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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sports Management

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Noticed the Bulldogs quotes.... St Catherine's University offers it, I'm majoring in Sports Managament at Wichita State University

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hehe yes. I play with their club team between the times I'm not laid up from knee surgery lol

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  JR Boucicaut said:

Would it be difficult to look at schools in the area where you want to live then look up their majors offerings?

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  sabby47 said:

Noticed the Bulldogs quotes.... St Catherine's University offers it, I'm majoring in Sports Managament at Wichita State University

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I saw that. I would like to move down to the states for University.

  PH_Hockey2 said:

As of right now I'm also a sports management major at Central Michigan University

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Is it hard. What were your marks like in High School?

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Well as of right now I'm just starting to take most of my major classes because I have gotton most of the gen ed classes out of the way. So far the classes that I have taken toward my major have not been that bad, although last semester I had to take an accounting class that was tough. As for high school marks I had a 3.7 overall but lets face it high school is easy anyway.

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Here's a Canadian list... and the website in itself might be useful to you. Have you checked out the cost of university in the States? It is MUCH more expensive than Canada... even more so as an international student. The site also has USA programs... and around the world. Where is it you plan to work?


Edit to add... umm... not REALLY meaning to be too hard on you here... but where is your initiative? You need initiative, drive and be pro-active for that business. I got that website with one simple google search for "sports management programs canada"

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  hockeymom said:

Here's a Canadian list... and the website in itself might be useful to you. Have you checked out the cost of university in the States? It is MUCH more expensive than Canada... even more so as an international student. The site also has USA programs... and around the world. Where is it you plan to work?


Edit to add... umm... not REALLY meaning to be too hard on you here... but where is your initiative? You need initiative, drive and be pro-active for that business. I got that website with one simple google search for "sports management programs canada"

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Thanks....That website was helpful...

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Exactly. Would be much better off getting a straight management or Human Resource Management degree that has more options for work than one so concentrated on a specific field.

Same thing with psychology and the various universities that offer 'sport psychology'.

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