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Ovechkin hitting 60?

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Do any of you guys think he is gonna do it? I really thought he was going to but he has been held scoreless in 5 games and it will be 6 tonight if he doesn't score.....I was really hoping he would because it has been too long since some one did it which the last one to do it was Mario back in 95-96 when he had 69. There is still time but he picked a bad time to hit a goal slump lol

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No he is still using the shoot first ask questions later mentality...a lot of the assist he gets are bounces off of a save/block to one of his teammates.

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He had almost not shots on goal (compared to usual) in the game last night agaisnt Minnesota, I've never seen him so annoynemus.

But damm that most have been a funny moment for his girlfriend when they were chatting online...

So what's you real name?

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I think like all goal scorers he is trying to over compensate his recent "slump" by passing it too much. He seems a step off which is probably due to the flu going around the team.

Either way he will be back in no time.

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I think like all goal scorers he is trying to over compensate his recent "slump" by passing it too much. He seems a step off which is probably due to the flu going around the team.

Either way he will be back in no time.

hopefully cause I'd like to see a 60 goal scorer again.....its been too long

the last one to do it was Mario back in 95-96 when he had 69.

Everyone seems to forget that Jagr had 62 goals that season.

yeah but Mario did it in 12 less games than Jagr who played all 82

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11 goals in 16 games. I think Ovie can. If the Caps make the playoffs its because Ovie did it.

I think #50 will be the hardest. He has been suffering from the flu, and it has been noted he hasn't been happy with his shot and energy etc.

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