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Best Grinders In The NHL

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I was watching the NHL channel earlier today and they had the top 10 hitters of 2001-02 or something like that and I was wondering who do you guys think the best grinder in the game is today.

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Wasn't he asking ALL TIME?

I was watching the NHL channel earlier today and they had the top 10 hitters of 2001-02 or something like that and I was wondering who do you guys think the best grinder in the game is today.


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thats a tough question, if you define that by hitters, guys like Brendan Morrow are at the top of the list but to me hes a hard working star...

I see a guy like Darren McCarty as a pure grinder

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In the game today: John Madden

In terms of all time, don't forget Dallas Drake.

Just how many times has he broken his nose?

100th post!

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Nick Tarnasky, Torrie Mitchell, Scott Mellanby,Adam Deadmarsh, Kris Draper, Darcy Tucker (sometimes)... Maybe I'm getting a little creative but I'm surprised to see some of these guys not named.

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