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NHL 09

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I really like Be A Pro, but the camera is killin' it for me. I really hope there is an option to change it to the "ice" view that the regular game is on.

You can change it to the ice view in the final game so no worries.

NICE. Thanks for clearing that up, man! :)

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I was just playing the demo and scored on my own net with Kronwall. During the cut scene, he started celebrating with the pens! hahaha

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I played the demo a ton and realized it has some serious issues that need to be fixed. I won't buy the final version and piss away $60 on a game that has a misunderstanding of physics. If they fix some of the flaws though, it'd be a superb game.

What serious issues?

All the blocked shots ricochet like a pinball, the goalie passing when they try to cover the puck (it only goes 2-4 feet max), poor passing in general, slappers from 50 feet scoring because the goalie is covering the wrong side of the net etc. I got tired of it within 36 hours. Someone let me know if the final release is problem free...

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Some stores have it today but aren't supposed to sell it.

Mine will be here Thursday, pretty hyped after playing the demo.

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As I said before, gamestop sucks. My gf called to see if it had come in yet. She made sure to ask 3 times for NHL09 for the 360. They say its in, so she walks all the way down there...

only to turn around and walk home empty handed. Of course, they had NHL2K9. She went off on them.

What a good girl.

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As I said before, gamestop sucks. My gf called to see if it had come in yet. She made sure to ask 3 times for NHL09 for the 360. They say its in, so she walks all the way down there...

only to turn around and walk home empty handed. Of course, they had NHL2K9. She went off on them.

What a good girl.

Well, look at the people these places employ. It tends to be 16 year old kids who just want a paycheck or 30 year olds who think they're cool 'cause they make 8 bucks an hour but know a lot about video games.

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anyone in vancouver able to find a copy of 09 released today? just wondering since we're supposed to get it on thurs in canada I think but I'd love to play now if i could =P

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anyone in vancouver able to find a copy of 09 released today? just wondering since we're supposed to get it on thurs in canada I think but I'd love to play now if i could =P

a place around me called game on is getting it in tomorrow

best buys and futureshops should have them in tomorrow as well

eb told me 11th

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As I said before, gamestop sucks. My gf called to see if it had come in yet. She made sure to ask 3 times for NHL09 for the 360. They say its in, so she walks all the way down there...

only to turn around and walk home empty handed. Of course, they had NHL2K9. She went off on them.

What a good girl.

Damn that's a keeper

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As I said before, gamestop sucks. My gf called to see if it had come in yet. She made sure to ask 3 times for NHL09 for the 360. They say its in, so she walks all the way down there...

only to turn around and walk home empty handed. Of course, they had NHL2K9. She went off on them.

What a good girl.

Damn that's a keeper

Sure is... plus I get an allowance! :P

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