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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speeding behind speeders

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I just got pulled over doing 6 over.. then he got me for tint and my license plate not being lit up. boo :(

That's a bad day, dude.

I try to limit myself to +5 mph on the posted speed; though that doesn't mean that I don't make mistakes. I got drilled doing 58 in a 45 a couple months ago...luckily, it got plead down to a couple parking tickets (as a teenage guy, my insurance is high enough without a speeding ticket on my record), but that $200 fine definitely makes me wish I could have that particular drive home from the rink to do over again.

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That sucks. My gear has gotten me out of a couple of tickets because, as one cop said, ".....that would be less money for ice time........"

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Strangely enough, having a road soda may have kept me out of jail one night. I had attended an AHL game with my father and before I began my solo trek home I cracked a soda. When I got on the highway I made sure to set my cruise control so I wouldn't be tempted to speed my way home. About a mile up the road a guy goes blasting around me on one side. Sure enough, I see a set of blues light up on the side of the road and head after the gent. Had I not had a road soda that made me hit the cruise control, I could very well have been that guy anxious to get home and gotten myself pulled over. While I wasn't intoxicated, there was alcohol on my breath from the game and I was probably dancing close to the legal limit.

Moral of the story: cruise control can keep you out of cuffs.

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That sucks. My gear has gotten me out of a couple of tickets because, as one cop said, ".....that would be less money for ice time........"

I usually don't have my stuff with me; unless I know I'm going to be on the ice somewhere else, it stays in the dressing room at the rink. I had a few sticks in the back seat of my car and my hair was still kinda wet from the showers, but I guess I would've had to have everything with me to get off on it, eh?

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Take it from me - Ive had 6 tickets in one year - speedings not worth it.

Ive had my license suspended for over 7 months, and have paid the state over $1200.

And honestly your not going to get where ever your going that much faster. Usually it will save you like 5 minuts if its somewhere in town.

Plus, with gas prices these days how do you guys afford to go 90 on the highway?

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I've found it can depend on your car as well because cops here tend to notice those before anything else.

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Take it from me - Ive had 6 tickets in one year - speedings not worth it.

Ive had my license suspended for over 7 months, and have paid the state over $1200.

And honestly your not going to get where ever your going that much faster. Usually it will save you like 5 minuts if its somewhere in town.

Plus, with gas prices these days how do you guys afford to go 90 on the highway?

By working the extra 10 minutes I save during the commute.

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Keep doing it, maybe you'll hit a ditch and rid us of you.

It was sarcasm Stamp. Speeding doesn't get you there that much faster as ATT posted. I think anyone thats driving a suv or "larger" vehicle now a days appreciates gas prices a little more.

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cop that plays ice hockey at the rink I work at says that he doesn't bother with people until they hit 71mph on a 55mph. That's my kind of cop! He's a state boy.

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Cops here dont really pull you over around here unless your going 15-20 over, or going 5+ over in a school zone. A countless number of my friends have been caught doing 45-50 in a 30 and just get warnings, very few of them have actually gotten tickets. They are pulling more cars over now recently though, because of 6-7 16-17 yr olds who died in the past 2 months speeding/racing.

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Around here you pretty much only get tickets during the day or at select places at night. We have a lot of DUI cops pulling people over though.

BTW, in FL at least, take a look at the lights. NORMALLY, DUI cops have lights that go side to side instead of rotating flashing lights. DUI cops will normally pull you over for speeding or an illegal maneuver but only care if you're under the influence, otherwise you're almost assured to get a warning.

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Anyone else noticed a spike in presence of the po' lately? I don't know if it's just WNY or what, but I've seen a LOT more cruisers actively roaming over the last month or so.

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Definitely around here. It's spring break. Typically the weekends are very active. But you have a rather large area here, with 3 very large schools within a couple hours drive(UF, USF, UCF) including the two largest in the state(UF, USF).

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spring break is in two weeks for us but it seems to me that cops are often driving around near high schools so i always obey the rules around them. Theres a cop that sits near a stop sign right by my school on a street with TONS of stop signs so most kids just slow down at them. He picks them off like birds. At least a few a week.

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I've gotten quite a few speeding tickets so i've finally made myself drive the speed limit but often times i get too impatient. When i see someone blast past me i've taken to speeding up and following (not dangerously close) them. The idea behind this is that if there is a speed trap, the radar will pick him up but i wont get caught. Is there any truth to this or is it just wishful thinking..?

if you're asking if it's physically possible that he'd get caught and not you.. not really.

but in a way, yes. It's been some time since i last pulled up technical data sheets on radar guns, but it is possible to present an argument on the basis that the radar guns have a wide angle that's swept out, thus providing that the guns could have been receiving signal from another vehicle. However, the only real situation that works in is when you get pulled over and there's many cars around.

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However, the only real situation that works in is when you get pulled over and there's many cars around.

how are you going to prove that?

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Today I got 9 letters from various attorneys wanting to get me out of my ticket or whatever it is they do. LOL!

wow Dirk. Much different in NC, hmm ?

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Welll I got a few letters when I got a ticket in PA.

Cops are much stricter on tint in the north then in the south it seems to me.

My view on speeding is it is a risk you take. They can pull you over for pretty much any speed. I typically go 5-10 over.

Weird thing is the guy thta got me this time was in the other lane going the opposite direction when I saw him flash his lights on and pull a U turn in my rearview... I shoulda sped up I had a huge lead on him and the exit was like 1/4 mile away.. lol

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Welll I got a few letters when I got a ticket in PA.

Cops are much stricter on tint in the north then in the south it seems to me.

My view on speeding is it is a risk you take. They can pull you over for pretty much any speed. I typically go 5-10 over.

Weird thing is the guy thta got me this time was in the other lane going the opposite direction when I saw him flash his lights on and pull a U turn in my rearview... I shoulda sped up I had a huge lead on him and the exit was like 1/4 mile away.. lol

haha have you ever seen those youtube videos of dudes in crotch rockets that run away from cops. nutsssss

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