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The movie thread

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Is Hollywood really so out of ideas they need to remake John Wayne movies? Trying to replace such an iconic actor is pretty much a sure fire way to fail. Regardless of how well done the movie might be, it's just going to be "not John Wayne."

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  On 11/3/2010 at 12:47 AM, iceNsteel said:

Is Hollywood really so out of ideas they need to remake John Wayne movies? Trying to replace such an iconic actor is pretty much a sure fire way to fail. Regardless of how well done the movie might be, it's just going to be "not John Wayne."

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Normally I would agree with you 100% but after watching the trailer I still might have to give this movie the benefit of the doubt. The last good country western movie I saw was 3:10 to Yuma which was also a remake so I think this one deserves a chance.

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  On 11/5/2010 at 4:10 AM, Rustpot said:

Except 3:10 to Yuma was a terrible movie. Both of them.

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You're the first person I've met that thought 3:10 to Yuma was terrible.

But hey, to each their own.

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Saw Jack Ass 3D two days ago. Not really a fan but saw the trailer and said what the hell. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time but haven't been as grossed out in long time either. It's got everything you need for a good laugh provided you're not expecting anything intelligent. Good move to just chill, have a laugh and not have to think about anything.

Haven't seen the first True Grit and was unaware that it was remake. I'm not really movie savvy per say so I'll probably go see it. Saw the trailer at Jackass and it seemed like it'll be a pretty good movie.. but then again..

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Went and saw Due Date last night. Pretty funny movie as long as you don't go into it expecting comic genius. Still, it had some very funny parts.

Anyone see the trailer for Sucker Punch? Talk about a trippy looking movie.

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  On 11/6/2010 at 12:22 AM, hamstercaster said:

Saw Jack Ass 3D two days ago. Not really a fan but saw the trailer and said what the hell. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time but haven't been as grossed out in long time either. It's got everything you need for a good laugh provided you're not expecting anything intelligent. Good move to just chill, have a laugh and not have to think about anything.

Haven't seen the first True Grit and was unaware that it was remake. I'm not really movie savvy per say so I'll probably go see it. Saw the trailer at Jackass and it seemed like it'll be a pretty good movie.. but then again..

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Seconded. I think I could have lived my life without seeing the train set "volcano" and the port a potty swing. It was a very funny movie but the 3D wasn't very noticeable

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I went to see jackass last week, and just as I put a lip in, I look up and its the sweat suit scene. needless to say i started gagging. haha

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  On 11/7/2010 at 7:42 PM, adam14 said:

I went to see jackass last week, and just as I put a lip in, I look up and its the sweat suit scene. needless to say i started gagging. haha

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Sweat suit wasn't as bad as some of the other things

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  On 11/7/2010 at 11:48 PM, lampliter87 said:

I never saw the point to the series.

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Honnestly, me neither. I saw parts of the first movie at a friend's place a long time ago and that was it until I saw the trailer to Jackass 3D. Showed the trailer to my friend and we concluded that we should go see it. It's dumb, very dumb but I still got a lot of good laughs and quite honnestly it was worth my 10 bucks a lot more than many other movies I've seen over the years.

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  On 9/3/2010 at 9:33 PM, lampliter87 said:

Went to the midnight premiere of Machete last night. Great flick.

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I wasn't going to see it and then I saw a trailer on another movie I was watching at home and saw Alba and Seagal and though, hmm should rent that just for the hell of it. Am I glad I did. I really liked it a lot. There's something about that movie that separates it from the rest of the others but I can't really put my finger on it. Maybe it's the Kill Bill/Sin City atmosphere to it although still a bit different from these two movies, I don't know but to me it was a $5 well spent, at least for me.

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Rob Lowe returns to the hockey film genre. Mr. Youngblood plays an ex-NHL player and current zamboni driver who coaches a group of Indian kids on a hockey team in Breakaway now playing at the Toronto Film Festival. There is apparently and on-ice Bollywood dance routine as well.

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Now see, thats an Original movie plot JDS. Something I would love to watch honestly. I recently watched Eden Lake and all I have to say is wow. I'm not disturbed by movies a lot, but there is just something about Eden Lake that just got to me.

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  On 10/31/2011 at 11:25 PM, skyscrape said:

^Aside from the ending, I thought the movie was just drug out torture porn.

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The ending was the best part. Nobody knows what happens. Youre right though, thats all it was, I watched 3/4thso

ofit on TMC at 3 in the morning when nothing was on the dvr or tv. I should have just switched over to netflix. Also, I willl be seeing Harold and Kumar this Friday! NPH is the bomb diggity!

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  On 11/1/2011 at 7:26 AM, skyscrape said:

Not sure, but I was going to say if that was an edited version the movie would be 30 minutes long!

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I think TCM is a basic channel but can operate along the same lines as premium channels. It can have some things in a presentation that basic channel usually wouldn't be able to have (nudity, language, gore, etc...).

I have Eden Lake but never got around to watching it. If I recall correctly, it's been compared to movies like Martyrs, Inside, Them, Frontier(s), Calvaire, and other European, specifically French, extremely violent films.

If you read the synopsis for those films, I'm sure you can see why. Haha. However, the most deprived plot line for a film that I have heard of lately would have to go A Serbian Film.

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  On 11/1/2011 at 11:13 PM, steelnation248 said:

I think TCM is a basic channel but can operate along the same lines as premium channels. It can have some things in a presentation that basic channel usually wouldn't be able to have (nudity, language, gore, etc...).

I have Eden Lake but never got around to watching it. If I recall correctly, it's been compared to movies like Martyrs, Inside, Them, Frontier(s), Calvaire, and other European, specifically French, extremely violent films.

If you read the synopsis for those films, I'm sure you can see why. Haha. However, the most deprived plot line for a film that I have heard of lately would have to go A Serbian Film.

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Holy hell! That sounds over the top! Necrophilia, Pedophilia, and rape!

"I Spit on Your Grave" and "Last House on the Left" had some pretty rough scenes, but I believe both needed those scenes to prepare you for the second half of the movie. They are both over the line for a lot of people, but truly take you on a full journey. As for "A Serbian Film"...I am not sure if I could sit down and watch that.

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  On 11/1/2011 at 11:13 PM, steelnation248 said:

I think TCM is a basic channel but can operate along the same lines as premium channels. It can have some things in a presentation that basic channel usually wouldn't be able to have (nudity, language, gore, etc...).

I have Eden Lake but never got around to watching it. If I recall correctly, it's been compared to movies like Martyrs, Inside, Them, Frontier(s), Calvaire, and other European, specifically French, extremely violent films.

If you read the synopsis for those films, I'm sure you can see why. Haha. However, the most deprived plot line for a film that I have heard of lately would have to go A Serbian Film.

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TCM makes a point of not censoring movies, but it was "TMC" that was mentioned. This is usually shorthand for The Movie Channel, a premium channel that belonged to Showtime, the last I heard.

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  On 11/1/2011 at 11:40 PM, skyscrape said:

Holy hell! That sounds over the top! Necrophilia, Pedophilia, and rape!

"I Spit on Your Grave" and "Last House on the Left" had some pretty rough scenes, but I believe both needed those scenes to prepare you for the second half of the movie. They are both over the line for a lot of people, but truly take you on a full journey. As for "A Serbian Film"...I am not sure if I could sit down and watch that.

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Yeah, I have never watched any of those movies listed. I'm pretty big on horror movies so I always hear about them. I figured some might be interested in that style if they are sick of other torture porn movies that the US has put out (Saw, Hostel, etc...). I'm a much bigger fan of the classics and some newer horror movies.

  On 11/1/2011 at 11:56 PM, wrangler said:

TCM makes a point of not censoring movies, but it was "TMC" that was mentioned. This is usually shorthand for The Movie Channel, a premium channel that belonged to Showtime, the last I heard.

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Haha. I guess I should slow down when reading. I missed that completely. Ha

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