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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Someone pulled a prank on me....

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We taped up the runners of the entire opposition team once. As a joke.

It was just a friendly game...nothing serious. They got back at us by putting sand into all the shafts that didn't have a butt end in...

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^^^ you had a pajama party sleepover??? lol how old are you?

Its a high school team of mostly juniors and seniors and we decided that we would all save money on hotels if we stayed in our coaches brothers place.

Doesnt sound to bad since we saved about $200 each on hotels ;)

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^^^ you had a pajama party sleepover??? lol how old are you?

Its a high school team of mostly juniors and seniors and we decided that we would all save money on hotels if we stayed in our coaches brothers place.

Doesnt sound to bad since we saved about $200 each on hotels ;)

That is the kind of comment that winds up on a court transcript.

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we do this at the golf course alot...take someones clubs and turn them all upside down and shove them in the bag...its a bitch to try n get them back out, lol

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A couple of the guys around the shop will leave their bags lying around. I've been known to lace up their wheels with pink laces. They always show up at the last minute before a game and don't have time to change them.

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A couple of the guys around the shop will leave their bags lying around. I've been known to lace up their wheels with pink laces. They always show up at the last minute before a game and don't have time to change them.

i would do that if we had pink laces. nice

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A couple of the guys around the shop will leave their bags lying around. I've been known to lace up their wheels with pink laces. They always show up at the last minute before a game and don't have time to change them.

i would do that if we had pink laces. nice

If you really get along with the guy and know he's a good sport you could always just snip the laces right down the middle. Lots of laughs but you will be responsible for supplying him with new laces of course.

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A couple of the guys around the shop will leave their bags lying around. I've been known to lace up their wheels with pink laces. They always show up at the last minute before a game and don't have time to change them.

i would do that if we had pink laces. nice

If you really get along with the guy and know he's a good sport you could always just snip the laces right down the middle. Lots of laughs but you will be responsible for supplying him with new laces of course.

You've inspired me! One of my teammates has been skating for several games with a lace that has about three threads left in a cut down by the toe. I keep telling him its going to break at the worst possible time. I'm going to take a knife to that lace while he isn't looking.

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A couple of the guys around the shop will leave their bags lying around. I've been known to lace up their wheels with pink laces. They always show up at the last minute before a game and don't have time to change them.

I broke a skate blade mid-tournament once (effin' LS2's) and had to use my buddy's extra pair which had pink laces... oh how I got chirped.

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A couple of the guys around the shop will leave their bags lying around. I've been known to lace up their wheels with pink laces. They always show up at the last minute before a game and don't have time to change them.

i would do that if we had pink laces. nice

If you really get along with the guy and know he's a good sport you could always just snip the laces right down the middle. Lots of laughs but you will be responsible for supplying him with new laces of course.

You've inspired me! One of my teammates has been skating for several games with a lace that has about three threads left in a cut down by the toe. I keep telling him its going to break at the worst possible time. I'm going to take a knife to that lace while he isn't looking.

I take no responsibility for whatever happens. Do so at your own risk :D

Another good one is to tie a knot in the lace right before the top eyelet. When he goes to pull on the laces to tie them they won't budge. Pretty frustrating.

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What about unscrewing the bolt in a pair of Ls2 so when they step on the ice the blade falls out. Of course you gotta have the tool ready to fix it but still would be a good laugh.

Also got a teammate earlier in the year by lacing his skates ankle to toe instead of toe to ankle. Picked that particular player because we all knew that he was the last one to get dress, would always wait till the zamboni was almost half way through cleaning the ice.

One other one which is kinda funny is get a marker and right something random on there blade. One guy on my team was joking around and put sniper on his blade and decided to get a kid on our team who we always say he is form ethiopia and put Ethiopia on his blade. He didn't notice untill half way through warm, thought that one was pretty fun

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What about unscrewing the bolt in a pair of Ls2 so when they step on the ice the blade falls out. Of course you gotta have the tool ready to fix it but still would be a good laugh.

I'd stay away from doing that one. It may be a little on the unsafe side. He may not notice right when he steps on the ice and if he picks up speed an cuts really hard the blade can fall out. Many bad things could potentially come from that.

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Another good one is if there is a guy on your team who wear suspenders. really work the suspenders anywhere they could be concealed... (connecttion under pant belt, under metal sizing mechanism) and just fray the heck out of them untill there's almost nothing left. someone did that to me and during a game my pants unsnapped and they went down... quite funny

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we tried clear taping "the fat kid" on our teams skates last year.

we all ended up watching it backfire.

he weighed so much he wore through 2 layers of tape and never knew it. they were on there for 2 straight practices before he noticed.

not exactly the result we were hoping for.

also my first time ever playing ice hockey i forgot my blade covers...

let's just say i never forgot them after that little show

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Another good one is if there is a guy on your team who wear suspenders. really work the suspenders anywhere they could be concealed... (connecttion under pant belt, under metal sizing mechanism) and just fray the heck out of them untill there's almost nothing left. someone did that to me and during a game my pants unsnapped and they went down... quite funny

lol, i used to be the only one who wore a garter belt and a seperate jock and they all were like get with the times brady so one weekend in a tourney in saskatoon they frayed em up and they snapped when i was on a half breakaway, i tried finishing the play with my socks around my angles lol, it was so bad, i called them all out for being retards

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heres a couple ben gay/ flex all (any muscle rub) in a cup. left overs in the hockey bag. holes in water bottles.

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Also got a teammate earlier in the year by lacing his skates ankle to toe instead of toe to ankle. Picked that particular player because we all knew that he was the last one to get dress, would always wait till the zamboni was almost half way through cleaning the ice.

Beauty! :lol: I once filled all the water bottles with hot water before practice. Only one I can think of.

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Writing on the stick works, but nothing says 'WIDE LOAD' or 'RAPE ME' like a few strips of white tape and big black letters on the back on your teammates' pants...

The 'Kayak' may be the funniest thing I've heard yet. There's a reason for me to get some standard blades... now I just need to find a guy who uses a cap instead of a wood plug...

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