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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

CCM Vector U+ Initial Thoughts

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Any more reports on the liner deterioration issue?

i dont think the inner lining is as bad as the outside quarter. kid brought his 2 month old u+ in the other day and they looked terrible. the quarter package was ready to fall off thats how bad it was. just all wrinkled and weak.

The liner up near the eyelets are wearing down a lot on mine and I've had them for a month, also the quarters are bubbling ( not quite falling off like the ones mentioned above though). But still , I fear what they are going to look like after a month or two of the season which just started. Does anyone know if CCM takes them back if they bubble up?

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Any more reports on the liner deterioration issue?

i dont think the inner lining is as bad as the outside quarter. kid brought his 2 month old u+ in the other day and they looked terrible. the quarter package was ready to fall off thats how bad it was. just all wrinkled and weak.

The liner up near the eyelets are wearing down a lot on mine and I've had them for a month, also the quarters are bubbling ( not quite falling off like the ones mentioned above though). But still , I fear what they are going to look like after a month or two of the season which just started. Does anyone know if CCM takes them back if they bubble up?

they should take them back. just send them back before your 90 days and tell them that you didnt spend $600 for a skate to start falling apart like this

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Just wanted to follow up, with a couple of questions. Any possibility that ccm has made some mid-production changes re the liner and the bubbling problems? Also, are the problems limited to a few skates, or pretty much all of them? And, I noted someone stated there were problems fitting people in the u+ and the 08, so does that mean the 06 model fits differently? (I've been able to try on the 06 and an 04, but not a u+ or an 08.) Thanks.

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9K - selling well

5K - selling well

V08 - selling well

V06 - selling well

V04 - selling well

U Plus - honestly we cant give this skate away. absolutely horrible fit, no heel lock, kills people in the ankles, really bad durability. the Jr ones and Yth ones are selling but the Sr is just sitting on the shelf collecting dust. few guys i work with have said theyve tried everything to make the heel lock better with no succcess, the skate is pretty much "unsellable"

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i believe the V08 is the same as the Vector 10 from last year, so if that fit you well, then this will as well.

i still find the heel on the Vector 10 to be wide, but not nearly as wide as the U+

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No one around here has the 08 to try on, so does anyone know how the 08 compares to the 06, as far as fit and weight? Is the 08 worth the extra $? Thanks.

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I wonder why we have not seen too many of the U+ skates in the NHL... even painted up ones... every time I go to the LHS and pick one up, I still can't get over how light it is.... I may have to see if I can get it to work with my Vapor XX 10 EE feet. LOL

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I just saw a pair this weekend- they were about three weeks old. Had been hit in the instep with a puck. the shell had torn and the cut went all the way to the liner. About a 2.5" gash.

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I wonder if JR is getting any feedback from CCM about this durability issue? Sounds worse than the Vapor XX's breaking down too quickly a few years ago...

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wow.... the quarter or side goes way down the toe there... is that due to the small size of the skate, or will all of them look like that?

So this begs the question, if we were leaning towards the U+, should we now wait for the 09?


So it looks like they have a U+ PRO and the one in the background is a U+ 07.... is that accurate?

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wow.... the quarter or side goes way down the toe there... is that due to the small size of the skate, or will all of them look like that?

So this begs the question, if we were leaning towards the U+, should we now wait for the 09?


So it looks like they have a U+ PRO and the one in the background is a U+ 07.... is that accurate?

as well as a U+09

personally if you want the U+ wait. the rep talked about the fixes and it sounded like the pro should be a bit more durable than the original.

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Mine's been pretty solid. I got an original With the hollow heel. the heel is finally starting to break down and the blade is loosing some of the Pop. Should put in my order for either another one, or a one95 soon before it breaks.

Edit: Talkin bout the stick...didn't realize this was the Skate thread <_<

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as well as a U+09

personally if you want the U+ wait. the rep talked about the fixes and it sounded like the pro should be a bit more durable than the original.

Thanks puck it... I could be enticed by a blow out price on the 2008s however... :-)

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thought i'd ask here...

i just got ccm v08's with a hum'er chassis for roller. i have been skating in used OLD missions since i learned to skate earlier this year. i was never really happy with them but i've gotten used to the weird arch in them. I have old ccm tacks for ice skating and I have always preferred how they fit. I was told that ccm v08 ice skates were great so I tried the boots on in the store but couldn't really get a good feel for them (since i couldn't skate in them) except that they were stiff which i liked. I liked them and what i was hearing about them so i had them baked and had them put the chassis on and send them to me a week later...

now i just got them and i don't think i'm happy with them at all. they are pretty loose around my foot. it definitely seems to be the lack of padding that i'm noticing...they fit side to side but top to bottom they are huge (like i cant touch the top until i curl my toes under...). Is this normal and just something i'll get used to or am i going to hate my new $400 skates? will i be able to get them a little tighter around the more i wear them in?

any advice is much appreciated. i'm pretty worried at this point.

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Get yourself some double thick felt tongues installed...that will help eat upsome of the extra volume.


thanks, i hope that works!!!

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