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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok rebranding

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Its not RBK its Reebok

And its not NB is New Balance :rolleyes:

Same thing dude.

but current gen sticks say rbk, not reebok. i could be wrong though, but i dont remember them saying "reebok" if thats what he is meaning. either way id like to see more of this stick. Edit: think i read it wrong, doubt thats what was meant. i need to stop staring at the screen so much/

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Its not RBK its Reebok

And its not NB is New Balance :rolleyes:

Same thing dude.

Same company, but 2 different "brands". I thought they still branded wood sticks with 'Reebok'.

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RBK does not exist anymore.

From here on out, it will be Reebok.

The brand switch started in the SC Finals. The dasherboard ad was changed to Reebok, and all new gear will be Reebok-branded.

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RBK does not exist anymore.

From here on out, it will be Reebok.

The brand switch started in the SC Finals. The dasherboard ad was changed to Reebok, and all new gear will be Reebok-branded.

I really hate hearing this. The "Reebok" name makes me think of the crappy shoes I got from them as a kid back in the late 80s and early 90s. RBK had a clean slate with me mentally, even though I fully realized it was basically the same corporation. As far as the 9k is concerned, I've never found anyone who found them high in performance and durability. I think Reebok is making mistakes left and right as of now...

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I was just on the line with someone at Reebok for something different, but I asked about the new Reebok stick Patrice Bergeron was using at the development camp and they said that it is the new 9k stick that they are working on. I can't tell from the pics..does it have the O's at the bottom in that silver area? Did anyone see this stick in person?

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All 2008 RBK equipment still has the RBK name on it and will be that way till the 09 line comes out, except of course, any "October Surprise" skates and sticks. I'm too saddened, I like the clean look of RBK.

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I don’t know where you people are getting this information but I have two of my good friends that work for RBK/CCM and the RBK name is going nowhere and to those of you that think so you should check your facts. The only thing that might happen is that the lower end gear might get the full Reebok name but that will be it. I have talked to both of my friends that work for RBK one of them in the skate development dept and the other in jersey team sales and they both said that it was not going to happen. I also checked with my rep here in town. Please make sure before you post wild claims like this that you get your facts straight.

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We got a picture of a stick that says Reebok, either that means that hes using sticks from Canadian tire or RBK made him that stick

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I paid 50 and I was very unimpressed with feel and release. I didn't think it was overly heavy though. I'd rate it among the lightest sticks I've used (XXXX, SE) with alright balance, better than a cheap woodie in a shaft.

Shafts are the only way to go

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I don’t know where you people are getting this information but I have two of my good friends that work for RBK/CCM and the RBK name is going nowhere and to those of you that think so you should check your facts. The only thing that might happen is that the lower end gear might get the full Reebok name but that will be it. I have talked to both of my friends that work for RBK one of them in the skate development dept and the other in jersey team sales and they both said that it was not going to happen. I also checked with my rep here in town. Please make sure before you post wild claims like this that you get your facts straight.

Umm...back a page there is a pic of Patrice Bergeron using a stick that clearly says 'REEBOK' down the length of the shaft.

There are also at least two shop owners/industry employees (one of whom owns this site) who have posted that all new equipment will be changed to 'Reebok'.

Oh, and there were the advertisments during the Stanley Cup Finals that said 'Reebok' instead of 'RBK'

So either Bergeron is using a low end stick, the owner of this website is incorrect, and the company was advertising their 'low end' gear during the Cup Finals....or you're wrong.

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It is all about REEBOK... when have you guys ever known JR to steer you wrong with rumors and information.

Also, that stick Bergeron is using, does have holes...

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I didn't expect them to sway things and go with the full Reebok name. I much prefer RBK actually and I think REEBOK written down the side of the stick like in that picture looks nasty. Glad I'm a Bauer guy :)

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I don’t know where you people are getting this information but I have two of my good friends that work for RBK/CCM and the RBK name is going nowhere and to those of you that think so you should check your facts. The only thing that might happen is that the lower end gear might get the full Reebok name but that will be it. I have talked to both of my friends that work for RBK one of them in the skate development dept and the other in jersey team sales and they both said that it was not going to happen. I also checked with my rep here in town. Please make sure before you post wild claims like this that you get your facts straight.

Umm...back a page there is a pic of Patrice Bergeron using a stick that clearly says 'REEBOK' down the length of the shaft.

There are also at least two shop owners/industry employees (one of whom owns this site) who have posted that all new equipment will be changed to 'Reebok'.

Oh, and there were the advertisments during the Stanley Cup Finals that said 'Reebok' instead of 'RBK'

So either Bergeron is using a low end stick, the owner of this website is incorrect, and the company was advertising their 'low end' gear during the Cup Finals....or you're wrong.

So what shop owners dont know whats comming until just before it gets to the door. This big saying that RBK is going away is not true and until you can give me more evidence than just one add and one picture your arguement doesnt hold water sorry. Time will be the only way to solve this but right now I don't belive you.

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I don’t know where you people are getting this information but I have two of my good friends that work for RBK/CCM and the RBK name is going nowhere and to those of you that think so you should check your facts. The only thing that might happen is that the lower end gear might get the full Reebok name but that will be it. I have talked to both of my friends that work for RBK one of them in the skate development dept and the other in jersey team sales and they both said that it was not going to happen. I also checked with my rep here in town. Please make sure before you post wild claims like this that you get your facts straight.

Umm...back a page there is a pic of Patrice Bergeron using a stick that clearly says 'REEBOK' down the length of the shaft.

There are also at least two shop owners/industry employees (one of whom owns this site) who have posted that all new equipment will be changed to 'Reebok'.

Oh, and there were the advertisments during the Stanley Cup Finals that said 'Reebok' instead of 'RBK'

So either Bergeron is using a low end stick, the owner of this website is incorrect, and the company was advertising their 'low end' gear during the Cup Finals....or you're wrong.

So what shop owners dont know whats comming until just before it gets to the door. This big saying that RBK is going away is not true and until you can give me more evidence than just one add and one picture your arguement doesnt hold water sorry. Time will be the only way to solve this but right now I don't belive you.

You forgot to mention the '2 friends at RBK/CCM'.

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JR has never purposely posted false info here. He takes too much pride in the stature MSH has built in the industry to screw it up with false info or unsubstantiated rumour.

So...until JR posts and says "I was misinformed...here's what's going on" I tend to go along with whatever he has learned through his sources.

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So Chippa you have made my point for me when you can contact people who work for the company and are involved with the day to day operations of that company they will know that type of info long before a shop owner will. So I am going to trust what those people tell me long before some rouge shop owner tells me that won't see this stuff until just before it comes out. Like I said before maybe all of us including myself are putting way to much time and effort in to this anyway none of can change it none of it matters . If it happens it happens and it wont stop the world form spinning and it won't melt the ice so really it is no big deal.

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How sure are you that it isn't changing to Reebok? You don't really have proof, all you said was you have 2 friends that work for RBK, I can also say that I have 2 friends that work at RBK but that doesn't mean anything without actual proof

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