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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Nike/Bauer Supreme ONE95 Initial Thoughts

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Received them today -


They are not custom - I would've had to wait forever for those - they are busy cranking out the pro orders for a late season push so I would've been way behind that.

When I tested 8090 I fit in a 10.5 D. My ONE90 pattern called for a 10.5 EE/B on the long foot (10.25 on the short) so when I was told that stock 10.5 Ds were in stock, I didn't think I could do it. However, I was told that the ONE95 is fitting slightly wider than the 8090 did, so I decided that I would give it a shot and see if it worked.

Got the skates today (gotta love Priority Overnight!) and they were waiting for me at work.

As stated in the previous threads regarding the ONE95, the entire boot conforms to heat - so it will be a different process. Bake ONE skate at a time. The quarters cool down quickly so it is important to put them on fresh out of the oven. Right foot felt slight pressure in the toe - totally gone after baking.

The 95 is a more supple skate than the 90 - much more substance internally. Like stated, wider as well, and DEFINITELY more volume/wrap. Couple of things to note - I got 288 holders instead of 296 - since it was a D width. But will skate like 296 with the longer steel, so no worries there. Also, and this will be an experiment in process - the insole of the skate is made of ALIVE material instead of plastic. And since it is moldable - if my arches bother me I will try to flatten them by using a heat gun to spot-heat it.

Had to put in the customary 3mm heel lift - they were kind enough to put it in the skate box. :)

Obviously I will go into more detail as this goes along, but this skate will fit more people. The lace pattern on the 95s look much more uniform on my feet than my 90s ever did.

I will skate in them tomorrow hopefully -

And once again, thanks to the parties involved to get me this skate - always appreciated.





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Hmm, didnt really look these over as I assumed they wouldn't be deep enough for me but these actually look deeper than vapors.

Agree or disagree?

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Hopefully the D works out for you because then I'll be confident it will for me too, coming from wide in Grafs which was perfect then having D in One90s that turned to be slightly too narrow, I'm hoping these will be for me. I've got somebody at Nike hopefully getting a hold of a pair I can take off their hands so I might not have the chance to try them before I get a pair for myself.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
  cam04 said:

where di you order them from??

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I got them from NBH. Note the Skate Evaluation book.

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How stiff are they compared to the Eastons or the One90s?

I find it interesting that the Vapor XXXXs felt better on my feet than the Vapor XXXs, but I disliked the feel of the One90s. I'm not sure why, but I'm uncomfortable in the new Eastons and Nike/Bauers. When you say "supple" do you mean these skates are not quite as stiff as the One90s?

I'm an odd one, I cannot skate in a stiff skate..Are these extremely stiff like the One90s?

That being said, those skates are aesthetically pleasing

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Wow the skates look amazing in those pics, even better than the catalogue!

Does the D in the one95 feel like the 8090 fit or is it wider like you thought it would be?

Also the one90's ran a .5 size bigger than other bauer skates, is it the same deal for the one95?

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  ahearn10 said:

Wow the skates look amazing in those pics, even better than the catalogue!

You said you took a EE in a one90? Is the D for the one95 comparable to the EE of the one90?

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He piqued my curiousity as well, with some of his statements. The most comfortable skates I own are the Torspos. I like a tight fitting skate, but not akin to wearing vise grips all over my feet. The One90s were a bit too tight in the instep area..I am inquiring where the increased volume in the One90s are.

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  epstud74 said:
  ahearn10 said:

Wow the skates look amazing in those pics, even better than the catalogue!

You said you took a EE in a one90? Is the D for the one95 comparable to the EE of the one90?

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He piqued my curiousity as well, with some of his statements. The most comfortable skates I own are the Torspos. I like a tight fitting skate, but not akin to wearing vise grips all over my feet. The One90s were a bit too tight in the instep area..I am inquiring where the increased volume in the One90s are.

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Im gonna assume you meant to say increased volume in the one95 at the end there :)

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Those look so friggin' sweet.....I am especially interested in the ALIVE insole - as someone who has had major arch problems/surgery that is very exciting news.

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Would someone clue me in as to the "Alive" insole? I'm a bit of a blithering idiot..so..how do these compare to Shock Doctors, SuperFeet or other aftermarket insoles?

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  epstud74 said:

This makes a difference in arch support or comfort?

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It is something that is not advertised - like I said, it is a theory that I will have to try.

Pic of the skate in box is pre-bake, rest of the pics are post-baked.

  epstud74 said:

Would someone clue me in as to the "Alive" insole? I'm a bit of a blithering idiot..so..how do these compare to Shock Doctors, SuperFeet or other aftermarket insoles?

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Not the insole you are thinking of - it's the insole of the actual boot. Where the rivets are...

  MLSman said:

Quick question...stiffer than XXXXs?

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Couldn't tell you. Haven't stood up in them, let alone skated.

  ahearn10 said:

Wow the skates look amazing in those pics, even better than the catalogue!

Does the D in the one95 feel like the 8090 fit or is it wider like you thought it would be?

Also the one90's ran a .5 size bigger than other bauer skates, is it the same deal for the one95?

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Sizing is exactly the same as they were for ONE90. My ONE90s were custom.

I did not know what the D was going to fit like. I don't necessarily get your question. Does a D 95 fit like a D 90? Not even close. Does a D 95 fit like a D 8090? Yes.

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