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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Nike/Bauer Supreme ONE95 Initial Thoughts

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Had to get rid of my One90's and go to Vapor XXXX's. Here's why, and I am not sure if I am using the right terminology. The skate sidewalls did not come up high enough to properly wrap my foot in the skate. So the boot wasn't deep enough, I guess. Never had this issue before with any skate. Is this consistent in the One95's?

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  sage540 said:

Had to get rid of my One90's and go to Vapor XXXX's. Here's why, and I am not sure if I am using the right terminology. The skate sidewalls did not come up high enough to properly wrap my foot in the skate. So the boot wasn't deep enough, I guess. Never had this issue before with any skate. Is this consistent in the One95's?

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Yes, the 95s will wrap more than the 90s.

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Kabby15- Im thinking that.. there is no fit because its going to mold to your entire foot from heel to toe so its 100% custom fit?

Jr.. Nice those skates looks really nice and how stiff are the one95?? Can you get enough knee bend out of them?

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Just a thought here, Does anyone else think it is weird that it only took one year for the one95 to come out and replace the one90, while it took the XXXX 3 years to come out and replace the XXX? I wonder why they didn't let the one90 ride for awhile like the XXX.

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Skates look even better then I originally thought. One question regarding the width issue, I previously owned one90's and was told that a D would fit me perfectly. After much discomfort 3 bakes and a punch out to make the D work, i would just like to know if a previous EE, E in Bauer and CCM products would want a EE in these since you said the width is different then the one90's.

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I think they almost needed to do this. The one90 needed to fit more skaters. Not to mention needing to get rid of the LS2P. The LS2.1 will do much better.

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  ahearn10 said:

Just a thought here, Does anyone else think it is weird that it only took one year for the one95 to come out and replace the one90, while it took the XXXX 3 years to come out and replace the XXX? I wonder why they didn't let the one90 ride for awhile like the XXX.

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Both skates were replaced in two years. XXX came out Holiday 2004-Spring 2005 and was replaced in 2007. ONE90 came out in Spring 2006 and replaced in Spring 2008.

Did not get to skate in them today - tons going on in the store so not able to get out there. Looks like Monday for me.

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There's really no underlying story behind it - you won't find it mentioned in the catalogue or anything. My thought behind it is that it will help with energy transfer as it will stay stiffer, the baking of it is just a theory that I believe will work, since the quarter package is moldable.

  BMcDonld19 said:

Jr can you take a picture of the alive insole, and explain it alittle more, i am gettin a pro-stock pair soon, so i was wondering

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What is the general consensus regarding the One90? It seems quite a few on here are hoping that the One95 is a vast improvement. A couple nights ago at the LHS, the guy there said the One90 has drawn some rather "mixed" reviews. I guess it didnt perform like people thought it would..Or maybe it was the construction issues with the skate..I dont know.

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