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Reebok rebranding

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How sad: a vanity issue at Reebok corporate because their hockey company has established the name RBK on it's product branding, not Reebok. "Quick, stop this RBK!! We are REEBOK!" I like RBK a lot more for branding. Its short, quick, simple, easily applied to product, and looks good on the gear. Oh well............

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And I believe that is the first official "Passenger 51" reference in MSH history.

erm, "Passenger 57".. hehe.

"RBK" vector logo always looked very clean, and as DarkStar mentioned, just flowed nicely on equipment. I'm assuming they're going for a more 'traditional' look/logo. As long as they don't slap 2 velcro straps over the top 3 eyelets and put a Union Jack next to the logo.

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You know, I just knew "Passenger 51" didn't look right.

Passenger 51 was probably the quiet, introvert flying for business.... Luckily, John Cutter was 6 seats over to save the day.

Now I want to see the movie in the potential "Passenger 51"s perspective... where's Mos Def & Jack Black when I need them?!

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RBK does not exist anymore.

From here on out, it will be Reebok.

The brand switch started in the SC Finals. The dasherboard ad was changed to Reebok, and all new gear will be Reebok-branded.

I really hate hearing this. The "Reebok" name makes me think of the crappy shoes I got from them as a kid back in the late 80s and early 90s. RBK had a clean slate with me mentally, even though I fully realized it was basically the same corporation. As far as the 9k is concerned, I've never found anyone who found them high in performance and durability. I think Reebok is making mistakes left and right as of now...

hockey equipment is so hit and miss that way. you have to try new things, if they dont work, oh well. they can always try again and maybe "hit" rather than miss

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RBK does not exist anymore.

From here on out, it will be Reebok.

The brand switch started in the SC Finals. The dasherboard ad was changed to Reebok, and all new gear will be Reebok-branded.

I really hate hearing this. The "Reebok" name makes me think of the crappy shoes I got from them as a kid back in the late 80s and early 90s. RBK had a clean slate with me mentally, even though I fully realized it was basically the same corporation. As far as the 9k is concerned, I've never found anyone who found them high in performance and durability. I think Reebok is making mistakes left and right as of now...

hockey equipment is so hit and miss that way. you have to try new things, if they dont work, oh well. they can always try again and maybe "hit" rather than miss

But CCM (and RBK) has had many more misses than hits in the last 10 years. If you ever saw what junk was still on their dealer closeout list you'd laugh.

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RBK does not exist anymore.

From here on out, it will be Reebok.

The brand switch started in the SC Finals. The dasherboard ad was changed to Reebok, and all new gear will be Reebok-branded.

I really hate hearing this. The "Reebok" name makes me think of the crappy shoes I got from them as a kid back in the late 80s and early 90s. RBK had a clean slate with me mentally, even though I fully realized it was basically the same corporation. As far as the 9k is concerned, I've never found anyone who found them high in performance and durability. I think Reebok is making mistakes left and right as of now...

hockey equipment is so hit and miss that way. you have to try new things, if they dont work, oh well. they can always try again and maybe "hit" rather than miss

But CCM (and RBK) has had many more misses than hits in the last 10 years. If you ever saw what junk was still on their dealer closeout list you'd laugh.

There are some gems on there still...

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well obvisously if its the last NBH product to come out its going to say nike bauer on it like the rest of there stuff, kind of a silly question.

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I'm sure he means after the Nike is gone. Like, will it be called Bauer or a whole complete name. I'm almost certain it will be called Bauer still.

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How soon is the 8K helmet replacement coming out? They've redone everything but buckets...

There's only so much you can change with a helmet.

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What more could they do to change it and keep the price the same or near the same price. If it aint broke dont fix it. Example NBH 4000,4500. Been the same as long as I can remember.

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To all three of ya: I'm just saying my 8K is getting boring... they've updated skates, protective, and sticks since RBK -excuse me, REEBOK- debuted. And yes the 4000 has been around, but you've had the 5000, 8000, and 9500 since. The 8K is still a good bucket, no doubt.

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How does a helmet get boring? As long as your brain is kept from leaking out of your ear, who cares if the design is dated?

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How sad: a vanity issue at Reebok corporate because their hockey company has established the name RBK on it's product branding, not Reebok. "Quick, stop this RBK!! We are REEBOK!" I like RBK a lot more for branding. Its short, quick, simple, easily applied to product, and looks good on the gear. Oh well............

+1. I saw some football gear with the full "REEBOK" logo stamped on it recently and thought it was something rebadged from 1982.

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