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P90X fitness system

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You need about 6-8' square to do the Plyo DVD. It's a real challenge.

would you recommend it? I wouldnt mind doing only that.

Do you have to build up to it in order to work out on it? say in the next phrase is when you start doing the plyo ?

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The whole program will probably kick your ass if you haven't been working out steadily up to starting on it.

If you haven't been working out , or are not in decent shape as it is, plyo will probably destroy you.

But I wouldn't just do the plyo DVD, unless you have another routine and you're just supplementing it.

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would you recommend it? I wouldnt mind doing only that.

Do you have to build up to it in order to work out on it? say in the next phrase is when you start doing the plyo ?

Yes, just like ALL plyometrics. It's been discussed ad nauseum here.

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In terms of losing weight, that's 99% diet. I'd recommend the basics in terms of weight lifting to keep muscle mass. It's very difficult to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time...and if you can, you do it very slowly with a diet and workout routine dialed in.

No it isn't and losing weight is more than just 99% diet. Losing weight is the function of a change in lifestyle, with a proper diet as a major factor. Gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time isn't very difficult but it does take work, work and difficult are not equivalent.

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Well, I would say for the majority of people, it is difficult to gain muscle mass and lose fat at the same time, simply because it's difficult to gain muscle mass when you're in a caloric deficit. Generally that's why you have cutting and bulking cycles.

Impossible, no, but I wouldn't say it's exactly easy for people who don't know what they're doing accomplish dual goals like that.

And maybe I was exaggerating with the 99% figure, which should have been obvious, but yes, losing fat is highly dependant on diet, moreso than what you do in the weight room (although I don't deny that you definitely need to hit the weights).

Maybe you thought I was talking about "going on a diet," which is not what I meant.

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A good workout involves more than just the weight room. And adding muscle while burning more calories than taking in isn't that hard so long as you're taking in the right foods.

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A good workout involves more than just the weight room. And adding muscle while burning more calories than taking in isn't that hard so long as you're taking in the right foods.

Hence why I said diet is paramount.

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Diet is important but your whole lifestyle is important, from eating at the right times to getting the proper amount of good sleep.

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I'm really not sure what point you're trying to prove. Of course the lifestyle is important, but I'm not arguing that. I'm saying that without a proper diet, everything else will suffer. Once you fuel your body properly, the rest becomes much, much easier.

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The system really is a kick in the ass. I couldn't hack it because 90 minutes a day + summer league + a new baby + a full time job was just way too much for me.

I actually just started the original Power 90 in hopes I can improve my cardio and conditioning and burn some fat. Six days a week for 30-40 minutes is a lot easier to manage, and I'm not playing summer league this year.

Most of the before and after photos I've seen from P90X are way more dramatic than the Power 90, but that's because you're working out twice as long and doing more strength training. But most everyone I've seen that has done several rounds doesn't plateau and keeps getting more and more lean and muscular.

Again from what I've seen of the before and after photos, it's entirely possible to cut fat and build muscle because a lot of the guys who do this program lose the belly and add size to the arms/shoulders/back. Head over the Beachbody.com message boards and there's thousands of threads with photos.

Personally, I've only ever done one or the other, because I've got a body that hordes fat like crazy. Usually I either gain or lose both at the same time.

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So i just bought the P90x from ebay today. So ill report back in 90days from the day of first workout lol!

BTW when it come to equipment, I have dumbells, push up stands. Still need to get a yoga mat. Do you think I should get resistance bands, or a pull-up bar? Any particular brands or models I should look into that wont break the bank?

and here's a link to wikipedia of an example of equipment the P90X uses http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:P90xgym.jpg

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I have the Iron Gym pullup bar you put in your doorway. It worked really, really well. The first one I bought was broken for some reason, but swapped it and no problems at all. Uses body weight and leverage so no installation and it won't fall off the doorway. Got mine for $30 at Target.

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Anybody know of a GOOD yoga mat? the ones i mostly see are the Nike ones, but read mixed reviews. I def. want something that is GREAT but at a good price point.

And what brand/model of gloves should i look into? my ones ive been using for the past couple years are dead. then again they were cheaper ones.

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i know people who have done p90x its a great work out...but ive been doin insanity by beach body and im on my third week and i gotta say its an unreal work out. more sports orientated alot of squat jumps verticle jumps. its 6 days a week for 30-40 mins a day. its all about max interval training. i really like it but you sweat your balls off during it.

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Anybody know the difference between the P90X black packaging and the P90X white packaging?

I want to know if both box sets are authentic, and if not, which is the knock-off?

EDIT: Or does one package include additional material? If so, what?

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So i just bought the P90x from ebay today. So ill report back in 90days from the day of first workout lol!

I'm starting my 90 day cycle on Monday. I destroyed my right wrist/hand about 2 months ago, and have been out of physical activity for 5 weeks. I'm pumped to start it. I'm managing my college's fitness center this summer so I get a 2.5 hour break from 9am-11:30am where I'm free to use the entire facility with no one else around. I'm going to take full advantage and hopefully see what really dedicating myself to the program this summer does for me.

Let me know how things are going, it'll be nice to have someone taking the plunge with me.

Anybody know of a GOOD yoga mat? the ones i mostly see are the Nike ones, but read mixed reviews. I def. want something that is GREAT but at a good price point.

In my personal experience a yoga mat is a yoga mat. I just picked up a new one from Marshal's for $8. As long as it has a nice rubbery/grip feeling and offers some padding for your hands/knees/feet it will do the trick in Yoga-X.

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I also just ordered the system since I'm on summer break and will have the free time. I'll also report back.

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I'm starting my 90 day cycle on Monday. I destroyed my right wrist/hand about 2 months ago, and have been out of physical activity for 5 weeks. I'm pumped to start it. I'm managing my college's fitness center this summer so I get a 2.5 hour break from 9am-11:30am where I'm free to use the entire facility with no one else around. I'm going to take full advantage and hopefully see what really dedicating myself to the program this summer does for me.

Let me know how things are going, it'll be nice to have someone taking the plunge with me.

In my personal experience a yoga mat is a yoga mat. I just picked up a new one from Marshal's for $8. As long as it has a nice rubbery/grip feeling and offers some padding for your hands/knees/feet it will do the trick in Yoga-X.

I'm re-starting P-90X on Monday also, with a few modifications. I'm dropping Kenpo and Yoga, and adding cardio and more Plyo.

I made it through 7 weeks the last time I did it, before I got side-tracked and stopped doing it. It's definitely a good program.

Good luck with it.

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I'll be starting up P90X on Monday of next week, hopefully. Depends on when it ships. Most likely won't be until middle of next week.

I'll report back with my progress and whatnot. I'm both excited and a little terrified. I haven't committed myself to a program in a long time, but I know I have to if I'm going to make the team I want to play for this fall.

So here goes nothing.

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In my personal experience a yoga mat is a yoga mat. I just picked up a new one from Marshal's for $8. As long as it has a nice rubbery/grip feeling and offers some padding for your hands/knees/feet it will do the trick in Yoga-X.

For the most part your right but there are different thicknesses. I think it matters what surface your doing it on to determine what thickness to get. I have one from Lulu Lemon that my lady picked up for me and I love it. It was a lot more expensive then the one I had before from Target but it is longer, seems to be holding up better and the grip is better.

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I started p90x on Monday 5/10.

Im 6'0" and 252lbs.

The first workout - Core - on the "Lean" schedule was very difficult...couldnt finish.

The second, Cardio, I was able to finish.

It is a difficult program.....will it work? Logic and common sense dictates that if you stick to the diet, and workout consistently, it will. The level of dedication and how strict you are in following the program will likely dictate results.

I would post pictures, but I dont think anyone deserves to be exposed to my "before" picture. That and an overexcited marine biologist might try and rescue me :(

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I started P90X last summer but got de-railed when I went on vacation. I'm going to start again tomorrow. For people that do it, do you continue the schedule on days you have games? It's been a long time since I've exercised so not sure if I'll tire myself out for the game by doing a full workout.

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I spoke with a p90x trainer about the same thing. He said that if you can schedule your p90x workouts to fit, just substitute the cardio day with hockey. If you play on differing days of the week, like I do, he suggested not doing the p90x workout on hockey days, and just picking it back up the next day. He said to do the program in its entirety, in the correct order....it will just take more than 90 days this way.

He thinks it is great to break it up with strenuous sports that you enjoy. It takes longer, but you will have less of a chance of burning out.

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