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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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injury # 2. broken hip. WTF

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So, chasing down puck poked away from me on partial breakaway. I lost my footing and went feet first into boards. Sliding, got one leg one out of way, went knee first into boards. Shattered my knee cap, broke my femur, damaged my hip socket badly and my knee pretty badly as well.

Emergency surgery, rod in leg, knee cap wired together. hip doesnt work, knee doesnt work, this is a pain in the ass

Doctor says I should look into not playing hockey again. I am very bummed about this.

I'll post pictures soon. Xrays and pictures while I'm on the ground with bottom half of femur pointing in the wrong direction.

This was a very interesting week. What are the odds? I had just bought new shinnys because my old ones were pretty mangled.

**update**Sept 2010** Broke my hip in the 2nd game of the season. see last post on topic. f!

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Damn Matt, sorry to hear that. Best of luck with the recovery....hopefully you have an Xbox 360 or PS3 that can keep ya busy ;)

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I feel your pain my friend. I blew my hip apart in a non hockey accident 25 years ago. I now have 3 large pins that holds things together and it reminds me every time I try to skate. Playing is out but I manage to play a litte shinny with my two sons, but thats about it. Hopefully you make a full recovery and prove the doctors wrong. Take care.

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sorry to hear that man... you're scaring the shit out of me. Went to the ice rink yesterday to see if I want to take part in hockey. You're giving me second thought.

Hope and pray you have a speedy and full recovery.

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holy crap thats serious! best of luck with a speedy recovery. if your like most other real hockey players ive got a feeling you'll be back on the ice soon! good luck with everything

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Oh my god man!! That is horrible news that no hockey player, or any sports player wants to deal with or hear. I hope you have a speedy and full recovery!

Best wishes!

Good luck man!


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Wow. That blows, man. Here's to a speedy recovery. You never know, though. Doctors always say you shouldn't do this or that. It's up to you whether this truly is the end of puck. Keep us posted.

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I've gone int to the boards 3 times this year feet first. Haven't come out hurt (knock wood) but god damn that's a scary feeling.

Best of luck for a full recovery. I'm sure you'd love to be able to play again, but a healthy and regular everyday life is more important.

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Did that once a couple years back. Was lucky to skate away (sort of) with a high ankle sprain. But like Radio said, it's a scary damn feeling that'll be in your mind the next time you get a breakaway.

Good luck dude!

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Sorry to hear that. Be patient and your body will let you know when it's ready.

No worries you will be back.

Plus - it always a good sign when the doctor says you should "look into not playing", instead of "you are not playing again" They are usually pretty brutally honest.

Here's to a speedy recovery.

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Hope you heal up quickly. I'm not going to tell you to ignore your doctor, it may well be the case that you probably should stop. On the other hand I've known a lot of people who've been told not to play by some doctors and/or PT's only to turn around and be told they really should continue playing by other doctors and/or PT's. I really think the best thing you can do is allow yourself time to fully recover and then make a decision based on the doctor's advice and how you feel injury wise/in pyschological terms about coming back to play again.

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Can't wait to see these pictures :rolleyes:

Haha, well, after they cut off my gear and i saw my femur was pointing towards my right leg. (creating a v shape of my entire femur).. i demanded someone (my little brother) go get pictures. If I am going to go through 7 or 8 months of rehab, i want some damn pictures of the reason.

also, i was in shock, so it seemed like a good idea.

this was roller hockey, btw.

Apparently i was singing the bay watch theme song most of the time, wtf.hahah.

Thanks for all the well wishes guys and gals. No way im giving hockey up without a fight.

and, if i have to quit playing, i'll start coaching kids or doing something.

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Apparently i was singing the bay watch theme song most of the time, wtf.hahah.

Ok, now that's funny. :lol:

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No offense intended to the doctor, but if he's not a sports specialist, he doesn't know what he's talking about.

When a non-specialist tells you you shouldn't play hockey again, it's the equivalent of telling someone else not to fall drunk off the roof again. It's not an evaluation of your ability to return to the sport, it's a direction to to risk a repeat of catastrophic trauma.

Ask around, find out who does knee and hip work for the Canucks or University sports teams, and see whether they can't come down and give you a quick look. I had my botched hand surgery mulligan'ed by a guy from Queens, and it was all very informal.

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So, funny story here. I had spent the last handful of years using bauer 2000s?3000s? shinpads, knee cap exploded to hell and not very protective at all.

that day I bought rbk 3k shins, and look what happened.

the guy who did my knee operation is ' the sports injury knee guy' who just happened to be on call that night, otherwise there is a quite a lineup. Im pretty sure he said something as well, but i was pretty goofed up on morphine.

Either way, I wasnt going to just let this go at that. Im going to get 2nd, 3rd opinions until im comfortable. I have a good while ahead of me, im not fretting

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I think the doctor saying, "you should look into not playing hockey anymore" more so means that if you do play again and get hurt again, it'll be really serious and big problem, as opposed to you won't be able to play again.

With that said, if you do play again, make sure you're 100% and not just too eager to play and obviously take slow steps getting back into the game.

Hope you heal completely and can get back on the ice.

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