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Winter Classic - Yankee Stadium

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basically, the only thing that could do that building justice is a redsox yankees showdown in the ALCS. anything less is just a shitty way to go out.

So you're OK with not making it to the world series this year?

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I've been to Yankee stadium only for Subway series games- I'm a Mets fan- and all I do half the time is look at the stadium and imagine all the history that happened in that ballpark. It's really amazing. But as a Ranger fan I don't think it's that big of a deal. The last baseball game will be the last baseball game and it will be remembered that way. This would be a great event that would only add to the stadiums tradition. In fact the Yankees have already said they would not try to stop it and are fine with this event.

Personally I'd rather have the game at Shea as it provides better sight lines - It used to be used for football - but I totally understand the history and why the NHL would want it at Yankee Stadium.

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To build a rink in there after the last out was made would be a dishonor.

A dishonor? To a building? Sometimes I just don't understand the sentimental value placed on certain things, or places for that matter.

Have you ever been there? It's a special place. There was this undeniable aura that just completely overwhelmed me throughout the whole weekend. The history of the stadium is just unreal; I struggled to pay attention to any of the baseball being played - names, games, plays, etc. just kept running through my mind. Say what you want about the Yankees (I don't like them myself) and question the sentiments some might have for a building - but any baseball fan who has seen a game there knows what I'm talking about.

It's baseball that made that place special. I'm of the opinion that playing a hockey game there during the winter after the Yankees move-out would be a violation of all that history. Turn it into whatever you want (I believe they plan on removing the upper deck and using the stadium to host HS baseball championships), but don't use it as a venue for other sporting events.

I guess I'll have to agree to disagree with you and the rest who are saying this. I just don't understand how we can turn storied stadiums and arena's into shopping malls and concert venues, but playing another sport within their walls is some sort of crime. It's not even that I don't understand the reasoning behind why people are upset over it, I just find that reasoning to be incredibly dumb.

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basically, the only thing that could do that building justice is a redsox yankees showdown in the ALCS. anything less is just a shitty way to go out.

So you're OK with not making it to the world series this year?

i'm a redsox fan, so I am perfectly fine with the yankees not making it to the world series :D

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I've been to Yankee stadium only for Subway series games- I'm a Mets fan- and all I do half the time is look at the stadium and imagine all the history that happened in that ballpark. It's really amazing. But as a Ranger fan I don't think it's that big of a deal. The last baseball game will be the last baseball game and it will be remembered that way. This would be a great event that would only add to the stadiums tradition. In fact the Yankees have already said they would not try to stop it and are fine with this event.

Personally I'd rather have the game at Shea as it provides better sight lines - It used to be used for football - but I totally understand the history and why the NHL would want it at Yankee Stadium.

The football Giants used to play at the Stadium. The Greatest Game Ever Played took place at Yankee Stadium.

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Or tearing them down, Boston Garden, Detroit Olympia,and Chicago Stadium.

Maple Leaf Gardens is basically an abandoned building right now...there were some plans to put a grocery store in it. I'm afraid to say I've actually seen a movie at the theatres they have in the old Forum in Montreal, it was a pretty creepy feeling.

I think the original Montreal-Edmonton outdoor game was basically just a test to see if it would be a complete bust, as well you had the whole Gretzky is coming back angle....but with the success of the last 'Heritage Classic' or whatever they hell they call it, I would be very very surprised with The Weasel still in charge of the league if they had a Canadian team in it next year.

At the most maybe they will have two outdoor games at some point, one in Canada, one in the States but I don't see them throwing away the media attention south of the border by playing Toronto-Montreal and having it completely ignored in the States. It's just the sort of the slightly gimmicky, slighly dumb idea that the leage seems to love to continue to employ in the USA.

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I agree that the game can be considered a gimmick but this game is about the only thing the NHL can ever do to get TV exposure in the States. There is nothing else going for the NHL in terms of marketing the game to Americans. Crosby and OV could be on every bill board in America and it would not make one bit of difference. The outdoor game is a novelty that has the ability to draw TV viewers in that would otherwise ignore the NHL. I heard yesterday that New Year's Day is the #3 day in the year for people to watch TV. I am guessing the Super Bowl is #1 and Thanksgiving(in the States) is #2. With people home on New Year's Day in front of the TV, the NHL has to schedule this game on January 1 to optimize exposure.

If the Devils play the Rangers, it's a huge mistake. Bring in the Bruins and now you've got the Yankees/Red Sox angle at the Stadium to play into as well. Bring back Bobby Orr and those 70s Bruins for appearances as well. Throw in the former Bruins coach, Don Cherry and this whole event is signed, sealed, and delivered.

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If the Devils play the Rangers, it's a huge mistake. Bring in the Bruins and now you've got the Yankees/Red Sox angle at the Stadium to play into as well. Bring back Bobby Orr and those 70s Bruins for appearances as well. Throw in the former Bruins coach, Don Cherry and this whole event is signed, sealed, and delivered.

That would be awesome.

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I think Boston or Chicago would be great. Kane and Toews would be great to advertise. But I heard somewhere (not positive) that the NBA wants to do something and have a playground game or something like that. If the NBA ever did something like that I would flip out. But...that shows you that the NHL finally has a good idea.

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I gotta go with some of the other guys on here and say it's Yankee Stadium for a reason, last game's gotta be a Yankee game (and yes, I'm a Yankee fan).

However, Billy Joel is supposed to be the last "gig" at Shea before they open the new stadium for the Mets. Not sure if they meant last "concert" or last "anything" there. But if Billy is the last to play in Shea then I could see the argument to have a hockey game at Yankee Stadium. I guess.

Anyone know if you are a season ticket holder and the game is outdoors, if you get a ticket to use for that game? My guess is they just charge you for one less home game and you have to go get yourself a ticket.

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Billy Joel is closing down Shea. Last event in that dump.

That's what I thought I heard. Well then, see, something other than the Mets is closing down Shea Stadium. I guess that lends some creedence to the people that think it's ok to close Yankee Stadium with a hockey game.

I still think it would be terrible to have the last game there not be a Yankee, 6-0 win over the BoSux, game.

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However, they aren't tearing down the Stadium. Plenty of kids will be playing there for years to come. The agreement with the city is to replace parkland with parkland.

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all I know is Shea has a smoking section. That place is so open they let you smoke by the outside. Yankee stadium in not quite as acomidating. Thats the one thing i'll miss about shea.

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all I know is Shea has a smoking section. That place is so open they let you smoke by the outside. Yankee stadium in not quite as acomidating. Thats the one thing i'll miss about shea.


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I still think it would be terrible to have the last game there not be a Yankee, 6-0 win over the BoSux, game.

I wouldn't have a problem with that, because the only way the last game in Yankee Stadium could be a win over the Sox is if the Sox went on to win the series.... :D

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The bruins are you kidding! Screw the origonal six. We the flyers fans hate everything about new york sports, no matter what team, mets yankee's rangers isles giants jets...you name it philadelphia hates it. Rangers Flyers is one of the best rivalries around.

I actually don't care either way about most NY teams. I do hate the Rangers and Devils but that's it. I also really enjoy going to NYC a couple of times a year, it's a great city. I grew up in South Philly so not everyone in Philly hates NY completely.

My problem with all of this is that even here, people are concerned about appealing to non traditional fans. It's that mentality that's given us the current crappy NHL product. I wish the league would stop worrying about making new fans and get on keeping the ones they have, the ones that aren't happy with the current state of the league. When are they going to realize that hockey is a niche sport? Very popular in some areas and not even thought about in others. I really don't care if some guy in Arkansas gets hockey or not, but I do care when the game I love suffers in the name of trying to appeal to masses that will never accept it anyway.

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