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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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3rd Jerseys for 2008-2009

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I just saw it during the first intermission watching a stream of the Flyers/Yotes game. I thought it flowed pretty well, though Doan didn't seem overly thrilled about it.

Yeah, Doaner was a little less than enthusiastic about it. I would be, too if I were forced to wear it. I don't like the pawprint on the shoulder or the fact that they moved the C and A to the wrong side. It's just generic and all wrong.

here's the gallery clicky.

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Absolutely hideous jersey. Everything about it is wrong - the black, the stupid dog, the stupid pawprint, the stupid A/C on the wrong side, the maroon shell...

Wings started something bad by switching the A/Cs around, now, on their jersey they could use it as an "excuse" (even though it would've fit), but Phoenix has zero reason to put it on the right side.

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Absolutely hideous jersey. Everything about it is wrong - the black, the stupid dog, the stupid pawprint, the stupid A/C on the wrong side, the maroon shell...

Wings started something bad by switching the A/Cs around, now, on their jersey they could use it as an "excuse" (even though it would've fit), but Phoenix has zero reason to put it on the right side.

Just because I'm contrary by nature I was trying to look for something positive about them. There isn't anything, they flat out suck. If you're going to copy the greyhound logo, at least you can stick with the original color.

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Not a fan of the BOLTS wordmark, it looks too much like the first EDGE All-Star jersey (especially from the back, and they have the same font) and I'm undecided on "Tampa Bay" on the hemline.

I've always thought they should have the bolt going through Florida as the base of a third jersey.

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Not black

bolts goes down to the left

still not a fan of "bolts" though. Does anyone actually call them that? I mean other than people who are too lazy to type the word "lightning"

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still not a fan of "bolts" though. Does anyone actually call them that? I mean other than people who are too lazy to type the word "lightning"

At least they aren't the " 'Ning"

It seems like the NHL said "Third jerseys, GO!" and the teams that made them either said "Great a way to have a throwback but keep our new look" or "Great, more sales" and ran with it.

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coulda underlined it with a lightning strike or something. BOLTS and SENS looks clean, but i think u need SOMETHING other than text on your front crest.

Tell that to the Rangers.

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coulda underlined it with a lightning strike or something. BOLTS and SENS looks clean, but i think u need SOMETHING other than text on your front crest.

Tell that to the Rangers.

well that's a totally different jersey. I meant the Sens' and Tampa's specifically.

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Not a fan of the BOLTS wordmark, it looks too much like the first EDGE All-Star jersey (especially from the back, and they have the same font) and I'm undecided on "Tampa Bay" on the hemline.

First thing i noticed as well, not the best... not the worse i've seen

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Not a fan of the BOLTS wordmark, it looks too much like the first EDGE All-Star jersey (especially from the back, and they have the same font) and I'm undecided on "Tampa Bay" on the hemline.

I've always thought they should have the bolt going through Florida as the base of a third jersey.

It doesn't look good with the EDGE hem, luckily it's small.

I don't really care for the jerseys but I love the color.

...and yes, "Bolts" is a very common term around here. Almost every fan sign says "Bolts."

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The thing that I respect about the Lightning 3rd is that it really is what the fans seemed to want. The "Bolts" thing is really only used around here for Lightning fans and we've all wanted a blue jersey. While I've wanted the shoulder patch for the 3rd jersey for a while, I can see why they went that way... They also kept the underarm stripes, which is a nice touch. At least it's better than the last 3rd jersey.

I think a lot of teams took some effort to reach out to their fans. EDM retro, NYI retro, LA "Gretzky years," PHX greyhounds, etc...

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coulda underlined it with a lightning strike or something. BOLTS and SENS looks clean, but i think u need SOMETHING other than text on your front crest.

Tell that to the Rangers.

well that's a totally different jersey. I meant the Sens' and Tampa's specifically.

The Rangers have the full name, not an informal nickname. Even the old Colorado third made sense compared to the those two.

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I went to the Kings' game on Saturday and my brother was in a charitable mood (beers+credit card+new Kings 3rd jersey merchandise everywhere+guy who loves to spend money=spending spree) and he got us each one of the new 3rd jerseys and us each a hat. He got a Kopitar lettered one and I was going to get a Doughty one but they didn't have it, so I got a blank and will get it numbered later. I really like the look of it....the crest isn't my favorite but it's growing on me.

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