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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008 Beijing Olympics Thread

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Alrighty...since China is 12 hours behind...and everything is going to be tape delayed... is there anywhere that's streaming live coverage online?

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I woke up and Canada was like 2 delegations away so I was pretty happy. The lighting of the torch was amazing, how the hell can Vancouver come up with something even comparable to that?

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.... how the hell can Vancouver come up with something even comparable to that?

Something like they did with the closing of the Montreal forum... That was classy how they passed the torch..

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I woke up and Canada was like 2 delegations away so I was pretty happy. The lighting of the torch was amazing, how the hell can Vancouver come up with something even comparable to that?

Crosby will snipe the torch with a flaming puck from 300 feet away.

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I woke up and Canada was like 2 delegations away so I was pretty happy. The lighting of the torch was amazing, how the hell can Vancouver come up with something even comparable to that?

Crosby will snipe the torch with a flaming puck from 300 feet away.

Betttman isn't on the IOC...yet.

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It was tough hearing about the injuries and otherwise for BOTH of the Hamm brothers this year, and their inabilities to compete in their final olympics. :(

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It was tough hearing about the injuries and otherwise for BOTH of the Hamm brothers this year, and their inabilities to compete in their final olympics. :(

I'm just hoping this doesn't hamper their Ninja Warrior abilities.

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Ceremonies were incredible. $300 million was put into the production of it alone....and it showed.

300 mil is not justified for an opening ceremony.

The olympics is a sports event, not a fireworks competiton.

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I'm confused now.. What we see on T.V actually happened hours ago?

So, if you plan on watching on TV in the eveneing...stay away from the Radio (Sports Talk specifically)...or you're gonna find out results.

I think CBC has more live coverage than the US Networks...

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Ceremonies were incredible. $300 million was put into the production of it alone....and it showed.

We'll make it up for them in two weeks Stimulate that economy, y'all.

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