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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What makes the Jofa Bubble Cage so desirable?

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After constant searching, it looks like the Jofa Bubble Cage is the cage of choice for players... we'll, maybe for the Proclaimed Hockey Equipment Whores on Facebook. What makes this particular cage so popular?

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It's one of the lightest,protective, cages around, affordable and your field of view is better than most other cages because of the postioning and the thin wire used to make the cage. In my opinion one of the best cages made on the market to date.

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If I were to perhaps own one... how much would i expect to get for it on ebay/msh class. ?

Just wondering .

Look on Ebay for your model number- that should give you an idea.

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After constant searching, it looks like the Jofa Bubble Cage is the cage of choice for players... we'll, maybe for the Proclaimed Hockey Equipment Whores on Facebook. What makes this particular cage so popular?

A couple "cool" guys had them and it snowballed from there. Just like the guys playing junior B or C who all have to have Bauer 4000 helmets. The 4500s are ok, but to be really cool, you have to get the old school 4000. :rolleyes:

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They have a distinctive look, and they're discontinued. To rock one means you're either an OG, know somebody who knows somebody, or you won an eBay auction.

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