completely over, then this dude comes up at me hard, blindsides me on open ice (when i'm standing still, thinking play is over) and I hit the ice hard on my back. However, I did get him back and then some, so now he avoids going into corners with me, or trying anything. But still needs the anger management.

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playing outdoors little kids who throw their sticks when they can't catch you really bugs me. last time someone did it i threw their stick outside the rink just to teach him a lesson. hopefully he won't try it again

That happens a lot. Actually, that's really the only annoying thing about playing with kids, they throw sticks and gloves constantly. Not like I'm fast enough to outskate them anyway...

I've never seen that happen, you are asking for me to pick up your stick and snap the blade on it if you ever throw it at me in shinny.

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My biggest one would be guys who take it way to seriously. Look, we're here for fun. You don't need to be hacking, whacking, and slashing. I'm all for some competitive hockey, but Harry Sinden isn't scouting the game so calm down killer.

Guys who don't play their position. Why are there three RW's on the ice right now? Why is no one covering their point? What the hell are all three forwards doing behind the net in the defensive zone?

Long shifters that aren't skating. Anyone can glide around for an hour without getting tired.

Last but not least, A-holes.

I probably don't need to mention the "anger management" guy, but there's a great example of him at our pick-up. Basically the guy who takes personally every little bit of incidental contact, every goal, and every play where he is bested, and then makes it his mission to get back at you.

Ugh, the one thing that can turn a good night at the rink with a good bunch of people into a living hell. I've run into a more then a few.

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playing outdoors little kids who throw their sticks when they can't catch you really bugs me. last time someone did it i threw their stick outside the rink just to teach him a lesson. hopefully he won't try it again

That happens a lot. Actually, that's really the only annoying thing about playing with kids, they throw sticks and gloves constantly. Not like I'm fast enough to outskate them anyway...

I've never seen that happen, you are asking for me to pick up your stick and snap the blade on it if you ever throw it at me in shinny.

in my case they were little 9 yr-old who didnt feel like skating anymore and tried to knock the puck off my stick. i did it so that he won't do that and hurt someone in the future.

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I probably don't need to mention the "anger management" guy, but there's a great example of him at our pick-up. Basically the guy who takes personally every little bit of incidental contact, every goal, and every play where he is bested, and then makes it his mission to get back at you.

One time at our pickup I was on the ice with this one at the beginning of the game, and we both went for the puck, hitting each other, and in the process I basically layed him out (though it was accidental). So for the next hour of pick-up, literally every time this guy was on the ice with me, he would just come for me full speed, trying to take me out. Even if he's trying to make a play and you knock the puck away from him, you can see the fit of rage come over him as adrenaline kicks in and he just launches himself at you.

To make a long story short, he plays with us quite often, and is actually the manager of our rink. Last year this guy apparently gave a big speech to everyone in the adult league before their first game about not playing dirty and getting penalties. Sure enough, he was the first one in the league to get a penalty for some dirty play of his.

As far as he and I go, there was one game of pickup I remember because he pissed me off so much; a goal had just been scored and the play was completely over, then this dude comes up at me hard, blindsides me on open ice (when i'm standing still, thinking play is over) and I hit the ice hard on my back. However, I did get him back and then some, so now he avoids going into corners with me, or trying anything. But still needs the anger management.

I was hoping you'd stand up for yourself, and it sounds like you did.

Dooshnozzles like that will only learn if you punch them.

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