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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM U+ SKATES (any reviews/ feedback) ?

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I still haven't sharpened a pair as I no longer work in a store.

My size was backordered, but today CCM offered custom so I gave them specs so I should have them in a few wks.

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  frankie56 said:
During the initial sharpening, some of the plastic holding the steel seemed to have melted. Plastic or glue, I'm not sure. This happened to a previous pair of U+ they sharpened so they were trying their best to keep the steel from overheating. These guys are experienced sharpeners. Skate is fine. I wonder if heat dissipation is reduced due to the smaller amount of steel. Anyone else have this problem?
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I did not have this problem at all. The steel is harder, but you just have to go a bit easier on the wheel and allow time to cool.

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I just put a combo radius on a set of rockets, everything went very nicely. Customer was weary having the "camp" sharpener sharpen them next week because he feared they wouldn't have a clue how to do them. I can see how someone could mess them up, both in clamping them and burning.

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well before i tore my ACl and MCL i was in a pair of ccm vector pros size 9.5 i liked them for the most part comfy skate no foot pain...my qustion is do they fit the same and the U skate( my LHS doesnt carry ccm). and i read on here that they are not as stiff which is good as now i only play in a sunday beer league

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Now that I've been sharpeing them for a week or so, here's some thoughts. First, the width(of the plastic) averages 4.2mm. I measured 20 random sets of the replacement steel I got in and that's the average, most were 4.2 a few 4.1's. So have your sharpener measure the width, not just stick them on the goalie 4.0 jig. The steel is definitely a better quality and hardness, so edges should hold up well and longer than stock steel. I know the CCM video says to crossgrind them but I strongly recommend against doing that. The steel can be easily sharpened on the finish wheel, no crossgrinding is necessary, that will just waste steel. Ask your sharpener not to crossgrind please.

I measured the stock radius, it's 10' just like the 2008 CCM steel runners.

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Thanks for those tidbits Jimmy, I was wondering what the deal was with the crossgrinding they didn't explain why it was needed in the video and just seemed like a waste of steel when there is already so little.

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  Griff said:
Thanks for those tidbits Jimmy, I was wondering what the deal was with the crossgrinding they didn't explain why it was needed in the video and just seemed like a waste of steel when there is already so little.
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the crossgriding only seems necessary if you wanted your toe and heel reference points to appear more clearly when aligning the jig. aside from that, jimmy's right. it'll only kill the steel sooner.

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I've noticed CCM is using an ten foot radius on their newer skates instead of an eleven foot now. Is this to give them a little better manoeverability qualities on the ice?

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how do these compare wieght wise to the s15's? And if I swap the holder runner combo out for the tuuk ls2 set up, does that kill the weight reduction? B/c i heard that the reason these skates were so light was mostly due to the new rocket runners.

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I bought a set of rocket runners for my vector 10 skates. I have a wissota sharpener. I've skated on them about 5 or 6 times now. They definitely feel lighter, but you get used to it fast. I noticed it more near the end of a skate, my feet felt light.

One thing I don't like about them is the sound that comes from the runners at times when stopping. It sounds like someone running their fingernails down a chalk board. If I stop hard I don't hear it, but if a do a sliding stop, it is very loud and distracting.

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  karvy said:
I bought a set of rocket runners for my vector 10 skates. I have a wissota sharpener. I've skated on them about 5 or 6 times now. They definitely feel lighter, but you get used to it fast. I noticed it more near the end of a skate, my feet felt light.

One thing I don't like about them is the sound that comes from the runners at times when stopping. It sounds like someone running their fingernails down a chalk board. If I stop hard I don't hear it, but if a do a sliding stop, it is very loud and distracting.

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Lol, sounds a bit like the T-blade "noice"

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Do they sell the RR individually, or do they come in pairs.. because my lhs said theyll order some for me at 30$ per 1 runner, so 60$ for a pair. But i'm gonna order them on hockeymonkey, but i'm not sure if they come in pairs... anyon know?

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  karvy said:
I bought a set of rocket runners for my vector 10 skates. I have a wissota sharpener. I've skated on them about 5 or 6 times now. They definitely feel lighter, but you get used to it fast. I noticed it more near the end of a skate, my feet felt light.

One thing I don't like about them is the sound that comes from the runners at times when stopping. It sounds like someone running their fingernails down a chalk board. If I stop hard I don't hear it, but if a do a sliding stop, it is very loud and distracting.

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Same thing happens to me! I was just going to write another topic on these, but I am glad I found that other people have the same deal. I just want to sound/look like a fool if I come into a slow stop and make the whole crowd cringe. Does anybody know why this happens?

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Hi guys, I've been reading many post and topics for a long time now, and I would like add my opinion on this topic.. I've worn almost every top 07/08 model of skate brand except the rbk skates.. I own both the one95s and the u+ skates. I originally bought the one95s and could not believe the fit. Once they were baked the fit was very, very nice. The best skate bauer has made, i feel. The boot is stiff and since I have a narrow foot, it was the way to go, because after wearing the Vapor XXXXs (which seemed wider), these skates felt like i was wearing nike shoes. The skates are really stiff and durable (i've take pucks to the skate and have not felt anything, nor have any marks on the boot).

I bought the u+ skates, most honestly, because I saw a player wearing them, and thought they were really cool looking.. Plus I love using the u+ stick and I have a problem wear I like matching gear.. Thus the skates being really light only added to my self persuasion to buying the skates.. Just like the Easton S15s, the trend is there, to make a light skate, they tend to lose some of the padding that makes a boot comfortable.. The boot doesn't really have the comfort padding like the one95s, and I had to bake these skates twice to get the right mold because the skates were pinning against both my ankles making the skate really painful.. But, after the second bake, the skates are much more comfortable.. There are really light and the blade runners allow me to cut tighter corners even compared to the one95s..

Also, I'm not sure if i'm the only one that is have ing result, but after skating, I'm getting these bubbles on the outer part of the boot which then resolve couple days afterwards, not sure if thats a defect or not, but I have seen others with same issue.

Overall, both are great skates and it all comes down to which you like more (superficially), well, that was my thought.. Plus I'm a huge Ovie fan, thus I'm kinda biased on that.. But I've always been a nike bauer as well. The new ccm line is actually really well put together as well..

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Thanks for that review. Do your Rocket Runners make a horrible screeching sound when you come to a slow stop? I have the same ankle problem as you do, but I have a pretty wide foot. Do you think it is worth getting them remolded even if it costs $35+?

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I just bought u+ last week, I have not used them yet because I was nervous going to tryouts with a brand new skates, however after baking them the first time and wearing them around my house for a couple hours, my feet were extremely sore. So, I go back to the store where I work and bake them again and still havent used them but tied them up again today and there was a huge difference. For me it was definitely worth it to bake them again, and it would be worth 35$. Also I might add in that with all of the reviews I was hearing about this skate being amazing in the oven, I think I took it the wrong way. I was expecting them to mold perfectly with ankle pockets and stuff, but that didn't happen, the foam just seemed to open up a lot, and they are a lot more comfortable now, and definitly an amazing skate, but I just thought I would throw that out there in case anyone thought the same as I did regarding how the skate molds.

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I bought mine at a great LHS in MI and they let me re-bake the skates for no charge. The baked them a little longer and as I leave the top two eyelets unlaced, the told me to tie them all the way up so the ankles can pop up a little which worked. After the second bake, it was a huge difference. I just skated with them again this Sat night and they felt really good. Love the skates. $35 for baking seems kind of high, but if that is what is costs, I think its worth it. The rocket runners don't make that sound as you mentioned before, but the sounds it makes when you dig into the ice sounds really cool. Hopefully the bake works out for you, b/c these skates rock!

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